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Today Atlas Quotes ideas
“I have dermatologists, Atlas bone adjusters, a doctor that does a Polish technique to make your blood circulate. It heals everything.”

“I believe there is another world waiting for us. A better world. And I’ll be waiting for you there.”
@David Mitchell

“I always looked like an athlete but I didn’t look like Charles Atlas.”
@Ted DiBiase Sr.

“Like Solzhenitsyn, I shall return, one bright dusk.”
@David Mitchell

“If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders – What would you tell him?” I…don’t know. What…could he do? What would you tell him?” To shrug.”
@Ayn Rand

“Cloud Atlas’ is but one of a long list of titles deemed unfilmable, by author and movie moguls alike, until it was, well, filmed.”
@Maria Konnikova

“Is that…” Gingam paused, “a sloth?” The sloth turned its head at sloth speed and grinned down at them. “Don’t mind Atlas,” said Ulysses. “You’ll have enough time to move if he attacks.” “He attacks?”
@J.P. Hostetler

“I have a new found respect for Atlas.”
@Solange nicole

“I’m fast for my size. I’m very good at moving events – throwing, pulling trucks, Atlas stones. I win them all.”
@Hafthor Bjornsson

“The General sneered. “You have no right to interfere, little hero. This is a family matter.” I frowned. “A family matter?” “Yes,” Zoë said bleakly. “Atlas is my father.”
@Rick Riordan

Best Atlas Shrugged Quotes
“I’m looking like Atlas, not Professor Klump.”
@Martellus Bennett

“My friend is composing an epic in Byronic stanzas entitled “True History of Autua, Last Moriori” & interrupts my journal writing to ask what rhymes with what: – “Streams of blood”? “Themes of mud”? “Robin Hood”?”
@David Mitchell

“Ayn Rand could not have anticipated this kind of change, and imagine what a disaster it would have been if she had tried to keep up with the latest slang. Surely, Atlas Shrugged would be even more dated if its characters used phrases like “groovy” and “far out.” Or imagine Francisco’s sign-off updated to: “Dude, you, like, totally asked for it!” Better yet, let’s not imagine that.”
@Robert Tracinski

“Oh, I was a big Tony Atlas fan. I think I tried to throw my first dropkick because of Tony – and almost broke my shoulder.”
@Mark Henry

“She fought it. She recovered. Years helped her to reach the day when she could face her memories indifferently, then the day when she felt no necessity to face them. It was finished and of no concern to her any longer. She had won the battle against her memories. But one form of torture remained, untouched by the years, the torture of the word “why?”
@Ayn Rand

“The other day I met a man who didn’t know where Tripoli was. Tripoli happened to come into the conversation, and he was evidently at a loss. “Let’s see,” he said. “Tripoli is just down by the – er – you know. What’s the name of that place?” “That’s right,” I answered, “just opposite, Thingumabob. I could show you in a minute on a map. It’s near – what do they call it?” At this moment the train stopped, and I got out and went straight home to look at my atlas.”
@A.A. Milne

“‘Atlas Shrugged’ shows when you have a singular vision of something and how quickly you can become attune to that vision and devalue others quickly based on their principles and ideologies.”
@Cody Fern

“Kingston, honey,” he said, giving her a warm, brotherly smile. “I’m Scotti’s brother. And that,” he said, waving out, happy to make introductions, “is Atlas. And there’s Nixon. And, finally, over there, is Rush.”
@Jessica Gadziala

“Oftentimes in tech, people think, ‘I’m the only one that has this.’ I call them the Atlas People. They’re like, ‘The weight of the world is on the shoulders. I’m the only person who can solve this problem.’ But you can’t do that.”
@Harper Reed

“I’ve loved you since the day I stole the atlas for you,” Gabriel says, because he thinks I’m asleep.”
@Lauren DeStefano

“Man’s mind is his basic tool of survival. Life is given to him, survival is not.” stated by John Galt in Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”
@Ayn Rand

“Nick gets carsick if he’s not driving – plus, he’s basically a walking atlas. He can drive around any city without a map, which works out fine for me because I just become our entertainment director and pick out which audio book we’ll listen to next.”
@Megan Mullally

