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Today Twin Flame Quotes ideas
“Every song is a story unfolding.”

“People usually fall in love. But some people were born in love. Already. And always.”
@C. JoyBell C.

“It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.”
@John Joseph Powell

“Eternally the embers glow masterfully fueled by lovers passion.”
@Truth Devour

“The most beautiful place I’ve ever been is in your heart.”
@Jennifer White

“For some people, “the point of no return” begins at the very moment their souls become aware of each others’ existence.”
@C. JoyBell C.

“Beyond the mask she is witness to his glorious soul. Exposed to the elements, she warms her skin in his light and essence of being.”
@Truth Devour

“The way our fingers intertwine feels so natural and right; as if our hands hold memories of meeting in a thousand other lifetimes.”
@John Mark Green

“We are just particles of the Universe;Our true story is written upon the Stars dear… Life is just an experience ,an experiential evolution .So simple :)”
@Katerina Kostaki

“To be alone was my best interest because needing myself was looking for you”
@Nicola An

“Even the smallest shift in perspective can bring about the greatest healing.”
@Joshua Kai

“You became the sonnet that was etched in my minds eye. Existing outside the dreams we shared in the presence of our eternal love.”
@Truth Devour

“Whose are all these ghosts?” she said, smiling at a flustered-looking Geraldine. “Oh,” said Geraldine, “I think they might be mine…?”
@Diane Hall

“Take me on a journey to the place of souls,” she whispered as he moved closer. “I want to close my eyes and feel a little piece of heaven…with you.”
@Tracey-anne McCartney

“The measure of space & time creates an echo of haunting distance between us, yet we are close, we are united in the love we forge together.”
@Truth Devour

“…she knew, with all her heart that running away from the country’s top relationship coach was as good as saying, ‘there’s no hope for me, ever’!”
@Diane Hall

“Searching for a mind long lost I found it shaping colors and history near the cliffs of your heart.”

“You are encased in my heart.”
@Truth Devour

“He may pretend to be running after wisdom, money, or power, but none of that matters. Whatever he achieves will be incomplete if he fails to find his SoulMate.”
@Paulo Coelho

“how can you be holding me from doing what i want to do, when all i want to do is hold you?”
@Bodhi Smith

Best Quote Twin Flame
“Nothing in her world aligns to the surreality of her dreams. She can feel his presence, his warmth, his depth of intent pressing against her.”
@Truth Devour

“Soul Mates share complementary, compatible life goals and their spiritual natures are often in sync with ours. They also experience an immense level of comfort with each other that cannot be experienced in other relationships, and they complement each other in many ways through their strengths and weaknesses.”
@Aletheia Luna

“He wants her to want him with the same intensity. She looks upon him with lusts draw and whispers, “Take me, I am yours.”
@Truth Devour

“They can’t find any peace, no matter what they do or where they are, until they are together with the other half, so they finally can feel Home.”
@Lala Agni

“there she was, so full of delicious colors, impossible not to look at, impossible not to love…so profoundly aligned into my being, with this radiance of beauty so powerful and warming, that even after she left, my world still glowed in her afterglow”
@Bodhi Smith

“Forever present, always knowing that you are the only one for me.”
@Truth Devour

“How can I find my Twin Flame? The answer is you cannot. If he or she is physically born with you in the same era, they will appear in your life when the time is right. Even if you don’t want to or don’t expect it, it will happen.”
@Lala Agni

“Luck plays no part in the divinity of the moment that is set to transpire and make two unite into one burning flame of eternal love.”
@Truth Devour

“It happens that for the sake of status, career or wealth, or simply unwillingness to change, many choose to live a lie for years. They constantly tell lies to people dear to them & even strangers. But mostly, they deceive themselves, cheat themselves, & lie to themselves.”
@Lala Agni

“She listens closely to the silence as though the sounds just beneath the surface are awaiting to release the significance of a moment.”
@Truth Devour

“A German poet once said, “A Neapolitan (people who come from the area around Naples, Italy) would certainly be a different creature if he didn’t feel himself wedged between God and the Devil.”
@Serena Jade

