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Today Feeling Empty Quotes ideas
“Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth.”

“The words come out of my mouth, but they don’t sound like me. I don’t sound like me. Probably because I know it’s all lies. But I can see that they’re lies that Reeve believes. He swallows them whole. His eyes go blank. Empty. He completely shuts down.”
@Jenny Han

“It was not the feeling of completeness I so needed, but the feeling of not being empty.”
@Jonathan Safran Foer

“I’m looking forward to the future, and feeling grateful for the past.”
@Mike Rowe

“Life is full of secrets, and narrow-minded people, and sugar-coated, empty conversations that hold no weight. What’s real is what’s inside us. What’s important is what we feel.”
@L.J. Shen

“Without you in my arms, I feel an emptiness in my soul. I find myself searching the crowds for your face – I know it’s an impossibility, but I cannot help myself.”
@Nicholas Sparks

“Try and leave this world a little better than you found it, and when your turn comes to die, you can die happy in feeling that at any rate, you have not wasted your time but have done your best.”
@Robert Baden-Powell

“Empty of anything that defined it as real. That was how I felt sometimes. I existed in a world made for show, not depth, not feeling.”
@Gwen Hayes

“I felt very still and empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo.”
@Sylvia Plat

“I just wanna give a big shout out to all the fans out there who have followed my work up until now. You guys are amazing!! Hearing from fans is the best feeling in the world.”
@Lindsey Shaw

“I still feel the aches you left behind, even after all the time you have been gone. This heart of mine has been broken before, but this emptiness has never left me quite as sore.”
@Courtney Peppernell

“Some people feel like they don’t deserve love. They walk away quietly into empty spaces, trying to close the gaps of the past.”
@Jon Krakauer

“The problem isn’t that Johnny can’t read. The problem isn’t even that Johnny can’t think. The problem is that Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.”
@Thomas Sowell

“I’m empty and lonely and lost and I’m starving, and there isn’t enough in the whole wide world that could make me feel whole.”
@Amy Reed

“Hysteria is impossible without an audience. Panicking by yourself is the same as laughing alone in an empty room. You feel really silly.”
@Chuck Palahniuk

“Keep going and keep believing and do what makes you feel good. And when you feel good and get to the point where no-one can take that from you, then that feeling will the best feeling.”

“When I’m feeling down, I make myself a big bowl of Up Soup. The bowl only looks empty, but in reality it’s full of hope. Grab a spoon, there’s plenty for both of us.”
@Jarod Kintz

“The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers & cities; but to know someone who thinks & feels with us, & who, though distant, is close to us in spirit, this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden.”

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”
@William Arthur Ward

“She fitted in my arms, she always had, and the shock of holding her caused me to feel that my arms had been empty since she had been away.”
@James Baldwin

Feeling Empty Quotes and Images
“I just looked at her, feeling utterly empty. I didn’t know what I was supposed to say to her. My life is in that bed. Please let me stay.”
@Maggie Stiefvater

“Looking good and feeling good go hand in hand. If you have a healthy lifestyle, your diet and nutrition are set, and you’re working out, you’re going to feel good.”
@Jason Statham

“Sometimes I feel so alone in the world. A tiny speck of nothing in a sea of emptiness.”
@Edwyna Hughes

“Sometimes you can only feel something by its absence. By the empty spaces it leaves behind.”
@Gayle Forman

“To have felt too much is to end in feeling nothing.”
@Dorothy Thompson

“Jess had never imagined that someone would be so empty that they’d need to destroy something that precious to feel full.”
@Rachel Caine

“The truth is, I feel beyond sad. I feel empty. Numb.”
@Elizabeth Scott

“The true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality.”
@Che Guevara

“It was easier not to feel. It was safer not to love. It was possible to make oneself silent and still as stone, to wall oneself off from the world and its losses, to empty one’s heart. It was possible, but it was not human.”
@Cassandra Clare

