201 Famous Fast and Furious Quotes About Life Memorable Lines

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Today Fast and Furious Quotes About Life ideas

Today! Here are some Quotes inspired by the “Fast and Furious” movie franchise:

“If we have to, overnight parts from Japan.” @Jesse

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“They say to live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die. But he put you in this grave, so now, I’ll do the same to him.” @Dominic Toretto

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“Thought You Could Leave Without Saying Goodbye?” @Fast and Furious

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“There’s an old saying, ‘For want of a nail, the horseshoe was lost. For want of a horseshoe, the steed was lost. For want of a steed, the message was not delivered. For want of an undelivered message, the war was lost.’” @Uncle Kamata

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“You Weren’t Anyone’s Friend.” @Dominic Toretto

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“You’re not that charming, bitch.” @Kara

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“You’ve got some serious balls, man.” @Fast and Furious

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“I don’t pick a target from a mile away. I stand face to face and look them dead in the eye.” @Dominic Toretto

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“The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room. Right here, right now.” @Dominic Toretto

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“No matter how fast you are, no one outruns their past.” @Dominic Toretto

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“Yeah, But With Cars When You Trade Up They Don’t Take Half Your S**t” @Fast and Furious

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“Keep your car. Your respect is good enough for me.” @Dominic Toretto

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“You almost had me? You never had me! You never had your car!” @Dominic Toretto

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“Funny thing about street fights? The street always wins.” @Dominic Toretto

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“He may be an O’Conner… but he’s also a Toretto.” @Vin Diesel

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“When people believe in you, you can do miraculous things.” @Dominic Toretto

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“Every day for the last three weeks you’ve been coming in here and you’ve been asking me how the tuna is. Now, it was crappy yesterday, it was crappy the day before and guess what? It hasn’t changed.” @Mia Toretto

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“It’s not how you stand by your car; it’s how you race your car.” @Edwin

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“Hey, we do what we do best. We improvise all right?” @Toretto

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“I don’t have friends; I have family.” @Dominic Toretto

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“Yeah, Rome! How Do Ya Like Them Apples?!” @Brian O’Conner

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“You’re loyal to a fault. Your code is about family, and that’s great in the holidays, but it makes you predictable. And in our line of work, predictable means vulnerable. And that means I can reach out and break you whenever I want.” @Deckard Shaw

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“We talkin’ or we racin’?” @Fast and Furious

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“You guys really think you’ve won? This code you live by, it’s the very reason why you weren’t even in the game.” @Owen Shaw

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“You know, my brother likes you. Usually, he doesn’t like anybody.” @Mia

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“Maybe you’re lying to yourself. Maybe you’re not the good guy pretending to be a bad guy. Maybe you’re the bad guy pretending to be the good guy. You ever think about that?” @Mia Toretto

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“I’m a boy who appreciates a good body, regardless of the make.” @Fast and Furious

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“I have money; it’s trust and character that I need around me. You know, who you choose to be around you lets you know who you are. One car in exchange for knowing what a man’s made of? That’s a price I can live with.” @Han Lue

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“I have faith in you but this isn’t a junkyard, it’s a garage!” @Dominic Toretto

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“I live my life a quarter-mile at a time. Nothing else matters. Not the mortgage, not the store, not my team, and all their bullshit. For those 10 seconds or less, I’m free.” @Dominic Toretto

Short The Fast and Furious Quotes

“This time it ain’t just about being fast.” @Fast and Furious

“Money will come and go. We all know that. The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room. Right here, right now. Salute, mi familia.” @Dominic Toretto

“You Just Earned Yourself A Dance With The Devil, Boy.” @Hobbs

“I Owe You A Ten-Second Car.” @Fast And Furious

“I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I’m free.” @Fast and Furious

“Dom, Cars Don’t Fly. Cars Don’t Fly! Sh**!” @Fast And Furious

“I don’t have friends, I have family.” @Dominic Toretto

“When You Blew Up Your Car, That Means You Blew Up Mine Too […] So Now You Owe Me A Ten-Second Car.” @Fast And Furious

“Ride or die, remember?” @Fast and Furious

“If You Want The Career-Changing Big Fish, You Gotta Be Willing To […] Sail Out To The Deep Water.” @Fast And Furious

“Hey, we do what we do best. We improvise, all right?” @Brian O’Conner

“You Know I Woulda, I Woulda Won That Race If You Didn’t Cheat, Right?” @Fast And Furious

“Fifty percent of something is better than a hundred percent of nothing.” @Han

“Hey! We Do What We Do Best. We Improvise, All Right?” @Fast And Furious

“It don’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning’s winning.” @Dominic Toretto

“I Like The Tuna Here.” @Fast And Furious

“My Death Became The Best Way To Stay Alive.” @Han

“The Air Quality Here Is Lousy, The Traffic Is Bad, But I Think You’ll Learn To Like This Place.” @Fast And Furious

