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Today Trying Quotes ideas
“Renunciation – that is the great fact we all, individuals and classes, have to learn. In trying to avoid it we bring misery to ourselves and others.”

“God knows we all have to at least try to justify our behavior so we don’t feel too guilty about it later.”
@Taylor Nadeau

“Trying to learn to be a good man is like learning to play tennis against a wall. You are only a good man – a competent, capable, interesting and lovable man – when you’re doing it for, or with, other people.”
@A. A. Gill

“Shh, listen, don’t be discouraged if you don’t win. It’s a learning process. You’ll get better with each try.”
@E.L. Montes

“People try to change too much at once and it becomes overwhelming, and they end up falling off the program. So gradually changing bad habits makes much more of a difference than trying to change them all at once.”
@Ian K. Smith

“No matter how loud the sirens or how numerous the hazard signs, we all touch the flames at least once to prove they’re hot.”
@Richelle E. Goodrich

“People are just trying to work their jobs, raise their families, discipline their kids, and have a good life… Politics has just become like bad weather. And they deserve clear skies.”
@Eddie Vedder

“It’s not a case of the glass being half full or half empty; more that we tipped a whole half-pint into an empty pint pot. I had to see how much was there, though, and now I know.”
@Nick Hornby

“I’m naturally a nice person. I’m not trying to have any problems with people. I’m done with the drama and trouble. I want a stress-free life.”
@Action Bronson

“[T]he whole point is the wishing and remembering–not if what you want happens, not if remembering hurts. Because when you wish for something, you’re asking. And when you ask, you’re trying. And all anyone can do really is try, right?”
@Melissa Senate

“Marvin’s Motivational Moments actually started as something that was actually therapeutic for me. I would sit up late at night after my wife passed trying to adjust to being alone.”
@Marvin Sapp

“I seem to be allergic to diligence, and Lola said, Ha. What you’re allergic to is trying.”
@Junot Díaz

“I don’t believe in being vengeful or trying to send a message to someone. You waste your energy that way.”

“It’s hard to show you that I tried unless you end up succeeding.”
@Rachel Cohn David Levithan

“In my younger days, I was trying to write sophisticated prose and fantastic stories.”
@Haruki Murakami

“If you want to get what you haven’t gotten yet, then you have to do more than what you were doing before.”
@M.F. Moonzajer

“Everybody was in struggle, in the grind trying to make it.”
@Young Buck

“It’s good to remember that success may be just beyond the next failure, and you’ll get there, not because you’re destined to, but because you’re determined to.”
@Steve Goodier

“Forget trying to be sexy. That’s just gruesome.”
@Colin Firth

“The funny thing about an impossibility is that it tends to be a magnet for those who would prove it otherwise.”
@Richelle E. Goodrich

Best Quotes about Trying
“There are limits to how much sound a cello can make. That’s part of the framing of acoustical instruments. Finding what those limits might be, and then trying to suggest perhaps even the illusion of going beyond is part of that kind of effort.”
@Yo-Yo Ma

“To try is to invite uncertainty. Where confidence goes, success usually follows.”
@Wayne Gerard Trotman

“These men both publicly and privately have done so much for me. Without Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick I would be living in a little motel just around the corner here, trying to make ends meet.”
@Mel Brooks

“Life isn’t fair, so you have to play the best game you can with the cards you’re dealt.”
@Marta Acosta

“Trying on pants is one of the most humiliating things a man can suffer that doesn’t involve a woman.”
@Larry David

“If we can’t be the best, are we just wasting our time?”
@Cara Chow

“We are not trying to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes it goes well, sometimes you have your off days. We have a way of going about things. Basically, we are positive people trying to improve players and teams.”
@Chris Wilder

“Entrepreneurs often underestimate costs and overestimate rewards. But the fact that they estimate & still take action sets them apart from peers.”
@Ryan Lilly

“I’m never satisfied. I’m always trying to get better and learn from my mistakes.”
@Russell Westbrook

“Success is the ability to keep trying when others have already given up!”
@Alex Munoz

“What I’m trying to say to girls is don’t let these guys be in your head.”
@Cardi B

“To try to pray is to pray. You can’t fail at it. It’s the only human endeavor I can think of where trying is doing. Reaching out is holding on. Joining in is letting go.”
@Rick Hamlin