“So let’s take on this issue. In Ayn Rand’s novels, all the heroes are rich and the bad guys are poor, right? It’s closer to the opposite. In Atlas Shrugged, virtually every one of the heroes loses a fortune, either passing it up or actively renouncing it, and virtually every one of the heroes goes through a period of poverty in order to stand up for what he believes in.”
@Robert Tracinski

“Think Apple, think the FBI. We are living ‘Atlas Shrugged.’ Why is it so important? Because I would hate for the country to have that rhetorical question: Where is John Galt, who is John Galt? John Galt is all of us.”
@Rick Santelli

“There was nothing more dangerous than a woman who knew her own worth.”
@Olivie Blake

Famous Cloud Atlas Quotes
“In the parking lot of the ferry terminal in Maine that day, I gathered up all the pieces of myself that I’d given away in that relationship. I tucked them securely inside the saddlebag, glanced at the atlas, and then headed in my own direction at my own pace.”
@Debi Tolbert Duggar

“You know what that big number was? It was 1957. It’s not the year I was born. I’m a little older than that. I wish it was the year I was born. It was the year one of my favorite books was written: ‘Atlas Shrugged.’ Ayn Rand.”
@Rick Santelli

“Fast Drive could be Last Drive so Drive Slowly and Carefully!”
@Atlas Gondal

“My sister and I had a tough childhood, but my mom always said that travelling is the most beautiful thing you can do in your life. She always showed us the globe and gifted me an atlas.”
@Nargis Fakhri

“You’re unbearably conceited,” was one of the two sentences she heard throughout her childhood, even though she never spoke of her own ability. The other sentence was: “You’re selfish.” She asked what was meant but never received an answer. She looked at the adults, wondering how they could imagine that she would feel guilt from an undefined accusation.”
@Ayn Rand

“Fransisco, you’re some kind of very high nobility, aren’t you?” He answered, “Not yet. The reason my family has lasted for such a long time is that none of us has ever been permitted to think he is born a d’Anconia. We are expected to become one.”
@Ayn Rand

“I guess when you take a look at the book ‘Atlas Shrugged,’ I think most people always like to identify with the main character – that would be John Galt. I guess I identify with Hank Rearden, the fella that just refused until the very end to give up.”
@Ron Johnson

“Life, he thought, had been defined as motion; man’s life was purposeful motion; what was the state of a being to whom purpose and motion were denied, a being held in chains but left to breathe and to see all the magnificence of the possibilities he could have reached, left to scream “Why?” and to be shown the muzzle of a gun as sole explanation? He shrugged, walking one; he did not care even to find an answer.”
@Ayn Rand

“One of the very first serious books I read when I was growing up was ‘Atlas Shrugged.'”
@Mike Pompeo

“Just Another Day” is an 8,500 word military science-fiction short story set in the ATLAS universe. I will release”
@Isaac Hooke

Top Quotes from Atlas Shrugged
“When I was 10, I asked my parents for a set of weights. I had my Charles Atlas book to go along with that. Every time we went to the grocery store, I’d rush to the magazine area and read the ones with Arnold Schwarzenegger and all those guys on the covers: ‘Pumping Iron,’ ‘Muscle and Fitness,’ ‘Muscle Builder by Joe Weider.'”
@Lee Haney

“The compulsion to be unique, which is at war with the desire to belong to a single identifiable sameness.” -Parisa”
@Olivie Blake

“It would be unthinkable to have a top-ten list of multiple narrative novels that doesn’t include David Mitchell. ‘Cloud Atlas’ is the most obvious choice, but I have opted for Mitchell’s slightly lesser known debut, ‘Ghostwritten.'”
@Susan Barker

“For Raintree County is not the country of the perishable fact. It is the country of the enduring fiction. The clock in the Court House Tower on page five of the “Raintree County Atlas” is always fixed at nine o’clock, and it is summer and the days are long.”
@Ross Lockridge Jr.