“Ask any racer. Any real racer. It don’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning’s winning.” @Dominic Toretto

“You Know, The Best Decision I Ever Made Was Stepping Into That Store And Buying That First Sandwich.” @Fast And Furious

Deep Quotes from The Fast and The Furious

“It’s Good To Be Back.” @Han

“Yeah, That Sounds Like A Real Hero.” @Fast And Furious

“Just don’t cheat this time.” @Brian O’Conner

“First Bite. He’s Got Grace. House Rules, Man. House Rules.” @Fast And Furious

“You’d Still Be Shaking Down Tea Houses For Chump Change If It Wasn’t For Me.” @Han

“Yeah Rome, How Do You Like Them Apples?” @Fast And Furious

“I’m So Good, Man, I Could Sell Rubbers To A Monk.” @Twinkie

“You Asked Me Why I Let Dom Go. I Did It Because, At That Moment, I Respected Him More Than I Respected Myself.” @Fast And Furious

“I Thought We’d Be Robbing Banks By Now.” @Han

“That’s The Brian O’Conner Driving School Right There, Baby!” @Fast And Furious

“Too soon, Junior.” @Johnny Tran

“But If I Win, I Take The Cash, And I Take The Respect. To Some People, That’s More Important.” @Fast And Furious

“What’d you expect? You didn’t just play with fire, you soaked the matches in gasoline.” @Han

“Yeah, Your Broke Ass Got A Hundred Grand.” @Fast And Furious

“I don’t feel like I’m under arrest.” @Dominic Toretto

“I Didn’t Know Pizza Places Made Motors.” @Fast And Furious

“I Have Money, It’s Trust And Character I Need Around Me.” @Han

“Your Brother Never Told You…?” @Fast And Furious

“I Smell…Skanks. Why Don’t You Girls Just Pack It Up Before I Leave Tread Marks On Your Face?” @Letty

“You and your family don’t go to any more funerals.” @Fast And Furious

Just Quotes from Fast and The Furious

“The world has a way of changing, But there’s some things that always stay the same.” @Toretto

“…Don’t Go To Any More Funerals.” @Fast And Furious

“So, Dunn looks like we’re gonna be partners, bro. Could you tell me right quick what would be a better motor for my Skyline, a Gallo 12 or a Gallo 24?” @Brian O’Conner

“This is your family… This is my family” @Fast And Furious

“I’m tired of running.” @Toretto

“Everyone’s looking for a thrill, but what’s real is family.” @Fast And Furious

“You Might Wanna Keep Your Eyes On The Road, Playboy” @Monica

“…What’s Real Is Family” @Dom

“I’ve got nothing but time.” @Toretto

“I’m offering you a chance to make that family whole again.” @Fast And Furious

“I live my life a quarter-mile at a time. Nothing else … For those ten seconds or less, I’m free.” @Dominic Toretto

“…Make That Family Whole Again” @Fast And Furious

“You know this ain’t no 10-second race.” @Toretto

“There Is Always Room For Family” @Fast And Furious

“Your Mistake Is Thinking You Have A Goddamn Choice, Boy.” @Hobbs

“You’re Gonna Turn Your Back On Family?” @Fast And Furious

“I choose to make my own fate.” @Toretto

“The Most Important Thing Will Always Be The People In This Room.” @Fast And Furious

“Else Matters: Not The Mortgage, Not The Store, Not My Team And All Their Bullshit.” @Dominic Toretto

“I Don’t Have Friends, I’ve Got Family” @Fast And Furious

New Fast and Furious Family Quotes

“The sins of our past can catch up to us.” @Fast and Furious

“There’s all kinds of family, and that’s a choice you’ll have to make.” @Fast And Furious

“You Don’t Turn Your Back On Family, Even When They Do.” @Dom

“There’s All Kinds Of Family…”

“It’s not about working anymore, it’s about doing work I can be proud of.” @Fast and Furious

“It’s a Legacy That Will Go On for Generations.” @Fast And Furious

“Words Ain’t Even Been Invented Yet.” @Dom

“The Worst Thing You Can Do to a Toretto Is Take Away Their Family.” @Fast And Furious

“I live my life a quarter-mile at a time.” @Toretto

“No matter where you are, whether it’s a quarter mile away or halfway across the world, you’ll always be with me, and you’ll always be my brother.” @Fast And Furious

“It doesn’t matter whether you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning.” @Dominic Toretto

“You’ll Always be With Me, and You’ll Always be My Brother.” @Fast And Furious

“Fear or loyalty keep a team together.” @Ramsey

“Without Family, You’ve Got Nothing.” @Fast And Furious

“Maybe you’re lying to yourself. Maybe you’re not the good guy pretending to be the bad guy. Maybe you’re the bad guy pretending to be the good guy. Did you ever think about that?” @Mia

“That’s the problem with having such a big family. How do you choose the ones you save?” @Fast And Furious

