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Today Do Unto Others Quote ideas
“Don’t do unto others what you don’t want done unto you.”

“The Golden Rule: Do unto others (as in people, Mother Nature) as you would have done to yourself. Truly know thyself, and to thine own self be true. Have dreams/goals and never quit working toward achieving them.”

“You can have the ‘golden rule’ – do unto others as you would have others do unto you. But then you take it one step farther – where you just do good unto others, period. Just for the sake of it.”
@Jennifer Beals

“The reason I like socialism is that it’s kind of enforced Christianity. It’s basically very Christian, in the sense of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” These people have nothing, so you have to share.”
@Lewis Black

“The inspection once completed it is usual to put everything carefully back in place as far as possible. It is enjoined by a certain ethics not to do unto others what coming from them might give offence.”
@Samuel Beckett

“But despite these differences, so many of our faiths and traditions are rooted in the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would want done to you. Isn’t allowing adults to marry the person they love consistent with the Golden Rule?”
@Ken Mehlman

“The fact is, society is made more hospitable by every individual who acts as if ‘do unto others’ really was a rule.”
@Gary Hamel

“Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same.”
@George Bernard Shaw

“The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I think it’s a good rule for politics, too.”
@Hillary Clinton

“Do unto others’ is a boomerang. Whatever you decide to throw out there will return to you. If you do not like what comes back – change your output.”
@Merlyn Gabriel Miller

“Do not do unto others as you expect they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same.”
@George Bernard Shaw

“You ever get the feeling the world’s filling up with bastards? I do. What I want to know is what happens when all the bastards run out of people to crap on? What happens when all that’s left in the world is bastards? . . . The golden rule. Screw unto others before they screw unto you.”
@William Hoffman

“Absolutely speaking, Do unto others as you would that they should do unto you is by no means a golden rule, but the best of current silver. An honest man would have but little occasion for it. It is golden not to have any rule at all in such a case.”
@Henry David Thoreau

“If you say “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” Then evil will have it way upon the world. Thus it is better to treat people according to their nature, that way evil cannot abuse the good.”
@Jason Cain

“[on sexual politics] The Golden Rule works for men as written, but for women it should go the other way around. We need to do unto ourselves as we do unto others.”
@Gloria Steinem

“I have something that I call my Golden Rule. It goes something like this: ‘Do unto others twenty-five percent better than you expect them to do unto you.’ … The twenty-five percent is for error.”
@Linus Pauling

“Do unto others what you want done unto you.”

“The Golden Rule means we should do unto others as we would wish them to do unto us if our positions were reversed.”
@Napoleon Hill

“Do unto others as you wish others do unto you.”

“Yet I also believe that when you do unto others, blessings come to you as well. So if you don’t have a friend, be a friend. If you are having a bad day, make someone else’s day. If your feelings are hurt, heal those of another.”
@Nick Vujicic

Short Do Unto Others Quotes
“When a man is guided by the principles of reciprocity and consciousness, he is not far from the moral law. Whatever you don’t wish for yourself don’t do unto others.”

“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.’ ” “The Golden Rule,” Charlie said. “Do unto others as they do unto you.”
@Karin Slaughter

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and you will make of their circumstances the litter you have made of your own.”
@Charles Fort

“If your actions were to boomerang back on you instantly, would you still act the same? Doing to others an act you’d rather not have done to you reveals a powerful internal conflict.”
@Alexandra Katehakis

“I am often, I believe, praying for others when I should be doing things for them. It’s so much easier to pray for a bore than to go and see him.”
@C. S. Lewis

“Chauncey Starr expressed it, “We are loath to let others do unto us what we happily do to ourselves.”
@Jared Diamond

“Slowly and painfully man is learning that he must do unto others what he would have them do to him.”
@Anthony Eden

“Our job on earth isn’t to criticize, reject, or judge. Our purpose is to offer a helping hand, compassion, and mercy. We are to do unto others as we hope they would do unto us.”
@Dana Arcuri

“Do unto others as you would have them do to you, said the rapist.”
@Bo Burnham

“The essence of the Torah is the command: Do not do unto others as you should not want them to do unto you—the rest is commentary. Go and study.”
@Erich Fromm

“Do unto others, then run”
@Benny Hill

“Let’s replace “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you” with “Do unto others, after they show you they are worthy.”
@Sherry Argov

“Never forget the favors done for you. Always forget the favors you’ve done for others.”
@Omar Suleiman

“Do unto others, boy, before they do unto you.”
@Clive Barker

“That which you do not wish for yourself, do not impose on others.”

