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Today Quote Twin Flame ideas
Here are powerful quotes about twin flames, reflecting the deep, spiritual bond they share:
“Fathom my views. The bright, and the blues. Face battles. I win and lose – In My Shoes”

“May you always think of me, and remember me when love is where you want to come home”
@Nicola An

“I couldn’t think of anything except him. I didn’t want to be anyone except his. I didn’t want to do anything except be with him. I looked at other things but I was lost in his thoughts. Nothing except him made me happy anymore. Nothing except him made me sad anymore. I felt only him.”
@Namrata Gupta

“It was electric and we couldn’t deny it anymore, even when our words spoke different the energy we drew from each-other spoke too loud, it was almost impossible to ignore.”
@Nikki Rowe

“It’s you, who I was missing. And, it’s your eyes. Who I hope to be kissing – One Day”
@Farah Ayaad

“Sometimes souls are meant to meet and fleet for they have different contracts to complete.”
@Nikki Rowe

“Soul Mates do not add to karma, but help you wake up to your immortal soul. Twin Flames are only brought together, when their karma has been lifted. Karmic relationships are brought together by karma.”
@Serena Jade

“He wants her to want him with the same intensity. She looks upon him with lusts draw and whispers, “Take me, I am yours.”
@Truth Devour

“I hear, angels sing our song. Leading us where we belong. Our love keeps on growing strong – Soul Bond”
@Farah Ayaad

“He may pretend to be running after wisdom, money, or power, but none of that matters. Whatever he achieves will be incomplete if he fails to find his SoulMate.”
@Paulo Coelho

“We think we meet someone with our eyes But we actually meet them with our soul”
@Mimi Novic

“To be alone was my best interest because needing myself was looking for you”
@Nicola An

“Your magic, had me weak to my knees. You sat my soul at peace. Let’s go back to Chicago, please. Whole us together in one piece – Half Way”
@Farah Ayaad

“He was the safe place I would go when the world became shaky, he would either guide me through the dark or awaken my sense to appreciate my light.”
@Nikki Rowe

“In darkness, love can sleep too deep, but it can never die In light, love can blind its sight, but it can never lie”
@Tavisha Sh

“Love is anything but safe, it’s wild and raw and will rip at your heart strings but once you’ve tasted it for the very first time it becomes like an addiction feeling nostalgia when seperated for another beating heart & before them you question where you called home.”
@Nikki Rowe

“Come adore me. Land before me. Explore me. To the core me”
@Farah Ayaad

“Have you ever looked into someone’s eyes and seen the entire universe smile back at you? That’s LOVE.”
@Shreya Naik

“Your Soul Mates are deeply connected to your Soul, and your Twin Flame. Twin Flames are two sides of the same Soul. But nonetheless all are connected to your Soul Group.”
@Serena Jade

“Some connections are too uncanny to try and simplify. Unfinished business, A soul pull that continues to exist. I try to escape his magic, but he’s my favourite what if.”
@Nikki Rowe

Best Twin Flame Quotes
“Give love a chance. Make magic, and dance. We are romance. At first glance – Take A Stance”
@Farah Ayaad

“The most beautiful place I’ve ever been is in your heart.”
@Jennifer White

“The concept of a Runner and Chaser is Not an indication of a Twin Flame. There is a Runner and Chaser in All relationships. The goal is to become the Secure. This is the Attachment Psychology in all Relationships.”
@Serena Jade

“I see a lot of people complaining about the things they can fix, and a lot of people being accepting of the things they cannot change. Maybe tragedy really is the catastrophic event, for the way people view their lives. I would rather be wise, than nieve.”
@Nikki Rowe

“From, finish to start. With, my whole heart. You, have my art – From Now On”
@Farah Ayaad

“I need you like a blossom needs rain, like the winter ground needs spring-to soothe my parched soul.”
@Solange nicole

“Love is a boundless destination each one of us want to reach. All of us travel through time and space searching for our twin flame, our One True Destiny and when the Divine Time comes, the heavens will open, the angels will play their harps as True Love finally reveals itself in front of us. ” – “Mystic Love” series of love quotes by Author/Poet Elizabeth Esguerra Castillo”
@Elizabeth E. Castillo

“My soul is in love with your soul.”

