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Today It Ends with Us Quotes ideas
“There is no such thing as bad people. We’re all just people who sometimes do bad things.”

“It’s not a person’s actions that hurt the most. It’s the love. If there was no love attached to the action, the pain would be a little easier to bear.”
@Colleen Hoover

“It stops here. With me and you. It ends with us.”
@Colleen Hoover

“Sometimes, even grown women need their mother’s comfort so we can just take a break from having to be strong all the time.”
@Colleen Hoover

“All humans make mistakes. What determines a person’s character aren’t the mistakes we make. It’s how we take those mistakes and turn them into lessons rather than excuses.”
@Colleen Hoover

“In the future, if by some miracle you ever find yourself in the position to fall in love again . . . fall in love with me.”
@Colleen Hoover

“He pulls back to look down at me and when he sees my tears, he brings his hands up to my cheeks. “In the future… if by some miracle you ever find yourself in the position to fall in love again… fall in love with me.”
@Colleen Hoover

“Sometimes it seems easier to just keep running in the same familiar circles, rather than facing the fear of jumping and possibly not landing on your feet.”
@Colleen Hoover

“You can stop swimming now, Lily. We finally reached the shore.”
@Colleen Hoover

“It takes an astronomical amount of pain and courage to disrupt a familiar pattern.”
@Colleen Hoover

“Just because someone hurts you doesn’t mean you can simply stop loving them. It’s not a person’s actions that hurt the most. It’s love. If there was no love attached to the action, the pain would be a little easier to bear.”
@Colleen Hoover

“Cycles exist because they are excruciating to break.”
@Colleen Hoover

“Just because we didn’t end up on the same wave, doesn’t mean we aren’t still a part of the same ocean.”
@Colleen Hoover

“I think about how sometimes, no matter how convinced you are that your life will turn out a certain way, all that certainty can be washed away with a simple change in tide. ”
@Colleen Hoover

“Fifteen seconds. That’s all it takes to completely change everything about a person. Fifteen.”
@Colleen Hoover

“We’ll still give them what they want, of course. But we’ll also give them what they don’t know they want.”
@Colleen Hoover

“Naked truths aren’t always pretty.”
@Colleen Hoover

“Sometimes we have to share it with the people who love us so we don’t come crashing down from the weight of it all. But I can’t help you unless I know you need it. Ask me for help. We’ll get through this, I know we can.”
@Colleen Hoover

“In the future… if by some miracle you ever find yourself in the position to fall in love again… fall in love with me.” He presses his lips against my forehead. “You’re still my favorite person, Lily. Always will be.”
@Colleen Hoover

“You’re only human. And as humans, we can’t expect to shoulder all of our pain.”
@Colleen Hoover

Short It Ends with Us Ending Quotes
“I feel like everyone fakes who they really are, when deep down we’re all equal amounts of screwed up. Some of us are just better at hiding it than others.”
@Colleen Hoover

“Sometimes an unexpected wave comes along, sucks you up and refuses to spit you back out. Ryle is my unexpected tidal wave, and right now I’m skimming the beautiful surface.”
@Colleen Hoover

“And as hard as this choice is, we break the pattern before the pattern breaks us.”
@Colleen Hoover

“All humans make mistakes. What determine a person’s character aren’t the mistakes we make. It is how we take those mistakes and turn them into lessons rather than excuses.”
@Colleen Hoover

“Life is a funny thing. We only get so many years to live it, so we have to do everything we can to make sure those years are as full as they can be. We shouldn’t waste time on things that might happen someday, or maybe even never.”
@Colleen Hoover

“Not a lot of people have the courage to say what they’re actually thinking.”
@Colleen Hoover

“I’ll keep pretending to swim, when really all I’m doing is floating. Barely keeping my head above water.”
@Colleen Hoover

“Maybe love isn’t something that comes full circle. It just ebbs and flows, in and out, just like the people in our lives”
@Colleen Hoover

“No one is exclusively bad, nor is anyone exclusively good. Some are just forced to work harder at suppressing the bad.”
@Colleen Hoover

“Just because someone hurts you doesn’t mean you can simply stop loving them. It’s not a person’s actions that hurt the most. It’s the love. If there was no love attached to the action, the pain would be a little easier to bear.”
@Colleen Hoover

