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Today Ben Shapiro Quotes ideas
“While the West tries to turn its civilization into cultural variety hour, Islam tries to turn Muslim lands into a cultural monolith. The same West that justifies the rap culture thinks that every Muslim terrorist bombing is an expression of economic angst or social alienation.”

“Facts don’t care about your feelings.”
@Ben Shapiro

“The Obama administration has consistently refused to recognize Jerusalem as Israeli territory, let alone as the capital of Israel.”
@Ben Shapiro

“There is no such thing as ‘your truth’. There is the truth and your opinion.”
@Ben Shapiro

“President Obama is one of the great political knife-fighters in modern history. He is a failed president – his economy is bleak, his foreign policy bleaker, his vision for American even bleaker still. But he wins.”
@Ben Shapiro

“Without a clear moral vision, we devolve into moral relativism, and from there, into oblivion.”
@Ben Shapiro

“Michael Lewis, author of ‘Moneyball,’ got special access for a profile of Obama for ‘Vanity Fair’ – but Obama insisted on redlining his quotes.”
@Ben Shapiro

“Never in our country’s history has a generation been so empowered, so wealthy, so privileged—and yet so empty.”
@Ben Shapiro

“Hillary Clinton is not that fascinating a person. According to those who have spent time with her, she’s harsh and demanding. According to those who haven’t – like her husband – she’s a delight.”
@Ben Shapiro

“A man may be judged by his standard of entertainment as easily as by the standard of his work.”
@Ben Shapiro

“Capitalism invariably boils down to barter between two willing parties, neither of whom uses force to work with the other.”
@Ben Shapiro

“Ronald Reagan was not a god. He himself would have said that. Don’t follow people. Follow principle.”
@Ben Shapiro

“Obama seems to inspire a bizarre personal loyalty among his advocates, particularly among young people who should by all rights be concerned with their fading futures and collapsing prospects.”
@Ben Shapiro

“The left no longer makes arguments about policies’ effectiveness. Their only argument is character assassination.”
@Ben Shapiro

“Washington’s birthday is worthy of celebration – he is one of the greatest men in history. But Washington himself would likely have seen celebration of the office of the presidency itself as monarchic in nature.”
@Ben Shapiro

“There will be no conversation in which you call me a racist, and I explain why I’m not a racist. That’s a conversation for idiots.”
@Ben Shapiro

“Members of Congress have more in common with the people they hobnob in Washington, D.C. than they do with the people they’re supposed to represent.”
@Ben Shapiro

“The leftist philosophy of violence is simple: It’s good when it’s being used for leftist causes. It’s bad when it’s being used for any other purpose.”
@Ben Shapiro

“Bad presidents don’t deserve holidays. They deserve scorn.”
@Ben Shapiro

“is not right that children be dunked headfirst into the vat of garbage we call popular culture.”
@Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro Ethnicity Authoritarian Moment Life
“Every time we rock our babies in the night, we bring order back to a disordered world. Every time we look down at our children and cry, we make the world one shade brighter. That’s what children do to us – and for us.”@Ben Shapiro

“a society of essential oils and self-esteem has replaced a society of logic.”
@Ben Shapiro

“Matt Damon’s anti-fracking diatribe was funded by the royal family of the United Arab Emirates.”
@Ben Shapiro

“It’s far more common for leftists to routinely pick up weapons and try to kill those with whom they disagree than it is for those on the other side of the ideological spectrum.”
@Ben Shapiro

“Limbaugh can rightly be said to be the greatest populist expositor of conservatism in America since Reagan, and the link between the Reagan generation and the so-called Rush Babies.”
@Ben Shapiro

“The combination of parental abdication and social liberalism in our schools means that kids are easy targets for nihilism and moral subjectivism.”
@Ben Shapiro

“The real problem with Obamacare has little to do with the number of people signing up, and a lot to do with the restrictions on insurance companies and reimbursement rates to doctors.”
@Ben Shapiro