“Happy and sad, elated and miserable, secure and afraid, loved and denied, patient and angry, peaceful and wild, complete and empty…all of it. I would feel everything. It would all be mine.”
@Stephenie Meyer

“Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them.”
@Richard L. Evans

“Home, he murmured. It’s always the hardest to leave. …because it gives you the biggest punch in the gut as you’re on your way off. All the memories come flooding in… and you’re left with a feeling of emptiness. You’re homesick before you’re even gone.”
@Zechariah Barrett

“There’s no way for them to take away my sadness, but they can make sure I am not empty of all the other feelings.”
@David Levithan

“Then stirs the feeling infinite, so felt In solitude, where we are least alone.”
@Lord Byron

“Do you suffer when you write? I don’t at all. Suffer like a bastard when don’t write, or just before, and feel empty and fucked out afterwards. But never feel as good as while writing.”
@Ernest Hemingway

“I have the same feeling when I walk in a very beautiful place that I have when I play and it goes right.”
@Jacqueline du Pre

“I swear, I end up feeling empty like you’ve taken something out of me and I have to search my body for scars.”
@Richard Siken

“Empathy is about standing in someone else’s shoes, feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes. Not only is empathy hard to outsource and automate, but it makes the world a better place.”
@Daniel H. Pink

“After all, you can’t truly be happy if you’ve never known pain. You can’t truly feel joy if you’ve never felt heartbreak. You can’t know what it’s like to be filled unless you’ve been empty.”
@Kelly Cutrone

“It’s a great feeling when your work is appreciated.”
@Jacqueline Fernandez

Feeling Empty Quotes about Life and Happiness
“An empty frame, in which the picture is always changing, makes a statement about how time is always passing. It doesn’t really stop, even in a single image. It just feels that way.”
@Sarah Dessen

“I tried to drown my sorrows, but the bastards learned how to swim, and now I am overwhelmed by this decent and good feeling.”
@Frida Kahlo

“And empty words are evil.”

“The feeling remains that God is on the journey, too.”
@Saint Teresa of Avila

“Paris is like a whore. From a distance she seems ravishing, you can’t wait until you have her in your arms. And five minutes later you feel empty, disgusted with yourself. You feel tricked.”
@Henry Miller

“A smile is so sexy, yet so warm. When someone genuinely smiles at you, it’s the greatest feeling in the world.”
@Mandy Moore

“I have poured my heart out And now I am empty.”
@Ranata Suzuki

“Well-being cannot exist just in your own head. Well-being is a combination of feeling good as well as actually having meaning, good relationships and accomplishment.”
@Martin Seligman

“Sometimes I feel like a caretaker of a museum — a huge, empty museum where no one ever comes, and I’m watching over it for no one but myself.”
@Haruki Murakami

“I hate being manipulated by song. Don’t tell me what I should be feeling. I don’t want cellos or violins to be telling me that I should be bawling right now.”
@Vera Farmiga

