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Today Song of Achilles Quotes ideas
“I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.”

“Exile might satisfy the anger of the living but it did nothing to appease the dead.”
@Madeline Miller

“You are a better man than I.”
@Madeline Miller

“I’m sorry,” I said again. I had nothing better to say. He did not love her; he never would.”
@Madeline Miller

“And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone.”
@Madeline Miller

“Let him.” He kneels, smooths back the hair on my forehead. I am wrapped in blankets, to muffle the smell.”
@Madeline Miller

“I would know him in death and at the end of the world.”
@Madline Miller

“In the darkness, two shadows, reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet, and light spills in a flood like a hundred golden urns pouring out of the sun.”
@Madeline Miller

“If every soldier killed only those who’d personally offended him Peleides, we’d have no wars at all.”
@Madeline Miller

“He is half of my soul, as the poets say.”
@Madeline Miller

“No one would remember his glory, or his honesty, or his beauty; all his gold would be turned to ashes and ruin.”
@Madeline Miller

“When he died, all things soft and beautiful and bright would be buried with him.”
@Madeline Miller

“This was the cruelty of adults. Do you understand?”
@Madeline Miller

“I am made of memories.”
@Madeline Miller

“He smiled at me, and I saw the lines where other smiles had been.”
@Madeline Miller

“We were like gods at the dawning of the world, & our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but the other.”
@Madeline Miller

“Exile might satisfy the anger of the living, but it did not appease the dead.”
@Madeline Miller

“He smiled, and his face was like the sun.”
@Madeline Miller

“My fears forgotten in the golden harbour of his arms.”
@Madeline Miller

“There are no bargains between lion and men. I will kill you and eat you raw.”
@Madeline Miller

Short The Song of Achilles Quotes
“The poets were always correct,” I say softly. ”You are half my soul.”
@Madeline Miller

“He is a weapon, a killer. Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.”
@Madeline Miller

“I clap my hands over my ears. The voices of the dead were said to have the power to make the living mad. I must not hear him speak.”
@Madeline Miller

“Name one hero who was happy.”
@Madeline Miller

“Achilles makes a sound like choking. “There are no bargains between lions and men. I will kill you and eat you raw.”
@Madeline Miller

“We reached for each other, and I thought of how many nights I had lain awake loving him in silence.”
@Madeline Miller

“It was easy, in those moments, to forget that the war had not yet really begun.”
@Madeline Miller

“Chiron had said once that nations were the most foolish of mortal inventions. “No man is worth more than another, wherever he is from.”
@Madeline Miller

“As for the goddess’ answer. I did not care. I would have no need of her. I did not plan to live after he was gone”
@Madeline Miller

“I will never leave him. It will be this, always, for as long as he will let me.”
@Madeline Miller

“If you have to go, you know I will go with you.” We slept.”
@Madeline Miller

“I feel like I could eat the world raw.”
@Madeline Miller

“Patroclus. I have given enough to them. I will not give them this.”
@Madeline Miller

“Achilles’ eyes lift. They are bloodshot and dead. “I wish he had let you all die.”
@Madeline Miller

“There was a vividness to him, even at rest, that made death and spirits seem foolish.”
@Madeline Miller

“There is no law that gods must be fair, Achilles,” Chiron said. “And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone. Do you think?”
@Madeline Miller

“The yearning for him is like hunger, hollowing me.”
@Madeline Miller

“Bring him back to me,’ he told them.”
@Madeline Miller

“and where there was greed there was hope.”
@Madeline Miller

“We are all there, goddess and mortal and the boy who was both.”
@Madeline Miller

New Song of Achilles Quote
“We cannot say who will survive the holocaust of memory. Who knows?”
@Madeline Miller

“There was more to say, but for once we did not say it. There would be other times for speaking, tonight and tomorrow and all the days after that. He let go of my hand.”
@Madeline Miller

“This, and this and this. We were like gods at the dawning of the world, and our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but each other.”
@Madeline Miller

“When I am dead, I charge you to mingle our ashes and bury us together.”
@Madeline Miller

“The never ending ache of love and sorrow”
@Madeline Miller

“Patroclus, he says, Patroclus. Patroclus. Over and over until it is sound only.”
@Madeline Miller

“I did not hear them. His presence was like a stone in my shoe, impossible to ignore.”
@Madeline Miller

“It is right to seek peace for the dead. You and I both know there is no peace for those who live after.”
@Madeline Miller