“Men are destructive in the absence of responsibility”
@Ben Shapiro

“‘The Butler’ has virtually nothing in common with its source material, the life of White House butler Gene Allen, except for the fact that the main character of the film and Allen were both black butlers in the White House.”
@Ben Shapiro

“global warming, for example, the proper question is not whether man is causing global warming. The question is whether man can fix global warming”
@Ben Shapiro

“When Americans are faced with the prospect that they can never earn their way to wealth, they have two choices: to rebel against the system, or to settle into depressed complacency.”
@Ben Shapiro

“The question is why marriage should be redefined, and how same-sex marriage will strengthen the institution.”
@Ben Shapiro

“No number of repairs will be able to fix Obamacare. The website is the least of Americans’ worries.”
@Ben Shapiro

“The left’s use of magical buzzwords places you in a corner, against supposed universal values that aren’t universal or universally held.”
@Ben Shapiro

“Historically, defense spending cuts have preceded increased international turmoil as America’s global enemies sense a failure of will.”
@Ben Shapiro

“Why can’t you just convince me on the basis of the evidence that what you’re proposing is the right solution for America?”
@Ben Shapiro

“Obama’s respect for the Constitution does not apply to protections against unreasonable search and seizure, as Obama’s deeply intrusive National Security Agency programs prove.”
@Ben Shapiro

“Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans.”
@Ben Shapiro

“Historically, professors have defended tenure as a way to protect their individualistic thought. But tenure can also be used as a club to wield against the powerless.”
@Ben Shapiro

“he did it by bringing on folks from the right and then suggesting that they were evil for disagreeing with him.”
@Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro Funny Moments About His Life
“In the aftermath of President Obama’s re-election, members of both the administration and the media trumpeted that Obama had received his long-sought mandate. Obamacare, Americans were told, was the law of the land. It could not be changed; it could not be stopped.”
@Ben Shapiro

“You know he’s going to call you a racist, because he always calls his opponents racist.”
@Ben Shapiro

“The Fourth Amendment is quite clear on the notion that search and seizure must not be unreasonable. It is difficult to think of something more unreasonable than searching the private phone records and digital information of citizens who are suspected of nothing.”
@Ben Shapiro

“In fact, if your opponent thinks you’re not worthy of debating, he isn’t worthy of debating.”
@Ben Shapiro

“It was the Obama administration that cut a faux deal with the Iranians that will not disarm Iran of its nuclear capabilities, and will in fact accelerate their nuclear development.”
@Ben Shapiro

“On abortion, the left says it is for choice, but ignores that the baby has no choice.”
@Ben Shapiro

“America’s liberal arts universities have long been safe zones for leftist thinking, protected ivory towers for the pseudo-elite who earn their livings writing papers nobody reads about gender roles in the poetry of Maya Angelou.”
@Ben Shapiro

“If you force a leftist to answer whether they would force churches to perform same-sex marriages, they will avoid.”
@Ben Shapiro

“The Obama administration has been curtailing press freedom – but that hasn’t ended the press’ drool-cup worship for their beloved president.”
@Ben Shapiro

“There’s a reason that major Democratic candidates work with Hollywood.”
@Ben Shapiro