“I have a sort of empty feeling; nothing in the world seems of sufficient importance to be worth the doing.”
@Bram Stoker
“If a man has been his mother’s undisputed darling he retains throughout life the triumphant feeling, the confidence in success, which not seldom brings actual success along with it.”
@Sigmund Freud
“I thought living dead girls couldn’t feel pain, thought I was emptied out but I’m not, I’m not.”
@Elizabeth Scott
“Until you have a son of your own… you will never know the joy, the love beyond feeling that resonates in the heart of a father as he looks upon his son.”
@Kent Nerburn
“When someone dies, it feels like the hole in your gum when a tooth falls out. You can chew, you can eat, you have plenty of other teeth, but your tongue keeps going back to that empty place, where all the nerves are still a little raw.”
@Jodi Picoult
“If you have the feeling that something is wrong, don’t be afraid to speak up.”
@Fred Korematsu
“Abby being in my room made it feel like home, and the emptiness no longer seemed right.”
@Jamie McGuire
“True compassion means not only feeling another’s pain but also being moved to help relieve it.”
@Daniel Goleman
“Long dormant feelings poured through my dried-up limbs and wound through me, slowly filling the emptiness. Like an irrigated field, I felt myself blossom and grow with new vigor. He was the sun, and the tenderness he showed me was life-giving water.”
@Colleen Houck
“It is my feeling that Time ripens all things; with Time all things are revealed; Time is the father of truth.”
@Francois Rabelais
Feeling Empty Inside Quotes Deep Meaning in English
“Fine. Such a stupid word really. It feels empty and weightless. It’s the kind of word you use to hide the truth.”
@Krista Ritchie
“I always believed that when you follow your heart or your gut when you really follow the things that feel great to you, you can never lose, because settling is the worst feeling in the world.”
“Maybe we feel empty because we leave pieces of ourselves in everything we used to love.”
@R. M. Drake
“Wonder is the feeling of the philosopher, and philosophy begins in wonder.”
“He dreamed of deserts and great empty cities and imagined he could feel the minutes and hours of his life running through him, as though he were nothing but an hourglass of flesh and bone.”
@Laini Taylor
“It’s good to test yourself and develop your talents and ambitions as fully as you can and achieve greater success, but I think success is the feeling you get from a job well done, and the key thing is to do the work.”
@Peter Thiel
“Just… ate,” M says, frowning at me a little. “Two days…ago.” I grab my stomach again. “Feel empty. Feel… dead.” He nods. “Marr…iage.”
@Isaac Marion
“When you put a lot of hard work into one goal and you achieve it, that’s a really good feeling.”
@Derek Jeter
“My chronic feelings of emptiness and boredom came from the fact that I was living a life based on my incapacities, which were numerous.”
@Susanna Kaysen
“Life changes so quickly. feeling grateful to be around such wonderful people to strengthen and grow with.”
@Riley Keough
“Crying was an acceptable outlet, even if it made you feel raw and empty inside, it was still better than that build-up of resentment that grew from not letting your emotions out. My Bestfriend’s Girl -”
@Dorothy Koomson
“A garden must combine the poetic and the mysterious with a feeling of serenity and joy.”
@Luis Barragan
“I could study you for a lifetime, carrying all your peculiarities and discretions in the webs of my spidery palms, and still feel empty-handed”
@Olivie Blake
“Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have.”
@Dale Carnegie
“And when you’re feeling empty, keep me memory, and leave out all the rest, leave out all the rest”
@Linkin Park
“Only a man who has felt ultimate despair is capable of feeling ultimate bliss.”
@Alexandre Dumas
“My heart’s been empty since you left – but still I refuse to put up a vacancy sign. I’m just not ready for anybody else to move in yet.”
@Ranata Suzuki
“My comeback was not about winning or losing; it was about the feeling of being able to compete at top level again.”
@Thomas Muster
“When a woman’s wave rises she feels she has an abundance of love to give, but when it falls she feels her inner emptiness and needs to be filled up with love.”
@Gray John
“As you get older, you want less from the world; you just want to experience it. Any barriers to feeling emotions get dismantled. And ordinary things become beautifully poetic.”
@Richard Linklater
I Feel Empty Quotes about Life Lessons and Mistakes
“Thinking about her was the same as the hole you keep on feeling with your tongue after you lose a tooth. Time after time, my mind kept going to that empty spot, the spot where I felt like she should be.”