“Her thought encased in a cocoon of desire. She allows the streams of sunlight to warm the core of her being while she waits for metamorphous.”
@Truth Devour

“Twin Flames love each other immensely. If united, such couples are bright & are impossible to miss. One compliments the other perfectly.”
@Lala Agni

“Her soul whispers to his, “Take me. I am ready.”
@Truth Devour

“Twin Flames most often come from different upbringing. They deal with many obstacles, making their union, in some cases, almost impossible. Many refuse to overcome these challenges or are afraid to do so since it would change their current lifestyle.”@Lala Agni

“I love the way you make me feel. I was incomplete without you.”
@Truth Devour

“A Twin Flame Requires you to Detach from Society’s Mindset. A Twin Flame Requires you to be alone with Yourself. A Twin Flame Requires you to Master Yourself.”
@Serena Jade

“You are my treasure.”
@Truth Devour

“Pop Twin Flame culture is a defense against a True Twin Flame Experience.”
@Serena Jade

“Blessed are those whose hearts are filled with the warmth of love from another.”
@Truth Devour

Deep Twin Flame Love Quotes
“Why should anyone care about [esoteric wisdom]? Because it challenges our understanding of God, and dares us to transform ourselves. It shatters childish theological images, and discovers a God called Infinity-God as infinity, transforms Gender and Personality.”- Daniel Matt, a scholar of Kabbalah and Professor at Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley”
@Serena Jade

“I want to be tantric with you.”
@Truth Devour

“Soul Mates/Twin Flames Psychically Sense Their Exalted Bond, Through The Sweet Whispers of Their Soul.-Have You Developed Your Psychic Abilities? “-Serena Jade”
@Serena Jade

“We will never have an expiration date. Our love is destined to exist forever.”
@Truth Devour

“This demon was made for me. His dark eyes and wicked ways have me hooked, and without him now I don’t think I’d want to live. I’m addicted. He has worked his way into my blood and now we are here there is no going back.”
@Kassandra Cross

“She drinks in his nakedness. Her sixth sense of knowing assures her that he is the one she has been waiting for all her life.”
@Truth Devour

“He is always invisibly with you, even though he is not physically with you. You are alike. No matter where you both are in this world, you are always with each other.”
@Lala Agni

“You make me want to be better than I am today.”
@Truth Devour

“The extraordinary Soul Mate and Twin Flame encounters, makes one feel as if they have just arrived at a temple. They have been given access to the Divine. As they enter the room where the holy of holies resides, they can sense the spark of the Almighty deep within each other.”
@Serena Jade