“Do unto others as they wish, but with imagination.”
@Marcel Duchamp

“Each time we act to improve the life of another person, we send forth a ripple of hope in what appears to be a hopeless society.”
@Joyce Meyer

“People seldom appreciate the pain they’ve caused until that pain is visited upon them. This is not vengeance. It is education.”
@Wayne Gerard Trotman

“Put others before yourself, unselfish love, do unto others as you would have done to you.”
@Jessica Chastain

“Do unto others as they do unto you.”
@Anton Szandor LaVey

Amazing Don’t Do Unto Others Quote
“Even the humblest mammal’s strong sexual, parental, and social instincts give rise to ‘do unto others as yourself’ and ‘love thy neighbor as thyself’.”
@Charles Darwin

“It is so obvious that it is reduced to platitudes. I will pick three: “Live in the present”; “See the glass as half full, not half empty”; and “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
@Shep McKenney

“Try to do unto others as you would have them do to you, and do not be discouraged if they fail sometimes. It is much better that they should fail than you should.”
@Charles Dickens

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,’ Aubrey. I will avenge this scar and every scar you have put into my heart. -Risika(In The Forest Of The Night)”
@Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

“Being successful doesn’t necessarily make you great. What makes you great is when you reach back and help somebody else become great.”
@Joel Osteen

“Do unto others what you want them to do to you. Don’t deceive if you don’t want to be deceived. Don’t cheat if you don’t want to be cheated. Relationship is mutual. This is the golden rule for all great connections!”
@Israelmore Ayivor

“Don’t do unto others what you don’t want others to do unto you.”

“The reality is that doing good unto others actually does more good for you.”
@Richelle E. Goodrich

“Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people.”
@Albert Einstein

“Do unto others as you’d have KARMA do unto you! Stop thinking in terms of “What’s in it for me?” and more in terms of “What’s in it for the greater good?”
@Comic Strip Mama