“I have no need to forgive you. You cannot offend me.”
@Madeline Miller

“You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.”
@Madeline Miller

“He doesn’t know how to be angry with me, either. We are like damp wood that won’t light.”
@Madeline Miller
“Bury us, and mark our names above. Let us be free.”
@Madeline Miller
“But I would have the memory be worthy of the man.”
@Madeline Miller
“Go,” She says. “He waits for you.”
@Madeline Miller
“In our stories these divinities had to work by wheedling and flattery, by favors won from stronger gods. They could not do much themselves. Except live, forever.”
@Madeline Miller
“Achilles weeps. He cradles me, and will not eat, nor speak a word other than my name.”
@Madeline Miller
“Tears came, and fell. Above us, the constellations spun, and the moon paced her weary course.”
@Madeline Miller
“I would know him in death, at the end of the world.”
@Madeline Miller
“When he died, all things swift and beautiful and bright would be buried with him.”
@Madeline Miller
“It was almost like fear, in the way it filled me, rising in my chest. It was almost like tears, in how swiftly it came. But it was neither of those, buoyant where they were heavy, bright were they dull.”
@Madeline Miller
Just Quotes from Song of Achilles
“She thought that she had power to drive a wedge between us, but she had nothing.”
@Madeline Miller
“This is what Achilles will feel like when he is old. And then I remembered: he will never be old.”
@Madeline Miller
“We were silent a moment. ‘So, which of the suitors would you have picked?’ I shoved him, and he laughed”
@Madeline Miller
“Achilles’ eyes were bright in the firelight, his face drawn sharply by the flickering shadows. I would know it in dark or disguise, I told myself. I would know it even in madness.”
@Madeline Miller
“The beginning of hope. We have given each other wounds, but they are not mortal.”
@Madeline Miller
“What is admired in one generation is abhorred in another. We cannot say who will survive the holocaust of memory… We are men only, a brief flare of the torch.”
@Madeline Miller
“A marriage for love, rare as cedars from the East.”
@Madeline Miller
“The sorrow was so large it threatened to tear through my skin. When he died, all things swift and beautiful and bright would be buried with him.”
@Madeline Miller
“They gave her to a mortal, trying to shackle the child’s power. Dilute him with humanity, diminish him.”
@Madeline Miller
“He looked different in sleep, beautiful but cold as moonlight. I found myself wishing he would wake so that I might watch the life return.”
@Madeline Miller
“I would wake, choking on my horror, and stare at the darkness until dawn.”
@Madeline Miller
“He is more worth to you, perhaps. But the stranger is someone else’s friend and brother. So which life is more important?”
@Madeline Miller
“Everyone knew how they dripped with perfume, were corrupt from soft living.”
@Madeline Miller
“Those seconds, half seconds, that the line of our gaze connected, were the only moment in my day that I felt anything at all.”
@Madeline Miller
“He was like a flame himself. He glittered, drew eyes. There was a glamour to him, even on waking, with his hair tousled and his face still muddled with sleep.”
@Madeline Miller
“I lay back and tried not to think of the minutes passing. Just yesterday we had a wealth of them. Now each was a drop of heartsblood lost.”
@Madeline Miller
“His presence was like a stone in my shoe, impossible to ignore.”
@Madeline Miller
“I shift, an infinitesimal movement, towards him. It is like the leap from a waterfall. I do not know, until then, what I am going to do.”
@Madeline Miller
“I haunt their dreams. Do not leave, I beg them. Not until you have given me peace. But if anyone hears, they do not answer.”
@Madeline Miller
“A surety rose in me, lodged in my throat. I will never leave him. It will be this, always, for as long as he will let me.”
@Madeline Miller
Medium Quotes from The Song of Achilles
“It was easy to see how such lovely things might become songs.”
@Madeline Miller
“I think: this is what I will miss. I think: I will kill myself rather than miss it. I think: how long do we have?”
@Madeline Miller
“I would know it in dark or disguise, I told myself. I would know it even in madness”
@Madeline Miller
“As if he heard me, he smiled, and his face was like the sun.”
@Madeline Miller
“He was spring. golden and bright. Envious Death would drink his blood, and grow young again.”
@Madeline Miller
“There is no honour in betraying your friends.”
@Madeline Miller
“The voices of the dead were said to have the power to make the living mad.”
@Madeline Miller
“Perhaps he simply assumed: a bitterness of habit, of boy after boy trained for music and medicine, and unleashed for murder.”
@Madeline Miller
“I would know him in death and in the end of the world.”
@Madeline Miller
“. . .nothing could eclipse the stain of his dirty, mortal mediocrity.”
@Madeline Miller
“There are too many of them,” he said. “It’s simpler if they just remember me.”
@Madeline Miller
“They leaned towards him, like flowers to the sun, drinking in his luster. It was as Odysseus had said: he had light enough to make heroes of them all.”
@Madeline Miller
“She wears a cape, and it is this that undoes her—that allows her to be pulled, limbs light and poised as a cat, from her horse.”
@Madeline Miller
“The sound was pure and sweet as water, bright as lemons.”
@Madeline Miller
“I will tell them nothing.” The answer came with no hesitation, clear and crisp. “It is not for them to say what I will do.”
@Madeline Miller
“He did not fear ridicule, he had never known it.”
@Madeline Miller
“I thought this is what Achilles will feel like when he is old. And then I remembered: he will never be old”
