Credit: Unsplash
you should never have to explain why you deserve respect & consideration
Credit: Unsplash
this is the wrong generation for people with good hearts.
Credit: Unsplash
show no effort and i’ll show no interest
Credit: Unsplash
healing. growing. accepting. learning. evolving.
Credit: Unsplash
i’ll never apologize for being me
Credit: Unsplash
respect my time, be honest, and keep your word.
Credit: Unsplash
i’m attracted to mindsets, how you look ain’t enough.
Credit: Unsplash
i no longer have the energy to tell ppl what they did wrong.
Credit: Unsplash
you win or you learn
Credit: Unsplash
i mind my business but i do pay attention.
Credit: Unsplash
sometimes you gotta put everybody on hold & take care of you.
Credit: Unsplash