137 Inspiring Scorned Woman Quotes From the Movie That Was Based on a True Story

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Today Scorned Woman Quotes ideas

“Perveen knew the secret anger that came from being on the receiving end of an older woman’s scorn.”

@Sujata Massey

“I wanted to make ‘Mexicana Hermosa.’ It’s a love song, but it isn’t. It’s more like a song as if Mexico was the Maria, the beautiful woman that I love.”

@Natalia Lafourcade

“A part of her wanted to stay home, to simply be with her children, but her mother had always scorned woman who didn’t work. “Wasting their potential,” she had sniffed. “You’ve got a good brain, Elena. You’re not going to sit at home and knit, are you?” A modern woman, she always implied, was capable – nay, required – to have it all.”

@Celeste Ng

“At the end of the day, Wonder Woman is a peace seeker. But when fight arrives, she can fight. She’s a warrior, and she enjoys the adrenaline of the fight.”

@Gal Gadot

“She is at odds with everything, she does not fit, an insult to her sex, a stubborn child in a woman’s form, her head bowed and arms wrapped tight around her drawing pad as if it were a door. And when she does look up, her gaze always goes to the edge of town. “A dreamer,” scorns her mother. “A dreamer,” mourns her father. “A dreamer,” warns Estele. Still, it does not seem such a bad word. Until Adeline wakes up.”

@V.E. Schwab

“Sex in a woman’s world has the same currency a penny has in a man’s. Every penny saved is a penny earned in one world and in the next every sexual adventure is a literary experience.”

@Harry Golden

“hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”

@William Shakespeare

“To me, the black woman is our essential mother, the blacker she is the more us she is and to see the hatred that is turned on her is enough to make me despair, almost entirely, of our future as a people.”

@Alice Walker

“The sole purpose of the corset was clearly to immobilize a woman’s body in a posture considered desirable – it was certainly not intended to allow her free movement. As if intellectual contraints were not sufficent, women had to be hobbled physically. One might almost think that, in imposing such restrictions, men did not so much scorn women as fear them.”

@Victoria Mas

“Love of country is like love of woman – he loves her best who seeks to bestow on her the highest good.”

@Felix Adler

“That painted ship of theirs was the finest thing about them. Their faces had lines like grandfathers. Their eyes were bloodshot and dead. They flinched from my animals. “Let me guess,” I said. “You are lost? You are hungry and tired and sad?”

@Madeline Miller

“To be in love is merely to be in a state of perceptual anesthesia – to mistake an ordinary young woman for a goddess.”

@H. L. Mencken

“They say that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and I can only imagine the conversation between Eve and Skywoman: “Sister, you got the short end of the stick…”

@Robin Wall Kimmerer

“Feminism has never been about getting a job for one woman. It’s about making life more fair for women everywhere. It’s not about a piece of the existing pie; there are too many of us for that. It’s about baking a new pie.”

@Gloria Steinem

“The uneasy expression returned and his mouth twisted scornfully. She waited, certain he was going to say something. You’d heard it too many times before a woman doing a man’s work. She’d already decided how she was going to cut him down if he did. Instead, he said nothing.”

@Danika Stone

“I really like women who get emotional about babies and puppies. I’ve met some incredibly cool women who are tough, but the woman you marry should have a really soft side.”

@Chris Evans

“Shakespeare was right. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

@Sara C. Roethle

“A woman finds the natural lay of the land almost unconsciously; and not feeling it incumbent on her to be guide and philosopher to any successor, she takes little pains to mark the route by which she is making her ascent.”

@Alice Stone Blackwell

“Holy crap, woman! What was that?’ Guy stared down at the twitching right half of the body. He was morbidly shocked and incredibly proud. She shrugged casually. ‘Payback. Hell hath no fury like a Payal scorned. Can we go now?”

@Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

“Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.”

@Margaret Thatcher

Best Women Scorned Quotes

“Well, hell hath no motherfucking fury like a woman scorned.”

@Karina Halle

“A woman’s greatest glory is to be little talked about by men, whether for good or ill.”


“Ms. Epistola’s eyes flashed with that unmistakable intensity of a woman scorned.”

@Serra Elinsen

“The misery of a child is interesting to a mother, the misery of a young man is interesting to a young woman, the misery of an old man is interesting to nobody.”

@Eric Hoffer

“A woman scorned, indeed! Kate Hepburn would smash her with a single blow and laugh while doing it.”

@Garth Stein

“A woman has to be twice as good as a man to go half as far.”

@Fannie Hurst

“Hell hath no fury like a woman, or perhaps a homosexual scorned.”

@Henry Chupack

“I think being a woman is like being Irish. Everyone says you’re important and nice, but you take second place all the same.”