“There is nothing more powerful than the love of family, But you turn that into anger, there’s nothing more dangerous.” @Shaw

“That’s the Problem With Having Such a Big Family.” @Fast And Furious

“I watched my father burn to death. I can still remember him screaming. The people who were there said my father died long before the tanks blew. They said it was me that was screaming.” @Dominic Toretto

“It starts with the eyes. She’s gotta have those kind of eyes that can look right through the bullshit, to the good in someone. 20% angel, 80% devil. Down to earth. Ain’t afraid to get a little engine grease under her fingernails.” @Dom

Famous Fast and Furious Family Quotes

“Maybe this is the end, But we’re going to go out together.” @Roman Pearce

“I do know you, Dom. Which is why now I give you a brother to brother answer. You do whatever it is you gotta do. When you find that sumbitch, just do me one favor.” @Hobbs

“It’s On The House.” @Hobbs

“Grab a chair. We were about to roast some marshmallows.” @Han

“You’re a father now, Brian. Take care of Mia.” @Toretto

“I don’t need a computer to tell me how I drive!” @Neela

“You Risk Life And Limb To Save The Free World, And What Does It Give You? Jello And A Bad ’70s TV Show.” @Dom

“One car in exchange for knowing what a man’s made of. That’s a price I can live with.” @Han

“You’ve got the best crew in the world standing right in front of you, give them a reason to stay.” @Toretto

“That’s funny. From a guy who took the oath of a cop, then went against everything it stood for, for some wannabe tough-guy prick who beat a man half to death with a socket wrench.” @Hobbs

“Yeah, real tough. You turn around and put your hands behind your back.” @Hobbs

“I’ll have the tuna. No crust.” @Brian O’Conner

“At least you’re not redoing my mistakes.” @Major Boswell

“I don’t have friends, I have a family.” @Toretto

“That little coupe may run the streets around here, but – that monster has never seen a set of tail lights, ever.” @Dominic Toretto

“I lied to you. I lied to Dom, I lied to everybody. That’s what I do best. That’s why the feds recruited me.” @Brian O’Conner

“We race and the loser leaves town for good.” @Sean

“Letty grew up just down the street. She was into cars since she was like ten years old. Dom always had her attention.” @Mia

“It’s a good story, isn’t it? Almost inspiring. See, what I couldn’t fathom is why he’s not relaxing on a beach somewhere with that cute little Brazilian number.” @Owen Shaw

“Instead, he’s working with a two-bit government hack like Hobbs. And then I realized, he has a weak spot.” @Owen Shaw

“You’re Like The Justin Timberlake Of Japan.” @Shawn

“Enjoyin’ the ride? Man, it’s a fast car, huh? Man, it’s a classic. Old school. American muscle. Man, this car can do all kinda things, man. Wanna see?” @Roman Pearce

“Money will come and go. We all know that.” @Dominic Toretto

“All right, listen up. The men we’re after are professional runners. They like speed and are guaranteed to go down in the hardest possible way, so make sure you got your funderwear on.” @Luke Hobbs

“We find them; we take them as a team and we bring them back. And above all else, we don’t ever– ever– let them get into cars.” @Luke Hobbs

“You’ve got balls, man.” “I’ve been told.” @Dominic Toretto

“Father, we thank you for the gathering of friends. Father, we give thanks for all the choices we have made because that’s what makes us who we are.” @Roman Pearce

“Let us forever cherish the loved ones we’ve lost along the way. Thank you for the little angel, the newest addition to our family. Thank you for bringin’ Letty home. And most of all, thank you for fast cars.” @Roman Pearce

“I’m one of those boys who appreciates a fine body regardless of the make.” @Dominic Toretto

“Why don’t you girls just pack it up before I leave tread marks on your face?” @Letty Ortiz

“Dude I Almost Had You!” @Brian O’Connor

“You guys really think you’ve won. This code you live by, it’s the very reason why you weren’t even in the game.” @Owen Shaw

“You break her heart, I’ll break your neck.” @Dominic Toretto

“You know what, I’m starting to like this country already.” @Sean

“You Know I Would’ve Won That Race If You Didn’t Cheat, Right?” @Brian O’Conner

“The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room. Right here, right now. Salute, mi familia.” @Dominic Toretto

“You want a piece of ass, go to Hollywood Boulevard. You want an adrenaline rush that’ll be two large.” @Letty

“Look at all those people down there. They follow the rules for what? They’re letting fear lead them.” @Han

“Life’s simple. You make choices and you don’t look back.” @Han Lue

“I live my life a quarter-mile at a time. Nothing else matters not the mortgage, not the store, not my team, and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I’m free.” @Dominic Toretto

“They Open At The Same Time I Pull This Trigger. Want Me To Open Them?” @Gisele

Feel free to use these Quotes to accompany your “Fast and Furious” themed posts or photos. These quotes blend the fast and furious spirit with life’s challenges and adventures, inspiring you to live life to the fullest and chase your dreams with determination.

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