113 Free Good Morning Spiritual Quotes For Him & Her to Start Your Day

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Today Good Morning Spiritual Quotes ideas

“There are two types of seed in the mind: Those that create anger, fear, frustration, jealousy, hatred, and those that create love, compassion, equanimity and joy. Spirituality is germination and sprouting of the second group and transforming the first group. Good Morning. have a beautiful day.”


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“Good Morning, my sweet guy! Today when you open your eyes, breathe deeply to nurture your soul and ignite your spiritual senses!


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“Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful.”


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“Good Morning, dear! May all your efforts be recognized, valued, and rewarded today!


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“Put stock in your heart that something awesome is going to happen. Love your Life. Have confidence in your own particular forces, your own particular potential, and in your own integrity. Wake each morning with the amazement of simply being alive. Experience this day well.”


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“Let your faith be bigger than your fears, have faith success will be near. Good Morning. Have a Great Day.


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“Confidently receive God’s abundant blessings. Think abundance, prosperity, and the best of everything.”

@Norman Vincent Peale

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“Life isn’t about what happens to us. It’s about how we perceive what happens to us. Good Morning.


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“God uses broken things beautifully; broken clouds pour rain, broken soil sets as fields, broken crop yield seeds, broken seeds give life to new plants. So when you feel you are broken, be rest assured that God is planning to utilize you for something great. Good Morning.”


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“Good Morning, my dear! May your heart fill up with kindness, generosity, and harmony today, so you can make others smile!


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Best Good Morning Spiritual Quotes for Her

  • Good morning, Mom! May you be the best mother that you can ever be!
  • Good morning, my daughter! May you grow in grace and beauty!
  • Have a bright morning! Don’t let darkness dampen your full potential!
  • You might not be a mom today, but tomorrow you might! Don’t give up, daughter! Have a great morning!
  • May God mold you into the woman that you were meant to be! Have a great morning!
  • May God be your everlasting light, as you go about your day! Good morning!
  • May God guide you and hold your hand, as you take on today’s duties.
  • You deserve to be happy, my love! May your morning make you shine bright like the sun!
  • I speak a blessing to you, darling! May your morning be special! And may the rest of your day be spectacular!
  • Trust in the Lord, and He will comfort you! Have a pleasant morning!
  • You are a woman with many dreams. May the Lord grant you your dreams! Good morning!
  • You are an amazing woman! May your morning and your day be just as amazing as you!
  • May you walk in peace and gratitude today, hon! You deserve it! Have a great morning!
  • May everyone speak a blessing to you, darling! Have a positive thought and a positive morning!
  • May your day bring you prosperity! No woman should beg for their daily bread! May the Lord bless your morning and your day!
  • Remember: Tomorrow is another day if today doesn’t work out. Keep a happy thought, and have a great morning!

“Knock, And He’ll open the door. Vanish, And He’ll make you shine like the sun. Fall, And He’ll raise you to the heavens. Become nothing, And He’ll turn you into everything.”

@Jalal Ad-Din Rumi

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“Believe in your heart that something wonderful is about to happen. Love your life. Believe in your own powers, and your own potential, and in your own goodness. Wake every morning with the awe of just being alive. Live this day well. Good Morning.”


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“Each morning, we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”


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“Dear God…Touch the people around me, and keep them happy and safe. Give them love, compassion, and care… Bless them all with good health, peace in mind, and kindness in their heart. Especially the ONE reading this message.”


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“More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. And More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate.”

@Roy T. Bennett

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“Time, power, money, and body may not cooperate every time in life, but good nature, good understanding, spiritual path, and true spirit will always cooperate in life….Good Morning. Have a nice day.”


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“What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.”

@Hans Urs von Balthasar

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“Learning is the start of riches, is the start of well-being, is the start of deep sense of being. Looking and learning is the place the supernatural occurrence process all starts.”

@Jim Rohn

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“When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love.”

@Marcus Aurelius

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Best Spiritual Good Morning Quotes

“You can give joyfully only when you have found something so valuable within yourself that everything else does not mean so much to you anymore. Good Morning. Have A Joyful Day!”


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“Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.”



“Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart. Good Morning.”



“Today’s a beautiful day, and yesterday was a beautiful day, so that means it’s a great life.”



“Good Morning. Let your soul expand, let your heart reach out to others in loving and generous warmth, and great and lasting will be your joy and prosperity will come to you.”



“Joy is always the result of God’s presence, God’s blessings, God’s justice, or the fellowship found with other believers.”

@Kristin N. Spencer


New Good Morning Spiritual Quotes For Him

  • Go forth, beloved, as you take on today’s challenges and work! Don’t be afraid to embrace anything that comes your way! Have a great morning!
  • Forever and always, my darling, may you wake up refreshed and ready for adventure!
  • Good morning, hon! May your day work out in your favor!
  • Don’t let troubles plague your day! May you have a great morning!
  • May your labors be light, as you go forth from your bright morning!
  • Don’t forget that tomorrow always brings something new! Have a happy morning!
  • Keep a happy thought, and have a great morning!
  • Don’t lose faith today! Renewed hope will always find you, no matter where you are! Have a happy and hopeful morning!
  • Good morning, Dad! I hope you have a great day today!
  • Good morning, son! I hope you do well in your school and work!
  • Good morning, cousin! Keep the love for your family going today and forever!
  • May the Lord make you the man that you were meant to be! Have an amazing morning!
  • May the Lord make you a role model at home, at school, or wherever! Seize the morning!
  • May the Lord make you into a protector of your home and your family! Have a great morning!
  • May the Lord make you prosperous, and not have you beg for your daily bread. Have a prosperous morning!
  • Good morning, friend! May your day be stress-free, as you do your daily tasks!

“Good Morning! Everything that God allows to come our way is always with a purpose. He uses even the greatest error and deepest pain to mold us into a better person.”



“Be grateful for who you are and whatever you have. Everything you have is a gift from God.”

@Rick Warren


“The best power you have on earth, regardless of whether you are a blessed messenger, a soul, a man or lady or child is to help other people.”

@Anne Rice


“I’m blessed and I thank God every day for everything that happens for me.”

@Lil Wayne


“God’s plan is always the best. Sometimes the process is painful and hard. But don’t forget that when God is silent, he’s doing something great for you.”



“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”

@Eleanor Roosevelt


“Positive thinking is not only about expecting the best to happen…but it is also about accepting whatever happens is for the best…Good Morning!”



“It is God’s will to bless us, but not necessarily on our terms. Sometimes what we think would be a wonderful blessing would not bless us at all.”

@Joyce Meyers


New Morning Spiritual Quotes Instagram

“Good Morning. Have a great day. You are a piece of creation. If you go against any other piece of creation, you are unknowingly going against yourself.”



“Good Morning, buddy! A wise person starts each day anew and does not ponder upon past errors. Dear friend, let us make the best out of each day and utilize every moment to learn from our mistakes!



“Everything is temporary! Emotions, thoughts, people and scenery. Do not become attached. Just flow with it. Good Morning. Have a great day.”



“The true beauty of life lies in the act of constantly moving forward toward one’s goals, no matter what the obstacles are. May you enjoy your life to the fullest, dear friend. Good Morning and have a great day ahead!



“A Healthy lifestyle is not just about what we eat, it is also what we consume emotionally, mentally and spiritually !! Good Morning.”



“Good Morning! A kind gesture earns you happiness that lasts a long time. So, friend, I hope you can be kind and humble towards everyone today!



“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you have imagined. Have a great day ahead!! Good Morning! Have a good day.”