“I think that’s one of the biggest signs a person has matured—knowing how to appreciate things that matter to others, even if they don’t matter very much to you.”
@Colleen Hoover

“I don’t know why I always feel like crying when I’m around him. When I think about him. When I read about him. It’s like my emotions are still tethered to him somehow and I can’t figure out how to cut the strings.”
@Colleen Hoover

“Preventing your heart from forgiving someone you love is actually a hell of a lot harder than simply forgiving them.”
@Colleen Hoover

“You don’t put pressure on me to be something I’m incapable of being. You accept me exactly how I am.”
@Colleen Hoover

“Lily, Atlas says just keep swimming. —Ellen DeGeneres”
@Colleen Hoover

“just keep swimming”
@Colleen Hoover

“I love it when the night sky makes me feel insignificant”.
@Colleen Hoover

“All humans make mistakes. What determines our character is whether we turn those mistakes into excuses or lessons.”
@Colleen Hoover

“I hope you defy the odds of most dreams and actually accomplish yours.”
@Colleen Hoover

“I want you so, so bad and I swear, once you have sex with me you’ll never hear from me again. I promise.”
@Colleen Hoover

Just Colleen Hoover Quotes
“You are my wife. I’m supposed to be the one who protects you from the monsters. I’m not supposed to be one.”
@Colleen Hoover

“In all the time we’ve spent together, I think we both sort of knew this wasn’t a forever thing. I’m not sure why, because I could easily love him that way.”
@Colleen Hoover

“You’re only human. And as humans, we can’t expect to shoulder all of our pain. Sometimes we have to share it with the people who love us so we don’t come crashing down from the weight of it all”
@Colleen Hoover

“Maybe love isn’t something that comes full circle. It just ebbs and flows, in and out, just like the people in our lives.”
@Colleen Hoover

“Sometimes even grown women need their mother’s comfort so we can just take a break from having to be strong all the time.”
@Colleen Hoover

“Preventing your heart from forgiving someone you love is actually a hell of a lot harder than simply forgiving them. I”
@Colleen Hoover

“Shouldn’t there be more distaste in our mouths for the abusers than for those who continue to love the abusers?”
@Colleen Hoover

“My whole life, I knew exactly what I’d do if a man ever treated me the way my father treated my mother. It was simple. I would leave and it would never happen again. But”
@Colleen Hoover

“Our eyes, locked together, speak more naked truths than our mouths ever have.”
@Colleen Hoover

“I don’t like that I was never fully able to let go of him, no matter how hard I tried.”
@Colleen Hoover