@Iris Murdoch

“Lyndon Johnson had warned him that Margaret Thatcher – no matter how politically wounded – would not simply lie down in front of the ‘fucking train’. In fact, LBJ had been scornful: ‘You’ve met that goddammed woman; if you or Bobby tried to put your hands up her skirt, she’d rip off your balls!”

@James Philip

“Married love between man and woman is bigger than oaths guarded by right of nature.”


“A woman scorned is a woman that you should keep one eye open around. Julia”


“A wise woman never yields by appointment. It should always be an unforeseen happiness.”


“Never fuck with a scorned woman’s scorned daughter.”

@J.B. Hartnett

“No man is good enough to govern any woman without her consent.”

@Susan B. Anthony

“Even though their marriage had been dead for over two years (her words, not mine), this put her in the role of the innocent. She was now a woman scorned. ~Shattered Reality”

@Brenda Perlin

“I feel so blessed that I grew up in the age of the independent woman, the survivor. I had Destiny’s Child telling me I didn’t need a man to feel good about myself, and I want to carry on that message.”


“Wisdom is a woman and loves only a warrior. The free man is a warrior. Untroubled, scornful, outrageous – that is how wisdom wants us to be: she is a woman and never loves anyone but a warrior.”

@Friedrich Nietzsche

“A strong man doesn’t have to be dominant toward a woman. He doesn’t match his strength against a woman weak with love for him. He matches it against the world.”

@Marilyn Monroe

“The quote goes on about a woman scorned. Scorned. As if the jealousy of a lover could ever compete with the ferocity of a mother.”

@Sarah A. Denzil

“Man cannot degrade woman without himself falling into degradation; he cannot elevate her without at the same time elevating himself.”

@Alexander Walker

Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned Quotes

“The sadness of those who love their own sex and therefore cannot live their lives in the form of a conventional marriage is redoubled by the chagrin of parents—for whom marriage represents the sole pinnacle of womanly achievement—and the opprobrium and scorn of everyone else.”

@Yoshiya Nobuko

“A wise woman wishes to be no one’s enemy; a wise woman refuses to be anyone’s victim.”

@Maya Angelou

“A part of her wanted to stay home, to simply be with her children, but her own mother had always scorned those women who didn’t work. “Wasting their potential,” she had sniffed. “You’ve got a good brain, Elena. You’re not just going to sit home and knit, are you?” A modern woman, she always implied, was capable—nay, required—to have it all.”

@Celeste Ng

What I love about Sade other than her smooth and sultry voice is her willingness to be vulnerable. As a powerful, strong and beautiful woman of color, she showed her delicate, passionate side in a world where most of us are putting on a brave face. I love how effortless her style was and how consistent that red lip was!”

@Wynter Gordon

“I may hate the guy next to me with the sort of blistering loathing that only a scorned woman is capable of, but I hate awkward silences nearly as much, and my fat mouth opens before I can stop it.”

@Lauren Layne

“I think ‘One Woman Army’ sums up the overall picture. I talk about love, about life, and I talk about what I want and would hope for and what I need as a woman. It kind of just says it all, you know?”


“The predator is particularly aggressive in ambushing woman’s wildish nature. At the very least, it seeks to scorn, and at the most to sever a woman’s connection to her own insights, inspirations, follow through, and more.”

@Clarissa Pinkola Estés

“Everybody knows that I’m not the most beautiful woman in the world.”

@Sushmita Sen

“A woman scorned,” he repeated. “Is deadly. Deadly, deadly…dead.”

@Heather Graham

“A fragrance that matches the personality of the man or woman who wears it is an integral part of the memory that you have of him or her. It goes without saying that it’s a formidable weapon of seduction.”

@Dree Hemingway

“The cameraman zoomed in and was now solely focused on Mattice. “My grandmamma always says: ‘A scorned woman wants revenge, a strong woman moves on.’ Ms. Reed, be a strong woman and move on,”

@Sydney Arrison

“Sridevi is the most beautiful and the most sensuous woman God ever created, and I think He creates such exquisite pieces of art like her only once in a thousand years.”

@Ram Gopal Varma

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’?” Efren”

@Ken Lozito

“The woman who is known only through a man is known wrong.”

@Henry Adams

“A scorned woman would go to any length to fuck you over and that was a fact.”

@Stephen King

“The fact that I fell in love with Meghan so incredibly quickly was sort of confirmation to me that all the stars were aligned; everything was just perfect. It was this beautiful woman just sort of literally tripped and fell into my life; I fell into her life.”

@Prince Harry

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?”

@C.M. Stunich

“I wouldn’t be caught dead marrying a woman old enough to be my wife.”