“Your birth is a mistake you’ll spend your whole life trying to correct.”
@Chuck Palahniuk

“Try, try, and try again. Never stop trying.”
@Lailah Gifty Akita

“With trans people, I just think you can’t help the way you are born, though. You know, it’s DNA, it’s genetics. I’m just glad people can do things about their own happiness. I think this thought process that they’re trying to wipe out women is a bit ridiculous – it’s a minority of people.”
@Kathy Burke

“Trying hard and working hard is its own reward. It feeds the soul. It affirms your will and your power. And it radiates from you, lighting the way for all those who see you.”
@Charles M. Blow

“It was like a complicit – there was complicity between the churches and the state in taking care of the ‘Indian problem,’ solving the ‘Indian problem,’ and trying to change who we were.”
@Dennis Banks

“Trying to become something in a world where everyone wants to become something is a thing that needs God’s programming.”
@Michael Bassey Johnson

“Life is hard, and a lot of people come home tired from work. If they’re gonna spend half an hour reading, they want some entertainment and a sense of achievement. So that’s what I give them. That’s all I’m trying to do. Is that really so wrong?”
@James Patterson

“I don’t think of faith as something you need to have in the world, or in some deity or religion or whatever; I think having faith is about trusting in yourself, and trusting that you’ll know what to do when life gets complicated. I’m not scared of complications. But I am scared of walking away from something I want with every fibre of my being, without even trying to have it.”
@Dianna Hardy

Deep Try Quotes
“I’m always interested in trying to investigate different personalities. I want to keep myself guessing and keep the fear element alive, so that I don’t get too comfortable.”
@Michael Fassbender

“I’m an old man now. Old on the inside. I’m a drunk, and I hate to tell you, but I’m not prepared to change. So you have to figure out if you want to forgive me and love me like I am, or run away again. Or hell, stay here and hate me. Just…know that I love you the best way I know how. I always have. I do the best I can.”
@Suzanne Palmieri

“Learn to adjust yourself to the conditions you have to endure, but make a point of trying to alter or correct conditions so that they are most favorable to you.”
@William Frederick Book

“I understand women” … There’s no man alive who can honestly say those words and mean them. It just isn’t possible, so there’s no use trying. But that doesn’t mean you can’t love them anyway. And it doesn’t mean that you should ever stop doing your best to let them know how important they are to you!”
@Nicholas Sparks

“I’m trying to keep my personal life personal. It’s very hard for me because I’m a very honest person.”
@David Arquette

“You will never know how much you can accomplish until you try. Never stop trying. Your miracle will come in undefined moments.”
@Lailah GiftyAkita

“Nothing is more difficult than trying to correct history.”
@Myles Munroe

“To try and fail is at least to learn; to fail to try is to suffer the inestimable loss of what might have been.”
@Chester Barnard

“The true secret of giving advice is, after you have honestly given it, to be perfectly indifferent whether it is taken or not, and never persist in trying to set people right.”
@Henry Ward Beecher

“Unless someone is trying to help you, don’t you dare, ever let anyone tell you who and what you are, because, on this planet, you are the unquestionable and supreme authority on — you.”
@Bryant McGill