“The European style of living is seductive: fewer hours worked, more hours at the cafe, less concern over self-betterment. But that style of living does not produce a purposeful life.”
@Ben Shapiro
“For decades, conservatives have been hit by bullies. And there’s only one way to deal with bullies. In the words of the White House, punch back twice as hard.”
@Ben Shapiro
“President Obama has regularly granted special access to reporters who give him preferential coverage.”
@Ben Shapiro
“When someone slanders you because you happen to disagree with them about global warming or the government shutdown, that’s bullying.”
@Ben Shapiro
“Americans take justifiable pride in the freedoms given to them by nature or God and enshrined in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights.”
@Ben Shapiro
“At the university level, this perspective is commonplace – and that leads to ideological discrimination.”
@Ben Shapiro
“President Obama has created the image of an America under President Bush that routinely violated international law.”
@Ben Shapiro
“The left no longer makes arguments about policies’ effectiveness. Their only argument is character assassination”
@Ben Shapiro
“Distrust of government isn’t baseless cynicism. It’s realism.”
@Ben Shapiro
“point out that throwing around accusations without evidence makes your opponent a piece of garbage”
@Ben Shapiro
Best of Ben Shapiro Quotes Moments and Stories
“Google is a private company. It has the capacity to utilize its massive power for whatever political agenda it chooses. But for it to pretend to be an advocate for Internet freedom while simultaneously disadvantaging messages it finds politically incorrect is deeply hypocritical.”
@Ben Shapiro
“What makes human beings unique, says Aristotle, is our capacity to reason, and to use that reason to investigate the nature of the world and our purpose in it:”
@Ben Shapiro
“Every so often, we all gaze into the abyss. It’s a depressing fact of life that eventually the clock expires; eventually the sand in the hourglass runs out. It’s the leaving behind of everything that matters to us that hurts the most.”
@Ben Shapiro
“There was no question about that. Bullies can’t deal with those who stand up to them.”
@Ben Shapiro
“In actuality, California could be a wonderful place to live. In fact, if you’re highly educated and ambitious, you can do quite well here while enjoying the sun and the fun. The only problem: California will then blame you for your success and recommend that all your cash be removed from you.”
@Ben Shapiro
“Happiness is the pursuit of purpose in our lives. If we have lived with moral purpose, even death becomes less painful.”
@Ben Shapiro
“The Obamacare contraception mandate was never about freedom. It was always about pitting secularism against religion, and using the power of government to sponsor secularism.”
@Ben Shapiro
“The first contribution of the ancient Greeks was the philosophy of natural law.”
@Ben Shapiro
“The ouster of Jill Abramson as executive editor of ‘The New York Times’ sent shock waves through the media landscape. Reports that she was fired thanks in part to a soured relationship based on the ‘Times’ alleged sexist pay discrepancy only made those shock waves stronger.”
@Ben Shapiro
“Contrary to the propaganda of a postmodern atheist movement, nearly every great scientist up until the age of Darwinism was religious.”
@Ben Shapiro
“It took capitalism half a century to come back from the Great Depression.”
@Ben Shapiro
“In Plato’s view, conflict within the state lies in failure of people to recognize their own station.”
@Ben Shapiro
“Musicians are, by and large, not the most politically savvy crew.”
@Ben Shapiro
“Ronald Reagan always said that freedom was one generation away from extinction. It looks like we’ve finally found that generation.”
@Ben Shapiro
“It is possible to take the story of Noah figuratively, although virtually every Near East ancient civilization has its own version of the flood story (including the amoral epic of Gilgamesh).”
@Ben Shapiro
“It was one thing to suggest that Bush had lied America into a war for oil. It was another to speak while Obama was speaking.”
@Ben Shapiro
“President Obama’s consistent agenda has been to weaken the United States and our allies in pursuit of a more ‘balanced’ global power structure.”
@Ben Shapiro
“There is no way to convince someone that you don’t hate him or her. You can convince him or her, however, that your opposition is a liar and a hater. When”
@Ben Shapiro
“Vaccinations absolutely work, and have dramatically decreased rates of childhood diseases.”
@Ben Shapiro
“young go into the profession with dread, the old can scarcely wait for retirement, and those of the middle years yearn for sabbaticals.”