Good Morning Spiritual Quote For Special One

  • May your mornings shine bright, as God guides your path today!
  • Good morning, my friend! Go forth in strength, courage, and grace!
  • May your mornings be filled with love, my love!
  • All things will go your way today, friends! Have a great morning!
  • Step out in victory today, my darling! Have a victorious day!
  • Remember the glory of God as you go about your day!
  • Good morning to you, my son! May your day be full of adventure and excitement!
  • Good morning to you, my daughter! May you blossom, as you go about your day!
  • Good morning, Mom! I hope you have a great day doing what you love to do!
  • Good morning, Dad! I hope you succeed in today’s labors!
  • It’s a beautiful morning today! I hope your day is beautiful too!
  • Good morning, friends! Let’s hope for a fun day today!
  • Good morning, angel! May the angels of Heaven watch over you as you go about your day!
  • Very good morning to you, child! May you excel in your studies and playing!
  • Go forth today in love and grace! Have a great morning, my love!
  • Set out in confidence, child! Let your good morning lead the way!
  • Have a blessed morning, my love! And may that blessing reach all the way to the end of the day, and after!
  • Don’t be discouraged today, my love! Today is a new day with more promise and more love! A very good morning to you!

“Friend, I hope you step out of bed with rejuvenated energy and renewed vigor to follow through with your daily chores fruitfully! Good Morning!



“Your honesty, your love, your compassion should come from your inner being, not from teachings and scriptures! Good Morning!”



“Good Morning, dear friend! May all your endeavors fall in the right places today!



Famous Spiritual Morning Quotes

“The greatest power you have on earth, whether you are an angel, a spirit, a man or woman or child is to help others.”

@Anne Rice


“Good Morning, friend! Let bygones be bygones and start your day afresh!



“The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there?”



“May today become a significant stepping stone for your future triumphs and lead you to the pinnacle of prosperity! Good Morning, friend!



“Every morning you have two options, continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase the. The choice is yours.”



“Good Morning, dear friend! Wishing you a sweet morning with cool breezes, warm coffee, and good thoughts! Have a fulfilling day ahead!



“Good Morning. May the glory of our savior strengthen you and may His grace shine upon you today and all days to follow.”



Good Morning Spiritual Quotes For Best Wishes

  • Good morning! Wishing you the best in whatever you do!
  • Morning blessings and wishes to you!
  • Have a great morning! Wishing you safe from harm, as you go about your day!
  • May the Lord bless you with many blessings today! Have a great morning!
  • May the Lord grant all of your wishes today!
  • You’ve worked very hard lately! May God see that your good wishes are a reality!
  • Have a great morning! And remember that if your wishes come true today, they might tomorrow!
  • May the Lord bless your day today!
  • Good morning! God’s tender loving care will see that your best wishes come true!
  • Have a magnificent morning, as God guides your feet with His hopeful light!
  • May God watch over you, and guard you today! Have a great morning!
  • May all of your wishes come true today! Have a pleasant morning!
  • May God sprinkle his blessings upon you, as you wake to start the day!
  • May God light a candle to grant you a special wish today!
  • Good morning! God will always ensure a new beginning, a new blessing, and granted wishes!
  • May God bless you with a perfect day! You deserve to have your wishes come true today!
  • May God answer your prayers today! Have a pleasant morning!
  • Today, you will rise to see your wishes come true! Have a fantastic morning!
  • May God’s divine power and grace grant you success! Have an amazing morning!

“Every morning you have two options, continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them. The choice is yours.



“Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. Good Morning. Have a beautiful day.”



Deep Good Morning Spiritual Quote

“Good Morning, my sweet guy! Today when you open your eyes, breathe deeply to nurture your soul and ignite your spiritual senses!



“When you see something beautiful in someone, tell them. It may take a second to say, but for them, it could last a lifetime. Have a great day!”



“When you come to a point where you have no need to impress anybody, Your Freedom will begin! – Good Morning.



“When you come to a point where you have no need to impress anybody, Your Freedom will begin! – Good Morning.”



“My love, there is nothing more relaxing and peaceful than the silence of the early mornings. Rise and enjoy nature! Good Morning!



“Prayer is the most important conversation of the day. Take it to God before you take it to anyone else. Good Morning.”



“Things always have a way of working out. Never underestimate the power of prayer, faith, and love. Good Morning.



“Things always have a way of working out. Never underestimate the power of prayer, faith, and love. Good Morning.”



“The fresh air outside calls for you to wake up and start your day with optimism and confidence! Good Morning, love!



“You give me strength, you give me just what I need and I can feel the hope that’s rising in me. It’s A Good Morning.”



“Dear, Good Morning! Make small steps towards your dreams but never halt your pace!



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