“I’m trying to not get too caught up in what I can’t control.”
@Philip Rivers
“In the fight for freedom there is no defeat, you either achieve it or you die trying. In both cases you’re as free as one can be.”
@Aryan Xebat
“Once or twice in the height of ‘Happy Days’ excitement, which had more to do with Henry Winkler as The Fonz than ever had to do with me, we were kind of like a boy band for a year or so, and we would go out on personal appearances and feel the limousine rocking, and the grabbing at your clothes and people trying to steal your cap.”
@Ron Howard
“If real, regular, normal, boring life, (when you’re at home every day, seeing the same people, doing the same things) is like sitting at home on the floor surrounded by toys… traveling feels to me like going to Toys R Us with your toy box and getting to trade stuff in and buy new things and explore whole new ideas.”
@Alex Day
“Being able to live my life transparently does empower me to feel like I can be myself more. It’s easier for me to flirt with girls now that girls know that I’m gay. It almost makes it a sexier encounter than if I was trying to pretend that I was straight.”
@Neil Patrick Harris
“The man spends half of his life trying, and the other half is preventing.”
@Davi Oliveira
“I’m trying to spread positive vibes.”
@YBN Nahmir
“For a while there’s nothing I can do but stand in the middle of the road, because going forward hurts too much. Going forward means continuing to try, when trying is so hard. The world is filled with idiots and assholes and monsters. Where are the guardian angels?”
@Carolyn Lee Adams
“Being yourself is one of the hardest things because it’s scary. You always wonder whether you’ll be accepted for who you really are. I decided to call my record ‘Inside Out’ because that’s my motto about life. I don’t think you ever succeed at trying to be anyone else but who you truly are.”
@Emmy Rossum
“One excuse, could destroy a multitude of chances.”
@Anthony Liccione
Famous Quotes On Trying
“Life is a series of baby steps along the way and if you add up these tiny little steps you take toward your goal, whatever it is, whether it’s giving up something, a terrible addiction or trying to work your way through an illness. When you total up those baby steps you’d be amazed over the course of 10 years, the strides you’ve taken.”
@Hoda Kotb
“You, yourself, will never rest until you’ve tried!”
@J.K. Rowling
“I believe you only have one chance on this earth, and I’m just trying to live my life and do what makes me happy.”
@CM Punk
“You may be right. There may be no one greater than you or me. But that ‘blind faith’ kept me alive, and if you ask me, you’re no different. If you’ve truly given up, why do you keep trying?”
@J. Kowallis
“If all you’re trying to do is essentially the same thing as your rivals, then it’s unlikely that you’ll be very successful.”
@Michael Porter
“Try or cry. Choose!”
@Heenashree Khandelwal
“I just want to be healthy and stay alive and keep my family going and everything and keep my friends going and try to do something so that this world will be peaceful. That is the most ambitious and the most difficult thing, but I’m there trying to do it.”
@Yoko Ono
“To have a different life you have be a different person. You have to do what you haven’t done. You have to become the person that fits that dream. But most of all, you have to realize that if you don’t step into your story it becomes the moral of the story. Your inaction is a lesson you leave to your kids– I was too afraid to change.”
@Shannon L. Alder
“I believe whenever you’re trying something new, it’s always going to get some kind of bad reception.”
@Lil Nas X
“First opportunity is the golden opportunity.”
@Amit Kalantri
“If we get out there trying to be inspirational, then we probably won’t be.”
@Brendan Hunt
New Trying Your Best Quotes
“Always try , because try give merit”
@Alexis Hofer
“To be with the others, you have to have your hair short and wear ties. So we’re trying to make a third world happen, you know what I mean?”
@Jimi Hendrix
“To fail at trying is worse than to fail after trying. If we never try, then we never learn.”
@Lindsey Rietzsch
“It’s the relationship I have with the world: always trying to escape from reality. I’m a daydreamer; I don’t feel in harmony with my epoch or the societies I live in.”
@Amin Maalouf
“One who doesn’t recognise an opportunity is bigger loser than one who tries his hand at an opportunity.”
@Amit Kalantri
“The value of beauty and inspiration is very much underrated, no question. But I want to be clear: I’m not trying to be anyone’s savior. I’m just trying to think about the future and not be sad.”
@Elon Musk
“People have to attempt to do right, even if they believe they cannot succeed”
@Robin Hobb
“For goodness sake, will they hear, will white people hear what we are trying to say? Please, all we are asking you to do is to recognize that we are humans, too.”
@Desmond Tutu
“To try is to accept the possibility of failure. Simply do.”
@Wayne Gerard Trotman
“We are not trying to entertain the critics. I’ll take my chances with the public.”
@Walt Disney
“It was wearying, trying to adjust to all the paces life required.”
@Larry McMurtry
“I’m not perfect, I’m not trying to be, but it’s a constant journey and a process.”
@Perez Hilton
“Greatness does not come from trying to achieve the possible.”
@Constance Friday
“You have to know the forces that are against you and that are trying to break you down. We talk about the problems facing the black community: the decimation of the black family; the mass incarceration of the black man; we’re talking about the brutality against black people from the police. The educational system.”
“Sometimes things aren’t impossible the first time I try, because I don’t know they’re impossible yet. I probably couldn’t do it again, though.”
@Shannon Hale
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