“But sometimes you can’t control where your mind goes. You just have to train it not to go there anymore.”
@Colleen Hoover
“Don’t tempt the scorpion if you don’t want to get stung.”
@Colleen Hoover
“As his daughter, I loved him. But as a human, I hated him.”
@Colleen Hoover
“Did I mention he was wearing a onesie? I’m talking a legit, full-grown man in a SpongeBob onesie.”
@Colleen Hoover
“People spend so much time wondering why the women don’t leave. Where are all the people who wonder why the men are even abusive? Isn’t that where the only blame should be placed?”
@Colleen Hoover
“but sometimes the things that matter to you most are also the things that hurt you the most. And in order to get over that hurt, you have to sever all the extensions that keep you tethered to that pain.”
@Colleen Hoover
“That’s what fifteen minutes can do to a person. It can destroy them. It can save them.”
@Colleen Hoover
“it’s so twisted, it’s brilliant!”
@Colleen Hoover
“It’s not a person’s actions that hurt the most. It’s the love. If there was no love attached to the action, the pain would be a little easier to bear. He”
@Colleen Hoover
“I love him. I still do and I always will. He was a huge wave that left a lot of imprints on my life, and I’ll feel the weight of that love until I die. I’ve accepted that.”
@Colleen Hoover
Famous It Ends with Us Excerpt Quotes
“My favorite conversations are the ones with no real answers.”
@Colleen Hoover
“I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. I don’t know why. At work, at home. All I can think about is how crazy it feels when I’m near you, and I need you to make it stop, Lily.” He stops pacing and faces me. “Please make it stop. Just once—that’s all it’ll take. I swear.”
@Colleen Hoover
“When life gets you down do you wanna know what you’ve gotta do? . . . Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.”
@Colleen Hoover
“I was too mad. I’m not even sure who I’m mad at. I just kept thinking about our country and the whole world and how screwed up it is that people don’t do more for each other”
@Colleen Hoover
“love him. I still do and I always will. He was a huge wave that left a lot of imprints on my life, and I’ll feel the weight of that love until I die. I’ve accepted that.”
@Colleen Hoover
“You touch her again, and I’ll cut you fcking hand off and shove it down your throat, you wortless piece of sht!”
@Colleen Hoover
“My choice helped me realize that sometimes the hardest decisions a person can make will most likely lead to the best outcomes.”
@Colleen Hoover
“I feel his voice in my stomach. That’s not good. Voices should stop at the ears, but sometimes- not very often at all, actually- a voice will penetrate past my ears and reverberate straight down through my body. He has one of those voices. Deep, confident, and a little bit like butter.”
@Colleen Hoover
“Maybe love isn’t something that comes full circle. It just ebbs and flows, in and out, just like the people in our lives. Just because we didn’t end up on the same wave, doesn’t mean we aren’t apart of the same ocean.”
@Colleen Hoover
“I’m just going to keep pretending to be okay. I’ll keep pretending to swim when really all I’m doing is floating. Barely keeping my head above water.”
@Colleen Hoover
Amazing Sequel to It Ends with Us Quotes
“Mom: A doctor, Lily? AND your own business? I want to be you when I grow up.”
@Colleen Hoover
“And sometimes when I feel that much emotion, something inside of me just snaps.”
@Colleen Hoover
“You warned me. You said one time with you wouldn’t be enough. You said you were like a drug. But you failed to tell me you were the most addictive kind.”
@Colleen Hoover
“When my life is good enough for you to be a part of it, I’ll come find you. But I don’t want you to wait around for me, because that might never happen.”
@Colleen Hoover
“I am a brave and bold businesswoman with zero fucks to give for men in scrubs.”
@Colleen Hoover
“Everyone deserves another chance. Especially the people who mean the most to you.”
@Colleen Hoover
“Until he comes back for me, I’m just going to keep pretending to be okay. I’ll keep pretending to swim, when really all I’m doing is floating. Barely keeping my head above water.”
@Colleen Hoover
“You’re the most important part of my life, Lily. I want to be what brings you happiness. Not what causes you to hurt.”
@Colleen Hoover
“Do you have any idea how many doors I’ve knocked on to find you?”
@Colleen Hoover
“I feel like everyone fakes who they are, when deep down we’re all equal amounts of screwed up. Some of us are just better at hiding it than others”
@Colleen Hoover
“And people like my father are the problem. Instead of helping others, people use the worst-case scenarios to excuse their own selfishness and greed.”
@Colleen Hoover
“The last thing you want to do is lose sight of your limit. Please don’t allow that to happen….. We all have a limit. What we’re willing to put up with before we break.”
@Colleen Hoover
“I smile, loving how his words feel against my skin. Inside my heart.”
@Colleen Hoover
“My heart is pounding like it wants out. I wish I could give it a way out. I’d set the mother-fucker free right now if I could.”
@Colleen Hoover
“Fifteen seconds. That’s all it takes to completely change everything about a person. Fifteen seconds that we’ll never get back.”
@Colleen Hoover
“A happy Atlas was near mind-blowing. It made me want to uncover every single thing about this world that he likes and give it all to him.”
@Colleen Hoover
“sometimes—not very often at all, actually—a voice will penetrate past my ears and reverberate straight down through my body.”
@Colleen Hoover
“I don’t know how he calmed me down without even talking, but he did. Some people just have a calming presence about them and he’s one of those people.”
@Colleen Hoover
“Atlas kept swimming, and look at him now. He swam all the way to the fucking Caribbean.”
@Colleen Hoover
“And when you love someone, seeing them sad also makes you sad.”
@Colleen Hoover
“I love it when the sky makes me feel insignificant.”
@Colleen Hoover
“Of course I want to succeed, but at this point I’m not even sure if that matters. I had a dream and I busted my ass to make it come true. Whatever happens after today is just icing on the cake.”
@Colleen Hoover
“I kiss her on the forehead and make her a promise. “It stops here. With me and you. It ends with us.”
@Colleen Hoover
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