@Madeline Miller
“I know, now, how I would answer Chiron. I would say: there is no answer. Whichever you choose, you are wrong.”
@Madeline Miller
“I am made of memories”
@Madeline Miller
“We cannot say who will survive the holocaust of memory.”
@Madeline Miller
“I kneel before him, his leg in my hands. “Eurypylus,” I say. “Can you speak?” “Fucking Paris,” he says.”
@Madeline Miller
“I did not plan to live after he was gone.”
@Madeline Miller
“But fame is a strange thing. Some men gain glory after they die, while others fade. What is admired in one generation is abhorred in another.”
@Madeline Miller
“There was nothing clever to say, so I said something foolish.”
@Madeline Miller
“It seemed absurd even to think of it, foolish and improbable as a dream is by dinner.”
@Madeline Miller
“And perhaps you should get some new stories, so I don’t fucking kill myself of boredom.”
@Madeline Miller
“When at last they pulled off the veil, they say my mother smiled. That is how they knew she was quite stupid. Brides did not smile.”
@Madeline Miller
“and when he moved it was like watching oil spread across a lake, smooth and fluid, almost vicious”
@Madeline Miller
“There is no one like you” I said, at last. He regarded me a moment, in silence. “So?”
@Madeline Miller
“Divine blood flows differently in each god-born child.”
@Madeline Miller
“You do not command me. The silence went on and on, painful and breathless, like a singer overreaching to finish a phrase. Then,”
@Madeline Miller
“Our men liked conquest; they did not trust a man who was conquered himself.”
@Madeline Miller
“I thought of how many nights I had lain awake in this room, loving him in silence”
@Madeline Miller
“I have given enough to them. I will not give them this.”
@Madeline Miller
“Men’s faces are heavy with anger, but there are no more fights—it is too hot. They lie in the dark and hate each other.”
@Madeline Miller
“There was nothing in the world I wanted more than to know what he had not said.”
@Madeline Miller
“Will I feel his ashes as they fall against mine?”
@Madeline Miller
“He is a mortal,” she says. “And mortals die.” “I am a mortal!” he screams. “What good is godhead, if it cannot do this? What good are you?”
@Madeline Miller
“It was such a boyish response. And so human. Parents, everywhere.”
@Madeline Miller
“Who was he if not destined for fame?”
@Madeline Miller
“I had been dreaming myself a fish, silvered by sun as it leapt from the sea. The waves dissolved, became amphorae and grain sacks again.”
@Madeline Miller
“Name one hero who was happy. You can’t.”
@Madeline Miller
“But in truth, it had been less a presence than an absence, a laying aside of dread:”
@Madeline Miller
“Patroclus,’ he said. He was always better with words than I.”
@Madeline Miller
“Patroclus. I have given enough to them. I will not give them this.” After that, there was nothing more to say.”
@Madeline Miller
“What has Hector ever done to me?”
@Madeline Miller
“Our goddess of the moon is gifted with magic, with power over the dead. She could banish the dreams, if she wished. She did not.”
@Madeleine Miller
“Do you think Aristos Achaion fights in hopeless wars?”
@Madeline Miller
“That is my mother’s lyre,’ I almost said. The words were in my mouth, and behind them others crowded close. ‘That is my lyre.”
@Madeline Miller
“We were like gods at the dawning of the world, and our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but the other.”
@Madeline Miller
“Whichever you choose, you are wrong.”
@Madeline Miller
“Wealth and reputation were the things our people had always killed for.”
@Madeline Miller
“When he smiled, the skin at the corners of his eyes crinkled like a leaf held to flame.”
@Madeline Miller
“For who can be ashamed to lose to such beauty?”
@Madeline Miller
“If you have to go, you know I will go with you.”
@Madeline Miller
“We reached for each other and I thought of how many nights I had lain awake in this room loving him in silence.”
@Madeline Miller
“I knew how pleasure looked on him.”
@Madeline Miller
“But is it not a sort of genius to cut always to the heart?”
@Madeline Miller
“I wanted to wake him and see those eyes open. A thousand times I had seen it, but I never tired of it.”
@Madeline Miller
“The word I use is hubris. Our word for arrogance that scrapes the stars, for violence and towering rage as ugly as the gods.”
@Madeline Miller
“My chest trilled with something I could not quite name. Escape, and danger, and hope all at once.”
@Madeline Miller
“Do not let what you gained this day be so easily lost.”
@Madeline Miller
“Above us, the constellations spun, and the moon paved her weary course.”
@Madeline Miller
“Maybe her gods are kinder than ours, and she will find rest”
@Madeline Miller
“Our dead came for their vengeance regardless of witnesses”
@Madeline Miller
“The never-ending ache of love and sorrow.”
@Madeline Miller
“There is only her small hand on my stomach, and the softness of her cheek as I stroke it. It is strange how well she fits there.”
@Madeline Miller
“Even here, behind the darkness of my eyelids, I cannot name the thing I hope for.”
@Madeline Miller
“She’ll hate me now,” I said. “She already hates you,” he answered, with a flash of smile.”
@Madeline Miller
“Indeed, he seemed utterly unaware of his effect on the boys around him.”
@Madeline Miller
“Some people might have mistaken this for simplicity. But is it not a sort of genius to cut always to the heart?”
@Madeline Miller
“No man is worth more than another, wherever he is from.”
@Madeline Miller
“Name one hero who was happy – You can’t.” “I can’t.” “I know. They never let you become famous and happy – I’ll tell you a secret.” “Tell me.” “I’m going to be the first.”
@Madeline Miller
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