“Few things are more enjoyable than lingering over the atlas and plotting a trip.”
@J. Maarten Troost

“Bunlardan nasıl bir ahlak dersi çıkarmalı? Barış, Rabbimiz tarafından ne kadar sevilse de, ancak komşularınız da sizin gibi vicdanlıysa esas erdemlerden biri sayılır.”
@David Mitchell

“Buy an atlas and keep it by the bed – remember you can go anywhere.”
@Joanna Lumley

“What notion did you have of Canada when you came?” Mistry smile delicately, the face behind the trimmed beard and glasses like that of a student. “I thought it would complete me.”
@Noah Richler

“‘Cloud Atlas’ is for everybody. The main character in the movie is humanity.”
@Lilly Wachowski

“making people fear you in this world is not part of being a man. Being a man is leaving such a good impression everywhere you, that people would fear how the world would be without you”
@J Atlas

Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged Quotes
“I got interested in astronomy at the age of 8 because I was looking at an atlas of the planets in my parents’ apartment in Arlington, where I grew up. I got a telescope at age 10, which is pretty normal, and by the time I was in eighth grade, I had already seen a lot of cheesy sci-fi films.”
@Seth Shostak

“Are you mad?” Always a trickier question than it looks.”
@David Mitchell

“It’s one thing to buy a copy of ‘Atlas Shrugged.’ You actually have to read it to get anything out of it.”
@Henry Rollins

“These…existential qualms you suffer, they just mean you’re truly human. I aked how I might remedy them. “You don´t remedy them. You live thru them.”
@David Mitchell

“I like Adele, Mika, Natacha Atlas and a beautiful old record, ‘An Evening with Belafonte/Mouskouri,’ starring Harry Belafonte and Nana Mouskouri. What they have in common is they all have incredible voices. I am very much into voices. I would say I’m a fan of voices, not of sound. I’m a fan of singers, not of bands.”
@Christian Louboutin

“Why yes, I can,” said Midas Mulligan, when he was asked whether he could name a person more evil than the man with a heart closed to pity. “The man who uses another’s pity for him as a weapon.”
@Ayn Rand
“Let me give you a tip on a clue to men’s characters: the man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably; the man who respects it has earned it.”
– Atlas Shrugged
“‘Atlas Shrugged,’ let’s face it, was probably the most important novel of the 20th century that was never a film.”
@Albert S. Ruddy
“But, overall, I concluded the young-hack-versus-corporate-corruption thriller had potential. (The Ghost of Sir Felix Finch whines, “But it’s been done a hundred times before!” – as if there could be anything not done a hundred thousand times between Aristophanes and Andrew Void-Webber! As if Art is the What, not the How!)”
@David Mitchell
“Whether or not you agree with Ayn Rand – and I have certain issues with some of her beliefs – the woman can tell a story. I mean, the novel as an art form is just in full florid bloom in ‘Atlas Shrugged.’ It’s an unbelievable story. The characters are so compelling, and what she’s saying is mind-expanding.”
@Anne Hathaway
“Everything was just going perfect, then exam comes…”
@Atlas Gondal
“I would read the atlas for pleasure. I knew it was weird. It was weird.”
@Ken Jennings
“Your employers evince great faith in your talents, Mr Ewing, to entrust you with business neccessitating such a long & arduous voyage.” I replied that, yes, I was a senior enough notary to be entrusted with my present assignment, but a junior enough scrivener to be obligated to accept the same.”
@David Mitchell
“What greater wealth is there than to own your life and to spend it on growing? Every living thing must grow. It can’t stand still. It must grow or perish.”
– Atlas Shrugged
“The fact is that most ‘Irish-Americans’, in spite of dropping the word ‘Irish’ into half of all sentences, couldn’t find Europe on an atlas, let alone Ireland.”
@Ian Watson
“Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. That sentence is the leper’s bell of an approaching looter.”
– Atlas Shrugged
“I quote Seneca’s warning to Nero: No matter how many of us you kill, you will never kill your successor.”
@David Mitchell
“I tend to really be partial to Ayn Rand, and to The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.”
@Clarence Thomas
“There is no such thing as a lousy job – only lousy men who don’t care to do it.” – Atlas Shrugged
“Dagny,” he said, looking at the city as it moved past their taxi window, “think of the first man who thought of making a steel girder. He knew what he saw, what he thought and what he wanted. He did not say, ‘It seems to me,’ and he did not take orders from those who say, ‘In my opinion.”
@Ayn Rand
“ArcGIS includes a Living Atlas of the World. It’s like a large living library of geographic information.”
@Jack Dangermond
“Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all.”
– Atlas Shrugged
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