191 The 48 Laws of Power Quotes on enemies list in order summary with examples

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Today 48 Laws of Power Quotes ideas

“When you show yourself to the world and display your talents, you naturally stir all kinds of resentment, envy, and other manifestations of insecurity… you cannot spend your life worrying about the petty feelings of others”

@Robert Greene

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“If you cannot help being charming and superior, you must learn to avoid such monsters of vanity. Either that, or find a way to mute your good qualities when in the company of a Cesare Borgia.”

@Robert Greene

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“His moves intrigued her, each of them keeping her waiting for the next one—she even enjoyed her jealousy and confusion, for sometimes any emotion is better than the boredom of security.”

@Robert Greene

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“Keep your friends for friendship, but work with the skilled and competent”

@Robert Greene

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“Emotions cloud reason, and if you cannot see the situation clearly, you cannot prepare for and respond to it with any degree of control. Anger”

@Robert Greene

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“Do not leave your reputation to chance or gossip; it is your life’s artwork, and you must craft it, hone it, and display it with the care of an artist.”

@Robert Greene

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“But improvisation will only bring you as far as the next crisis, and is never a substitute for thinking several steps ahead and planning to the end.”

@Robert Greene

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“Many a serious thinker has been produced in prisons, where we have nothing to do but think.”

@Robert Greene

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“Renaissance diplomat and courtier Niccolò Machiavelli wrote, “Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good.”

@Robert Greene

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“…But the human tongue is a beast that few can master. It strains constantly to break out of its cage, and if it is not tamed, it will tun wild and cause you grief.”

@Robert Greene

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“Power depends on appearing larger than other people,”

@Robert Greene

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“Never waste valuable time, or mental peace of mind, on the affairs of others—that is too high a price to pay.”

@Robert Greene

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“Power goes to those who end the revolution. Not the one who starts it.”

@Robert Greene

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“Lord, protect me from my friends; I can take care of my enemies.”

@Robert Greene

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“If you are not in danger,” says Sun-tzu, “do not fight.”

@Robert Greene

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“There is nothing more intoxicating than victory, and nothing more dangerous.”

@Robert Greene

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“Instead of spending your time dreaming of your plan’s happy ending, you must work on calculating every possible permutation and pitfall that might emerge in it.”

@Robert Greene

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“Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter”

@Robert Greene

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“Excuses satisfy no one and apologies make everyone uncomfortable”

@Robert Greene

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“person who cannot control his words shows that he cannot control himself, and is unworthy of respect.”

@Robert Greene

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Short The 48 Laws of Power Summary Best Quotes

“Inter action with boldness”

@Robert Greene

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“For the future, the motto is, “No days unalert.”

@Robert Greene

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“Love never dies of starvation,” she wrote, “but often of indigestion.”

@Robert Greene

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“Despise The Free Lunch”

@Robert Greene

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“Spectacle and entertainment, clearly, are excellent devices to conceal your intentions, but they cannot be used indefinitely. The public grows tired and suspicious, and eventually catches on to the trick.”

@Robert Greene

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“Be Royal in your Own Fashion: Act like a King to be treated”

@Robert Greene

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“Anger is the most destructive of emotional responses, for it clouds your vision the most. It”

@Robert Greene

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“To succeed in the game of power, you have to master your emotions. But even if you succeed in gaining such self-control, you can never control the temperamental dispositions of those around you. And this presents a great danger.”

@Robert Greene

“You cannot spend your life worrying about the petty feelings of others.”

@Robert Greene

“Remember: The best deceivers do everything they can to cloak their roguish qualities. They cultivate an air of honesty in one area to disguise their dishonesty in others. Honesty is merely another decoy in their arsenal of weapons.”

@Robert Greene

“never spend so much time on your studies that you neglect your social skills.”

@Robert Greene

“When you meet a swordsman, draw your sword: Do not recite poetry to one who is not a poet.”