“To change the world we must be good to those who cannot repay us.”
@Pope Francis
“Do unto others before they do unto you.”
@Terry Pratchett
“Empathy is not simply a matter of trying to imagine what others are going through, but having the will to muster enough courage to do something about it. In a way, empathy is predicated upon hope.”
@Cornel West
“Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto You. Kill or Be Killed. Either Shit or Get Out of the Kitchen. Survival of the Fittest. Make My Day.”
@Terry Pratchett
“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.”
@Benjamin Disraeli
“Obedience is the virtue that determines whether a person is either a servant or a rebel. Life of integrity is built on obedience of God’s statutes and nothing else.”
@Israelmore Ayivor
“You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.”
@John Wooden
“Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error.”
@Linus Pauling
“We live by the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
@Jane O’Meara Sanders
“This is the sum of duty. Do not unto others that which would cause you pain if done to you.”
Famous Do Unto Others as You Would Quotes
“The most important thing is that you be a good person and you live by the golden rule of do unto others. If you live by that, that’s all I care about.”
@Rob Reiner
“Do unto another as you would want the (future) other to do unto you.”
@Twinkle Khanna
“My favorite parable for living a positive and influential life is the Golden Rule: ‘Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.'”
@Tony Oller
“When we’re struck with cruelty, we can either inflict the same on others like it’s a rite of passage, or decide that here is where it stops.”
@Joyce Rachelle
“The Golden Rule is to ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ Allegedly, America is a Christian country. This means that Christian America is following Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in a masochistic way.”
@Paul Craig Roberts
“Do nothing unto anyone that you would not like to have done unto yourself. Seek peace, and never be the aggressor—but if anyone attacks you, we do not teach you to turn the other cheek.”
@Malcolm X
“I’m going to tell you what my religion is. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Period. Terminato. Finito.”
@Gene Wilder
“People will act towards you in the way you consider is the right way to treat them.”
@Meir Ezra
“Many religious confessions share common values. They teach that we should do unto others as we would have them do unto us.”
@Russell M. Nelson
“The key to love is to love back. Enthusiastically embrace people who love you. Reciprocate the same level of energy, affection, respect, and attention.”
@Germany Kent
“I abhor discrimination. The way I was raised was like most Hoosiers, with the golden rule, that you should do unto others what you’d have them do unto you.”
@Mike Pence
“Do unto others before they do it to you.”
@Sherrilyn Kenyon
“What goes around, comes around.”
@Willie Nelson
“do unto others as you would’ve them do unto you. scientific prove that to be a fact for every action is the opposite as equal reaction. Don’t fuck with me, and i won’t fuck with you”
@Eddie Griffin
“Those who are not looking for happiness are the most likely to find it, because those who are searching forget that the surest way to be happy is to seek happiness for others.”
@Martin Luther King, Jr.
“He studied with the guru of rock n’ roll, Baba Oom Mow Mow, who taught his own version of the Golden Rule: “Do wop unto others as you would have them do wop unto you.”
@Swami Beyondananda
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'”
@Martin Luther King, Jr.
“One major way to avoid shifting blames unto other people is to accept and agree that the efforts that turn the loads of your self- improvement have to turn on your own pivot.”
@Israelmore Ayivor
“May you grow to be proud, dignified, and true, and do unto others as you’d have done to you.”
@Rod Stewart
“The golden rule says do unto others as you would have done unto you. The mother-in-law rule says do unto others as they would have done unto them.”
@Susan Abel Lieberman
New Quotes Do Unto Others as You Would
“In order to bring out the best in people, you need to give them your best.”
@Omar Suleiman
“If you think of evil things, you are likely to do evil things and that will never pay you a pesewa. Think of good things and do good always!”
@Israelmore Ayivor
“There are people in your path just so you can be a blessing to them. Anytime you do good for others, you are sowing a seed for God to be good to you.”
@Joel Osteen
“No matter how many thousands friends you’ve had, or even more likes you’ve got, but if you do not enjoy being yourself, then you just keep lying to yourself and unto others as well.”
@Toba Beta
“I give a portion of my time to helping others. It is good for my own health.”
@Louise Hay
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
@Bible. N. T. Français
“A sign that your good deed has been accepted is that you do more good deeds after it.”
@Ibn Rajab
“When the great theologian and philosopher Rabbi Hillel was challenged to explain the Torah in the time he could stand on one foot, he replied, “Do not do unto others that which is repugnant to you. All else is commentary.”
@Edward O. Wilson
“I grew up being taught, ‘Do unto others as they would do unto you.’ I would get scolded for not being polite.”
@Joel Edgerton
“do unto others as you would have done to yourself”
@The Holy Bible
“Do unto others what has been done to you,”
@Maynard James Keenan
“do not unto others what you don’t want others do unto you”
“Do not unto others that which is hateful unto thee.”
@Hillel the Elder
“Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.”
@Our Savior Jesus Christ
“May I do to others as I would that they should do unto me.”
“If everyone realized the value of life, the world would be peaceful. The meaning of these words, “Do unto others as you would have them, do unto you,” would be understood: It would be practiced.”
@Ellen J. Barrier
“Take care of yourself, and do unto others as you would have done to you.”
@David Guetta
“Do unto others, before they do unto you.”
@Van Helsing
“Retribution often means that we eventually do to ourselves what we have done unto others.”
@Eric Hoffer
“Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. Every major world religion has this rule in common and a God they should love.”
@Darrell Mowat
Washington honors the Platinum Rule above all: ‘Do it unto others before they do it unto you.”
@Wesley Pruden
“Everything happens for a reason. Do not do unto others what you do not want others do unto you.”
@The Golden Rule
“It finally happened – a lawsuit for wrongful doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
@Robert Breault
“Do unto others as others have done to you.”
@Cecelia Ahern
“Surely it is the maxim of loving-kindness: Do not unto others that you would not have them do unto you.”
“Do unto others before they have a chance to do unto you.”
@Daniel Silva
“I throw out compliments to strangers all the time, because I would like it back at me, and do unto others.”
@Nikki Glaser
“The game is called,” said the witcher slowly, “don’t do unto others what you would not have them do to you.’ You don’t have to”
@Andrzej Sapkowski
“Follow the Golden Rule. Be kind to your neighbors, love them as much as you would love yourself, do unto others….”
@Michael Jackson
“Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
@Dale Carnegie
“I do the wrong, and first begin to brawl. The secret mischiefs that I set abroach I lay unto the grievous charge of others.”
@William Shakespeare
“Doing things for others gives you a lovely glow.” “So does port,” I said cynically.”
@Dodie Smith
“My favorite parable for living a positive and influential life is the Golden Rule: Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.”
@Tony Oller
“Henry Flagler: “Do unto others as they would do unto you—and do it first.”
@Jackson Lears
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, not forgetting to leave others be as you would have them leave you be.”
@Robert Breault
“Do unto others, better, than you would have them do unto you.”
@Eric Ngan
“… the Golden Rule works for men as written, but for women it should go the other way around. We need to do unto ourselves as we do unto others.”
@Gloria Steinem
“The real war happened when you weren’t looking.”
@Jim Butcher
“Don’t forgive and never forget; Do unto others before they do unto you; and third and most importantly, keep your eye on your friends, because your enemies will take care of themselves!”
“Snyder had scaled the rocky heights of the American political landscape by adhering to a simple mantra: Do unto others before they do unto you.”
@Brad Thor
“I’m basically a ‘do unto others’ type person. I don’t have any religious feelings because I’m an atheist, but I live my life like there’s a God. And if there was he’d probably love me.”
@Ricky Gervais
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