“My love, you have stolen. Long before I have spoken. May you keep your heart wide open – To My Universe”
@Farah Ayaad

“I’ve never had to ask a thing from you, as everything you’ve ever fed my soul was love.”
@Karen A. Baquiran

“We loved with a love that was more than love, suffocation will never enhance the spirit.”
@Nikki rowe

“The two lovers walked among the willow trees, and the oneness of each was a language speaking of the oneness of both; and an ear listening in silence to the inspiration of love; and a seeing eye seeing the glory of happiness. “Astarte has brought back our souls to this life so that the delights of love and the glory of youth might not be forbidden us, my beloved.”
@Kahlil Gibran

“I will always find you. For, you are the love of my soul – Infinity”
@Farah Ayaad

“I won’t deny that I haven’t been this vulnerable for a long time, it scares me ~ all of it, love, emotion and connection but I’ve reached a point in my life that I now know this type of love doesn’t knock often and when it does, maybe it’s time to open the door.”
@Nikki Rowe

“Where do I go, where do I go from here if I don’t see you anywhere?”
@Nicola An

“It’s not whether your love is temporary or has infinity. It’s about the feeling of infinity when you’re in love.”
@Talismanist Giebra

“In your arms, by the ocean. Surrounded by the starry, dreamy sky. Wrapped-up with the warmth of a bonfire. Lit-up by our love for the universe – California”
@Farah Ayaad

“When you find your twin flame you also find your freedom, for there is nothing more exhilarating, wild, and free than absolute soul love.”
@Melody Lee

“Maybe we can twist a little fate and re-write the cards in our hands, I never liked rules anyway.”
@Nikki rowe

“Looking back at our lives, the unbelievable thing is that despite all the times when things felt so wrong, we still managed to meet at the perfect moment. Almost as if by some plan
which we were unaware of.”@John Mark Green

Famous Twinflame Quotes
“I see the magic I come from. I know that I have found home. Within myself, in your eyes, with you – The Dancer”
@Farah Ayaad

“When we get married, we promise a person the rest of our lives, “Til death do us part”. But what if in another life we promised someone forever? What if ten lifetimes ago we promised someone lifetime after lifetime after lifetime? Think about it. Maybe that’s why marriages fail when they do fail. Because maybe promises are never really broken.”
@C. JoyBell C.

“When Twin Flames find one another. It starts the process of self-healing on emotional, mental & physical level.”
@Lala Agni

“I was born to love you. Over, and over again! – Forever”
@Farah Ayaad

“Twin Flames most often come from different upbringing. They deal with many obstacles, making their union, in some cases, almost impossible. Many refuse to overcome these challenges or are afraid to do so since it would change their current lifestyle.”
@Lala Agni

“I haven’t, felt a love unconditional, and the same. As mine, for only you, are my twin flame – The One”
@Farah Ayaad

“Twin Flames love each other immensely. If united, such couples are bright & are impossible to miss. One compliments the other perfectly.”
@Lala Agni

“You, are in-deed, the person of my dreams. For, I dreamt you. And, saw you in my sleep. Let it be known. That dreams, do come true, after all – Knight In Shinning Armor”
@Farah Ayaad

“Reincarnation is one of the fundamental laws of the universe. To deny reincarnation is as strange as denying law of gravity. It would be wise to at least research it. We have all the information at our fingertips.”
@Lala Agni

“That is you crave. You are here to save. Continue to pave. Love to your grave – Be Brave”
@Farah Ayaad