@Robert Greene

“Human tongue is a beast that few can master”

@Robert Greene

“A Prince asked the dying spanish statesman, “Does your Excellency forgive all your enemies?” “I do not have to forgive all my enemies,” answered the stateman, “I have had them all shot.”

@Robert Greene

“The great questions of the time will be decided, not by speeches and resolutions of majorities, but by iron and blood.”

@Robert Greene

“An emotional response to a situation is the single greatest barrier to power, a mistake that will cost you a lot more than any temporary satisfaction you might gain by expressing your feelings.”

@Robert Greene

“To be emperor of China was to be alone, surrounded by a pack of enemies—it was the least powerful, least secure position in the realm.”

@Robert Greene

“do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?”

@Robert Greene

“Concentrate on a single goal, a single task, and beat it into submission.”

@Robert Greene

“Never be distracted by people’s glamorous portraits of themselves and their lives; search and dig for what really imprisons them.”

@Robert Greene

New 48 Laws Power Robert Greene

“So much of power is not what you do but what you do not do—the rash and foolish actions that you refrain from before they get you into trouble. Plan in detail before you act—do not let vague plans lead you into trouble.”

@Robert Greene

“friendship and love blind every man to their interests.”

@Robert Greene

“Remember the following: Never take your position for granted and never let any favors you receive go to your head. Knowing”

@Robert Greene

“He who poses as a fool is not a fool.”

@Robert Greene

“Power is essentially amoral and one of the most important skills to acquire is the ability to see circumstances rather than good or evil.”

@Robert Greene

“The key to power, then, is the ability to judge who is best able to further your interests in all situations. Keep friends for friendship, but work with the skilled and competent.”

@Robert Greene

“the next time someone pushes you and you find yourself starting to react, try this: Do not resist or fight back, but yield,”

@Robert Greene

“The human tongue is a beast that few can master.”

@Robert Greene

“The world wants to assign you a role in life and once you except that role you are doomed.”

@Robert Greene

“Fools say that they learn by experience. I prefer to profit by others’ experience.”

@Robert Greene

“Whenever you can, bury the hatchet with an enemy, and make a point of putting him in your service.”

@Robert Greene

“Hide your intentions not by closing up (with the risk of appearing secretive, and making people suspicious) but by talking endlessly about your desires and goals-just not the real ones.”

@Robert Greene

“When people choose between talk about the past and talk about the future, a pragmatic person will always opt for the future and forget the past.”

@Robert Greene

“Power is a game, and in games you do not judge your opponents by their intentions but by the effects of their actions.”

@Robert Greene

“Make your masters appear more brilliant than they are and you will attain the heights of power.”

@Robert Greene

“If, for example, you are miserly by nature, you will never go beyond a certain limit; only generous souls attain greatness.”

@Robert Greene

“It is occasionally used to imitate the court jester, who plays the fool but knows he is smarter than the king. He talks and talks and entertains, and no one suspects that he is more than just a fool.”

@Robert Greene

“Do not wait for a coronation; the greatest emperors crown themselves.”

@Robert Greene

“You cannot hit two targets with one arrow. If your thoughts stray, you miss your enemies’ heart. Mind and arrow must become one.”

@Robert Greene

“Without enemies around us, we grow lazy. An enemy at our heels sharpens our wits, keeping us focused and alert. It is sometimes better, then, to use enemies as enemies rather than transforming them into friends or allies.”

@Robert Greene

Just The 48 Laws of Power Quotes

“You destroy an enemy when you make a friend of him.”

@Robert Greene

“A man said to a Dervish: “Why do I not see you more often?” The Dervish replied, “Because the words ‘Why have you not been to see me?’ are sweeter to my ear than the words ‘Why have you come again?”

@Robert Greene

“Once it is solid, do not let yourself get angry or defensive at the slanderous comments of your enemies—that reveals insecurity, not confidence in your reputation.”

@Robert Greene

“All masters want to appear more brilliant than other people.”

@Robert Greene

“The gods of power frown on the frivolous; they give ultimate satisfaction only to those who study and reflect, and punish those who skim the surfaces looking for a good time.”