“Feel my presence. Recognise my soul. Love my heart.”
@Truth Devour

“Soul Mates and Twin Flames are connections to the direct experience of your Soul!”
@Serena Jade
“I want you to be happy and for me to be part of that happiness.”
@Truth Devour
“It felt like I always wanted him, even before I knew him. He was the dream I couldn’t explain in words but always knew it existed deep down within me. It was only when I found that dream breathing in a person that I realized that he was what I was looking for all this while.”
@Namrata Gupta
“The thought of you makes my heart melt.”
@Truth Devour
“I think you forgot that love is as much a verb as it is a noun, It demands an action as much as it makes us swoon under its feeling. And if not you, I’m sure I have no need for a wedding gown, Running back to you and finding an escape in your memories will always be more thrilling.”
@Namrata Gupta
“I can resist everything but the temptation of you.”
@Truth Devour
“I found my Twin Flame. I found My Soul, My Heart, My Love. The one who is closer to me than my own breath, my own heartbeat, than the blood running in my veins.”
@Lala Agni
“Lying down gazing at the cerulean blue-black sky, she slid her hands down to intertwine her fingers with his. “I love you,” she whispers.”
@Truth Devour
“In the Kabbalah, when you are in touch with the Shekhinah within you, you are entering the dwelling place of a Divine Presence.”
@Serena Jade
“Pave the path for a more righteous life.”
@Truth Devour
Famous Twin Flames Quotes
“Nothing can separate Soul Mates and Twin Flames, not even Death.”
@Serena Jade
“The immortal gods, the deities will rise, they will fall but none will live beyond the wall. Prometheus, knows love & saves them all.”
@Truth Devour
“We are too focused on our five senses, but when we die those senses are not valid anymore. Our soul is intangible and immortal, and can only be detected by our sixth sense.”
@Serena Jade
“May the four winds gather & disperse the strength to grant me with all the same blessings once bestowed upon the goddess of Olympus.”
@Truth Devour
“I need more than physical attraction to captivate my spirit. Undress my intellect, learn me by the layers that have nothing to with clothes.”
@Nikki rowe
“Embrace life in totality.”
@Truth Devour
“To meet your mirror is to feel as though you’ve met yourself residing in another human. As they love you, they will reflect back to you all of the brilliant things you have been failing to celebrate about yourself. As you love them, they will shine light upon your most wicked shadows, the dark places within you that you have been fighting to ignore.”
@Kirsten Robinson
“Love one another gently.”
@Truth Devour
“To catch you’re elusive dreams you must be prepared to track it to the ends of the earth. Let nothing stop you’re pursuit of dreams.”
@Truth Devour
“The Merging of [True] Soul Mates creates miracles.”
@St. Germain
“There is sanctity in knowing, being, wanting, feeling all of everything for you.”
@Truth Devour
“A long river fell in love with a deep well. River expects the well to flow and well expects the river to become stationary. Both suffer. But both feel a connection that can’t be explained. Why?”
“Tell me you’re truth. I’m listening.”
@Truth Devour
“The Age of Aquarius is the new age of the spirit. We are consciously recognizing our Soul Mates and Twin Flames -souls we are connected to across time, space, and beyond.”
@Serena Jade
“Forever thine, forever mine.”
@Truth Devour
“I could hear the human noise as were standing still in between the spaces of silence.”
@Truth Devour
“Soul Mates and Twin Flames are not profane, they are a spiritual gift for each other to further their oneness with their soul, and the divine.”
@Serena Jade
“You are my perfect sentiment.”
@Truth Devour
New Twin Flames Quote
“you are everything everywhere…my spirit rises up in your light, my heart blossoms in your colors, and my soul is born into your shade”
@Bodhi Smith
“May I be awoken by the thunder of Zeus & touched by his lighting. It only need strike once. Once is enough to ignite the soul with purpose.”
@Truth Devour
“From that day on they lived together as equals, united by their great love for each other.”
@Warwick Deeping
“By the grace of god I feel you.”
@Truth Devour
“Right time, right place, right moment.”
@Truth Devour
“I can’t help but feel, across oceans and vast fields we will connect again. What we share is too rare to let go of for good but sometimes we have to accept, the timing isn’t right.”
@Nikki Rowe
“Twin flames burn eternal. Destine to shine bright in a united embrace that is set to last for an eternity.”
@Truth Devour
“So many went on a quest to tame her, The only man to win her heart was the one Who was also free.”
@Nikki Rowe
“I am insatiable – aim to sate me but never dull my flames of desire that are fuelled by the existence of you.”
@Truth Devour
“I look into your eyes and I’m sure that some divine artist dipped her brush in the same soul and used it to paint us both.”
@Cristen Rodgers
“You are a God among men and I am you’re queen of hearts.”
@Truth Devour
“It’s not whether your love is temporary or has infinity. It’s about the feeling of infinity when you’re in love.”
@Talismanist Giebra
“Forever and always from me to you. My love is pure, my love is true. It is gifted to none other than you.”
@Truth Devour
“Half and half equals one. And if already divided, Left they are as two halves For they’re broken hearted.”
@Ana Claudia Antunes
“The thought of you makes my days brighter and my nights filled with dreams.”
@Truth Devour
“Happiness comes easier when I’m thinking of you.”
@Truth Devour
“I see him in my mind’s eye, feel him in my soul…twin flames will unite.”
@Sanjo Jendayi
“Soul mates recognise one another’s vibration. They instantly fuse to the life force that surrounds their core of being.”
@Truth Devour
“I’ve never had to ask a thing from you, as everything you’ve ever fed my soul was love.”
@Karen A. Baquiran
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