@Ben Shapiro
Why is Ben Shapiro Famous Everyone On Instagram
“President Obama himself has attributed the legitimacy of the Jewish State not to its historic identity as Jewish territory, but to the Holocaust.”
@Ben Shapiro
“And chances are that if you wanted to do well in that final, citing Ayn Rand probably wasn’t the best strategy.”
@Ben Shapiro
“The separation of church and state was meant to protect church from state; a state that declares religion off limits in public life is a state that declares itself supreme over all religious values.”
@Ben Shapiro
“The left knows this is war. And”
@Ben Shapiro
“from nonprofit organizations to push Obamacare—the same organizations responsible”
@Ben Shapiro
“Kids are fat because of lack of parenting.”
@Ben Shapiro
“Essentially, Romney’s campaign slogan was this: “Obama: Good Guy, Bad President.”
@Ben Shapiro
“When a black person kills a black person, the media ignores it completely.”
@Ben Shapiro
“This is what makes leftists leftists: an unearned sense of moral superiority over you. And”
@Ben Shapiro
“Having children truly ends adolescence. We are all either parents or children: responsibility-takers or those who demand from others.”
@Ben Shapiro
“Your goal is to make the left admit once and for all what they believe about policy by exposing those inconsistencies.”
@Ben Shapiro
“Show Republicans a shiny pro-life or pro-marriage issue and they’d much rather address that controversial topic than keep pressing on the tyranny that Obamacare represents.”
@Ben Shapiro
“This is why it’s so comfortable to be on the left: that unearned sense of moral superiority. Unearned,”
@Ben Shapiro
“Freedom of speech and thought matters, especially when it is speech and thought with which we disagree. The moment the majority decides to destroy people for engaging in thought it dislikes, thought crime becomes a reality.”
@Ben Shapiro
“The people who occupy the professoriate have not had to work a real job – a job with real-world consequences — in over 30 years.”
@Ben Shapiro
“President Obama is perhaps the most ideologically-motivated president in American history. But according to the ultimate authority, Barack Obama, he’s a mere pragmatist.”
@Ben Shapiro
“If fears of anti-religious universities were well-founded then, those fears are a thousand-fold more legitimate now.”
@Ben Shapiro
“The violation of press freedoms has been egregious under this administration, even as the press fetes President Obama as an honest and effective commander-in-chief.”
@Ben Shapiro
“A woman’s right to choose takes precedence over all—even if that means crushing the skull of a living child and sucking its brains into a sink.”
@Ben Shapiro
“Only reprobates father children and then abandon them.”
@Ben Shapiro
“If public opinion were as solidly pro-euthanasia as the universities, America would be full of suicide clinics already.”
@Ben Shapiro
“Google has long been a leftist company.”
@Ben Shapiro
“Besides defending gangsta rap, professors will also defend convicted and admitted murderers and murderesses—as long as those killers are leftists.”
@Ben Shapiro
“Obama’s pop-cultural focus may seem demeaning to the office of the presidency. It may be mockable. But it is also tremendously effective.”
@Ben Shapiro
“The Democrats running the universities don’t separate politics and teaching.”
@Ben Shapiro
“The most formative time of our lives are the years between birth and age 21, when we explore who we are and learn from those who surround us.”
@Ben Shapiro
“… why isn’t cutting government spending a viable alternative to maintaining high taxes?”
@Ben Shapiro
“The liberal media hates Republicans, the military, and Israel.”
@Ben Shapiro
“Conservatives and portrayed as members of a conspiratorial power structure.”
@Ben Shapiro
“Obama rammed through Obamacare legislation without a single Republican vote.”
@Ben Shapiro
“Only at [a] university is a riot an “uprising,” a police officer a thug, and a criminal a hero.”
@Ben Shapiro
“President Obama’s respect for the Constitution does not extend to freedom of religion – his administration has forced religious businessowners to pay for insurance plans that cover activities in violation of religious precepts.”
@Ben Shapiro
“Without God, there is no right and wrong … Anything goes. Life loses value, and with that loss of value comes a loss of societal strength.”
@Ben Shapiro
“In Britain, where the social safety net is more like a social swaddling cloth, crime rates other than murder are significantly higher than in the United States.”
@Ben Shapiro
“… professors are … intellectual terrorists. May they reap what they sow.”
@Ben Shapiro
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