@Robert Greene

“Never take your position for granted and never let any favors you receive go to your head.”

@Robert Greene

“What money should buy is not lifeless objects but power over people.”

@Robert Greene

“Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good.”

@Robert Greene

“That is the power of formlessness — it gives the aggressor nothing to react against, nothing to hit.”

@Robert Greene

“It is not much good being wise among fools and sane among lunatics.”

@Robert Greene

“Always make those above you feel comfortably superior.”

@Robert Greene

“You cannot repress anger or love, or avoid feeling them, and you should not try.”

@Robert Greene

“If you are already established in a group, temporary withdrawal from it will make you more talked about, even more admired. You must learn when to leave. Create value through scarcity.”

@Robert Greene

“Sometimes any emotion is better than the boredom of security.”

@Robert Greene

“Never neglect the way you arrange things visually. Factors like color, for example, have enormous symbolic resonance.”

@Robert Greene

“Everyone admires the bold; no one honors the timid.”

@Robert Greene

“Making a show of one’s weakness is actually a very effective strategy, subtle and deceptive, in the game of power.”

@Robert Greene

“As Gracián said, “The truth is generally seen, rarely heard.”

@Robert Greene

“Remember: Stirrers thrive by hiding in the group, disguising their actions among the reactions of others. Render their actions visible and they lose their power to upset.”

@Robert Greene

“There is a popular saying in Japan that goes “Tada yori takai mono wa nai,” meaning: “Nothing is more costly than something given free of charge.” THE UNSPOKEN WAY, MICHIHIRO MATSUMOTO, 1988”

@Robert Greene

Medium 48 Laws of Power Quote

“Once envy eats away at someone, everything you do only makes it grow, and day by day it festers inside him. Eventually he will attack.”

@Robert Greene

“those who make a show or display of innocence are the least innocent of all.”

@Robert Greene

“Preserve the unspoken option of being able to leave at any moment and reclaim your freedom if the side you are allied with starts to collapse.”

@Robert Greene

“Learn to destroy your enemies by opening holes in their own reputations. Then stand aside and let public opinion hang them.”

@Robert Greene

“In the realm of power, you must ask yourself, what is the point of chasing here and there, trying to solve problems and defeat my enemies, if I never feel in control?”

@Robert Greene

“Too much respect for other people’s wisdom will make you depreciate your own.”

@Robert Greene

“Power cannot accrue to those who squander their treasure of words.”

@Robert Greene

“The mighty lion toys with the mouse that crosses his path—any other reaction would mar his fearsome reputation.”

@Robert Greene

“Power is a game. This cannot be repeated too often!”

@Robert Greene

“You must be the mirror, training your mind to try to see yourself as others see you.”

@Robert Greene

“If deception is the most potent weapon in your arsenal, then patience in all things is your crucial shield.”

@Robert Greene

“Learn to use the knowledge of the past and you will look like a genius, even when you are really just a clever borrower.”

@Robert Greene

“Never discriminate as to whom you study and whom you trust. Never trust anyone completely and study everyone, including friends and loved ones.”

@Robert Greene

“person who cannot control his words shows that he cannot control himself,”

@Robert Greene

“Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit, because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”

@Robert Greene

“If you lead the sucker down a familiar path, he won’t catch on when you lead him into a trap.”

@Robert Greene

“The infecting-character type is not restricted to women; it has nothing to do with gender.”

@Robert Greene

“Be a flame of positive emotions and you will never be without a friend.”

@Robert Greene

“Money must circulate to bring power.”

@Robert Greene

“Learn to move fast and adapt or you will be eaten. The best way to avoid this fate is to assume formlessness. No predator alive can attack what it cannot see. OBSERVANCE”

@Robert Greene

“Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity,”

@Robert Greene

“Sometimes, however, it is better to take risks and play the most capricious, unpredictable move.”

@Robert Greene

“as Machiavelli said, it is better to be feared than loved. Fear you can control; love, never.”

