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The Power of Positive Thinking

Credit: Unsplash

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best thing i ever did was calm down

Credit: Unsplash

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be your authentic self. someone will love that.

Credit: Unsplash

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protect your heart, protect your energy

Credit: Unsplash

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detachment is power. acceptance is power. clarity is power.

Credit: Unsplash

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that hurt changes you fr.

Credit: Unsplash

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those small wins add up. keep going.

Credit: Unsplash

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i’m too understanding for you to lie to me.

Credit: Unsplash

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don’t worry, better is on the way

Credit: Unsplash

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talking it out instead of assuming >

Credit: Unsplash

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leaving your home and getting back safely is such an underrated blessing.

Credit: Unsplash

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so many reasons to feel blessed.

Credit: Unsplash

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Credit: Unsplash

Dear Me, Stay Strong.