“Don’t allow your family or society or religion to decide for you. Things will only change when you start doing everything possible to make your life how you want it to be.”
@Lala Agni
“Why should anyone care about [esoteric wisdom]? Because it challenges our understanding of God, and dares us to transform ourselves. It shatters childish theological images, and discovers a God called Infinity-God as infinity, transforms Gender and Personality.”- Daniel Matt, a scholar of Kabbalah and Professor at Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley”
@Serena Jade
“If a marriage is a loveless pretense, & kept only for social status, both will have to face a choice: Pretense or Sincerity. Love or Status. In Cosmic Law, Love is the most sacred force!”
@Lala Agni
“It happens that for the sake of status, career or wealth, or simply unwillingness to change, many choose to live a lie for years. They constantly tell lies to people dear to them & even strangers. But mostly, they deceive themselves, cheat themselves, & lie to themselves.”
@Lala Agni
“I blamed myself for everything, making myself the reason for all the troubles. It is my lifestyle: taking the blame onto myself to make it easier for others.”
@Lala Agni
New Twin Flame Quotes for Her
“Twin Flames: Two halves of One Soul.”
@Lala Agni
“We meet people we haven’t ever seen before, but deep inside, there is a feeling that we have known them for thousands of years.”
@Lala Agni
“To meet your mirror is to feel as though you’ve met yourself residing in another human. As they love you, they will reflect back to you all of the brilliant things you have been failing to celebrate about yourself. As you love them, they will shine light upon your most wicked shadows, the dark places within you that you have been fighting to ignore.”
@Kirsten Robinson
“Twin Flames, Soul Mates and the Karma that prevents them to be together. A Soul Mate is like the Echo of Oneself in Matter. Twin Flames have the same pattern of spiritual identity and share a unique destiny.”-Elizabeth Clare Prophet”
@Serena Jade
“Apart from myself I started to blame one other for everything, God. I was angry, very angry with God! I was in pain & I was angry. Everything happens because of God’s will. So I believed that the horrific events must also be God’s will.”
@Lala Agni
“A German poet once said, “A Neapolitan (people who come from the area around Naples, Italy) would certainly be a different creature if he didn’t feel himself wedged between God and the Devil.”
@Serena Jade
“God/Goddess is Bisexual as they are a he/she who is two-spirited. If you are in a heterosexual relationship, there is still the female love for the female or the male for the male in addition to the male for the female. You cannot separate these forces when you are a two-spirited, Twin Flame being. Homosexuality is just as spiritual, sacred, valuable, and necessary as heterosexuality.”
@Deborah Bravandt
“Soul Mates/Twin Flames Psychically Sense Their Exalted Bond, Through The Sweet Whispers of Their Soul.-Have You Developed Your Psychic Abilities? “-Serena Jade”
@Serena Jade
“Twin Flames are the united creative energies of masculine & feminine. They are the energetic flow of total unconditional love.”
@Lala Agni
“Without Love, we are just bodies, like biological robots. Love makes us truly alive! Love turns the light on inside our hearts & makes us shine!”
@Lala Agni
Deep Twin Flame Love Quotes
“I think you forgot that love is as much a verb as it is a noun, It demands an action as much as it makes us swoon under its feeling. And if not you, I’m sure I have no need for a wedding gown, Running back to you and finding an escape in your memories will always be more thrilling.”
@Namrata Gupta
“It felt like I always wanted him, even before I knew him. He was the dream I couldn’t explain in words but always knew it existed deep down within me. It was only when I found that dream breathing in a person that I realized that he was what I was looking for all this while.”
@Namrata Gupta
“How can I find my Twin Flame? The answer is you cannot. If he or she is physically born with you in the same era, they will appear in your life when the time is right. Even if you don’t want to or don’t expect it, it will happen.”
@Lala Agni
“Soul Mates and Twin Flames are connections to the direct experience of your Soul!”
@Serena Jade
“You’re not too deep, he just can’t swim.”
@Nicole Bonomi
“My speak a language my heart knows how to respond to.”
@Nikki Rowe
“Lying down gazing at the cerulean blue-black sky, she slid her hands down to intertwine her fingers with his. “I love you,” she whispers.”
@Truth Devour
“Twin flames are two halves of the same soul, eternally connected and drawn to each other, no matter the distance or circumstance.”
— Lala Agni
“The meeting of twin flames is a powerful force that transforms your life. It’s a connection of love that transcends time and space.”
— Jenna Forrest
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