@Robert Greene

“Never waste valuable time or mental peace of mind on the affairs of others – that is too high a price to pay.”

@Robert Greene

“Even while you know you are practicing a kind of deception on yourself, act like a king. You are likely to be treated as one.”

@Robert Greene

“Hesitation creates gaps. Boldness obliterates them.”

@Robert Greene

“Nothing in the realm of power is set in stone. Overt deceptiveness will sometimes cover your tracks, even making you admired for the honesty of your dishonesty.”

@Robert Greene

“Understand this: The world wants to assign you a role in life. And once you accept that role you are doomed. Your”

@Robert Greene

“A person who has something to prove will move mountains for you.”

@Robert Greene

“So much of power is not what you do but what you do not do—the rash and foolish actions that you refrain from before they get you into trouble.”

@Robert Greene

“The more you say, the more likely you are to say something foolish.”

@Robert Greene

“Such is the fate, in some form or other, of all those who unbalance the master’s sense of self, poke holes in his vanity, or make him doubt his pre-eminence.”

@Robert Greene

“Commit harmless mistakes that will not hurt you in the long run but will give you the chance to ask for his help. Masters adore such requests.”

@Robert Greene

“Anger is the most destructive of emotional responses, for it clouds your vision the most.”

@Robert Greene

“intended to convince people of one’s noble, good-hearted, selfless character. It is a form of persuasion, even a subtle form of coercion.”

@Robert Greene

“What draws attention draws power”

@Robert Greene

“The mind must not wander from goal to goal, or be distracted by success from its sense of purpose and proportion. What is concentrated, coherent, and connected to its past has power.”

@Robert Greene

“When the snipe and the mussel struggle, the fisherman gets the benefit. Ancient Chinese saying”

@Robert Greene

“Place your iron hand inside a velvet glove.”

@Robert Greene

“Never pick a fight with someone you’re not sure you can defeat.”

@Robert Greene

“patience is a skill—it does not come naturally.”

@Robert Greene

“skill and competence are far more important than friendly feelings.”

@Robert Greene

“The worst fate in the world for a man who yearns fame, glory, and, of course, power is to be ignored.”

@Robert Greene

“little about your work, tease and titillate with alluring, even contradictory comments, then stand back and let others try to make sense of it all.”

@Robert Greene

“Make your masters appear more brilliant than they are”

@Robert Greene

“Intellect is a magnitude of intensity, not a magnitude of extensity.”

@Robert Greene

“never inadvertently draw attention to the bothersome insect that will go away or die on its own.”

@Robert Greene

“The mind must not wander from goal to goal, or be distracted by success from its sense of purpose and proportion.”

@Robert Greene

“he will replace you with someone less intelligent, less attractive, less threatening,”

@Robert Greene

“Impatience, on the other hand, only makes you look weak. It is a principal impediment to power. Power”

@Robert Greene

“As Winston Churchill said, “Truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.”

@Robert Greene

“In fact, the better you are at dealing with power, the better friend, lover, husband, wife, and person you become.”

@Robert Greene

“Without a worthy opponent a man or group cannot grow stronger.”

@Robert Greene

“what people cannot control, you can control for them.”

@Robert Greene

“The more Coriolanus said, the less powerful he appeared—a person who cannot control his words shows that he cannot control himself, and is unworthy of respect.”

@Robert Greene

“No one can argue with demonstrated proof. As Baltasar Gracián remarks, “The truth is generally seen, rarely heard.”

@Robert Greene

“Acted like a king to be treated like one.”

@Robert Greene

“the problem about working with friends is that it confuses the boundaries and distances that working requires.”

@Robert Greene

“Power rarely ends up in the hands of those who start a revolution, or even of those who further it; power sticks to those who bring it to a conclusion.”

@Robert Greene

“Napoleon advised: Place your iron hand inside a velvet glove.”

@Robert Greene

“A reasonable man in love may act like a madman, but he should not and cannot act like an idiot.”

@Robert Greene

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