@Kate DiCamillo
“Faith means living with uncertainty – feeling your way through life, letting your heart guide you like a lantern in the dark.”
@Dan Millman
“She wanted to feel him pound away her fears, a hammer to smash through all her guilt and pain and emptiness.”
@Lara Adrian
“If you’re happy, if you’re feeling good, then nothing else matters.”
@Robin Wright
“I didn’t feel empty. I wished I’d felt empty. … I wanted to be empty like an overturned pitcher. But I was full like a stone.”
@Jonathan Safran Foer
“I love that feeling of being in love, the effect of having butterflies when you wake up in the morning. That is special.”
@Jennifer Aniston
“Malevolence is born of negative feelings like loneliness and sadness and anger. It comes from an emptiness inside you that feels as if it’s been carved out with a knife, an emptiness you’re left with when something very important has been taken away from you”
@Ryu Murakami
“Someone who thinks the world is always cheating him is right. He is missing that wonderful feeling of trust in someone or something.”
@Eric Hoffer
“When I look at you, I feel like I’m looking at the other half of myself. You’ve filled the empty space in my soul, and because of that, you’re a Goddess to me. That’s the way I’m always going to treat you. For the rest of your life. I promise you that.”
@Gail McHugh
“It is easier to act yourself into a new way of feeling than to feel yourself into a new way of acting.”
@Harry Stack Sullivan
“In these moments, it always feels like my skin is too thin like everyone can see right inside me, can see my empty and dark insides.”
@Jasmine Warga
“Age is a matter of feeling, not of years.”
@Washington Irving
“Sometimes when we’re alone, he looks at me in a way that makes me feel empty when he looks away.”
@Colleen Hoover
“Seeing my friends succeed, find love, or just feeling content makes me feel unconditionally happy.”
@Troian Bellisario
“Half our mistakes in life arise from feeling where we ought to think, and thinking where we ought to feel.”
@John Churton Collins
“While we walking, while we breathing, we dying… I be really feeling like, even though we live to die, some people be dying to live.”
@Kodak Black
“How could someone with a life this full feel this empty?”
@Sarah Addison Allen
“Many people look at me and think they know me but they don’t at all. This is the real me. I am a humble person, a feeling person. A person who cares about others, who wants to help others.”
@Cristiano Ronaldo
“Love is not a feeling of happiness. Love is a willingness to sacrifice.”
@Michael Novak
“If I extend an empty hand and in retrieving it and finding it still empty, I feel disappointment, that is foolishness; yet if I extend a hand which is full and yet find no one to receive it, then that is hopelessness.”
@Kahlil Gibran
“I’m singing in the rain, just singing in the rain; What a wonderful feeling, I’m happy again.”
@Arthur Freed
“Now that im older i’m more aware of things that make me feel complete as a person. I’m trying to concentrate on those things as opposed to things that make feel empty”
@Mary-Kate Olsen
“Life is hard. It is. And it’s like, I don’t want anybody feeling any pain.”
@Bebe Rexha
“This afternoon held that special quality of mournful emptiness I’ve connected with late Sunday afternoons ever since childhood: the feeling of having nothing to do.”
@Margaret Atwood
“If it were possible to have a life absolutely free from every feeling of sin, what a terrifying vacuum it would be.”
@Cesare Pavese
“And this was why falling for the butterflies was never a good idea. I didn’t feel all bubbly and excited now. I felt cold and broken and empty. Rachel”
@Lindsey Kelk
“It’s a good feeling to know you’ve had a good day at work.”
@Adam Lallana
“When you’re in love, it’s not just about the messing around in the sack, it’s about how empty you feel when they’re gone.”
@Ozzy Osbourne
“It isn’t until you come to a spiritual understanding of who you are – not necessarily a religious feeling, but deep down, the spirit within – that you can begin to take control.”
@Oprah Winfrey
“She’d lost her fury, somewhere, as they’d talked. She didn’t feel it anymore. She wished she did, because she preferred it to the emptiness that had settled in its place.”
@Kristin Cashore
“Maybe we feel empty because we leave pieces of ourselves in all the things we used to love.”
@Robert M. Drake
“The feeling of friendship is like that of being comfortably filled with roast beef; love, like being enlivened with champagne.”
@Samuel Johnson
“When it’s like this, I don’t notice the cold. I don’t hear the wind howling through the empty spaces. I don’t feel like a small, broken-winged bird trapped in a rusty cage.”
@Sarah Ockler
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