@Tony Curtis

“Tears,” she said scornfully to Sansa as the woman was led from the hall. “The woman’s weapon, my lady mother used to call them.”

@George R.R. Martin

“No man or woman is an island. To exist just for yourself is meaningless. You can achieve the most satisfaction when you feel related to some greater purpose in life, something greater than yourself.”

@Denis Waitley

Famous A Woman Scorned Quotes

“A woman scorned, Charles – hell hath no fury.”

@A. O’Connor

“The age I’m at now, you go from being a young girl to suddenly you blossom into a woman. You ripen, you know? And then you start to rot.”

@Liv Tyler

“I’d rather listen to polka than to a scorned woman screaming about how all men are no good.” With a sugar-sweet tone, I say, “Too close to home?” He smiles sharply. “You tell me.”

@Chelsea Fine

“What a profound significance small things assume when the woman we love conceals them from us.”

@Marcel Proust

“To encapsulate the prosecution’s theory concerning motive, a central element in the case, he offered a quote from William Congreve that he said applied to Lazarus: “Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.”

@Paul Alexander

“Whenever you see a successful woman, look out for three men who are going out of their way to try to block her.”

@Yulia Tymoshenko

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. And until tonight I had always felt that there was a lot in it. I had never scorned a woman myself, but Pongo Twistleton once scorned an aunt of his, flatly refusing to meet her son Gerald at Paddington and give him lunch and see him off to school at Waterloo, and he never heard the end of it.”


“Money and women. They’re two of the strongest things in the world. The things you do for a woman you wouldn’t do for anything else. Same with money.”

@Satchel Paige

“I don’t know about you, but I have a feeling the sun is the biggest scorned woman of all. She’s hot and temperamental, and fuck all if you try to look at her directly without permission.”

@Max Monroe

“They say you have to watch out for a woman scorned. Let me tell you, a woman in mourning can be just as deadly.”

@Josie Brown

Top Scorned Woman Quotes for Instagram

“Around that time, just when I needed it, Leonard Nimoy’s Full Body Project came to me like a gift. The photographs are in black and white, and they feature a group of fat, naked women laughing, smiling, embracing, gazing fearlessly into the camera. In one, they sway indolently like the Three Graces; in another, they re-create Herb Ritts’s iconic pile of supermodels. It was the first time I’d ever seen fat women presented without scorn. I”

@Lindy West

“Shakespeare had it wrong. Hell might know no fury like a woman scorned, but it really didn’t know any fury like a woman manipulated.”

@Betsy St. Amant

“Who says a scorned man can’t feel just as much wrath as a scorned woman?”

@Linda Wisdom

“She gave him a woman smile. Not for him, for Laurel because she scorned Laurel.”

@Dorothy B. Hughes

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

@Siobhan Davis

“Today she wasn’t a mom or office worker or school volunteer. She was a confident artist. A sexual being. A woman scorned. She was a force to be reckoned with. The”

@Victoria Helen Stone

“Earth has no fury like love to hatred turn’d Nor hell a fury like a woman scorn’d”


“He had scorned her, and didn’t they say that hell hath no fury–? A scorned woman might well traffic with the devil… or his henchman.”

@Stephen King

“Those who scorn you taunt only themselves — I knew this without reading one word; because in reading one is reminded of the truth man is given at birth — by man I mean man and woman.”

@David Adams Richards

“A woman’s scorn has been the downfall of a goodly number of men and the cause of many a conflict.”

@Kathleen E. Woodiwiss

“Remember [the Ideal Woman] will not necessarily be the idol of women, but of men. In their circle of women friends, they are more likely the object of scorn. But, observe such women carefully. There is much to learn from them.”

@Helen Andelin

“As Saint Thomas Aquinas said, one should not try to defend the Christian faith with arguments that are so patently opposed to reason that the faith is made to look ridiculous and deserving of scorn.”

@Derya Little

“Tall, elegant, vital, scornful. A man like that could rock a woman to her very core.”

@Margaret Way

“They say Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but it’s not true. Hell hath no fury like the one who did the scorning, especially when they’re made to face up to their actions.”

@K.J. Charles

“Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned. Nor hell a fury, like a woman scorned’ William Congreve”

@Kimberley Chambers

“Never scorn a woman. They get violent.”

@Pepper Phillips

“They said that hell had no fury like a woman scorned, but they were wrong. Women were scorned again and again and again. It was only after the seventieth scorning that they let loose a fraction of their righteous anger. Frankly, men had no idea how lucky they were that any woman was rational at all.”

@Courtney Milan

“If a man loves you… he’s willing to profess it. He’ll give you a title after a while. You’re going to be his lady, his woman, his fiancee, his wife, his baby’s mama, something.”

@Steve Harvey

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