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Today Jar Jar Binks Quotes ideas
“Desa nobody dare. The Gungan city is deserted. Some kinda fight, mesa tinks.”

“Thisa rescuin’ is hard jobbing.” – Jar Jar Binks

“Meesa make contact.” – Jar Jar Binks

“Rish loo manipulated mesa head thoughts with lies and da misinformation.”

“Thatsa looken like a Jedi robe.”

“Oh sorry. Mesa fix it. Whoa!”

“Beggin’ your highness what’sa he doing here?”

“More? More, did you spake?”

“With no—nutten mula to trade.”

“Wesa goen underwater, okeyday?”

Best Jar Jar Binks
“Ahhh, dissen cozy.”

“I’m just a Gungan and I don’t think I’m either.”

“Hello boyos.”

“Senator padme. Mesa palos here! Lookie, Lookie, senator. Desa Jedi arriven.”

“Lookee, Lookee, it’s a swamp planet just like home. Meesa have to get going.”

“Where wesa goin?”

“Deysa setten yousa up goen through da planet core? Bad bombing.”

“My tongue is fat. My tongue—wrench. Wrench. Where is da wrench? Oh, dare it is. Hey. Uh-oh. Uh, Ani. I’m stuck.”

“Icky, icky goo!”

“The queen’s a bein’ grossly nice. Mesa tinks, pitty hot.”

“Wait. Meesa eyeball’s stuck in the sleeve.”

“He’s a very, very good tongue grabbing.”

“Oh gooberfish.”

“I heard toydarians really like that, but I’m taking it. Thank you very much. I’m sure you’re finished with that.”

“I—here we go. And a whoo!”

“Hey yo, daddy, Captain Tarpals. Mesa back.”

“Thosen with good in their heart always passen too soon.”

“Wesa ganna die in here!”

“Yousa thinking yousa people ganna die?”

“Ah! Forget surrender. Weesa sun.”

Famous Jar Jar Binks Lines
“Hang on, three-so.”

“Mesa hatin’ crunching. That’s the last thing mesa wanting.”

“Careful, Ani. Careful, Ani!”

“Did he crash-ed?”

“Meesa knowing meesa be big help with the negotiations.”

“We musta hafta try and savin’ her.”

“Hmm—planning attack take a time.”

“Wheresa Ani? Hesa been gone mooie long time.”

“Mesa rescued you!”

“Mesa won’t let you down, senator.”

“So good bein home!”

“Mesa proposing a conceptual work of art to honor the Trade Federation.”

“Yousa okay, bogey?”

“Yousa might’n be sayin dat.”

“It’sa clear desa separatists made a pact wesa desa federation du trade. Senators, fellow felegates. In response to this direct threat to the republic, mesa propose that the senate give immediate emergency powers to the supreme chancellor.”

“Obi? Obi! Mesa so smilen to seein yousa!”

“Mesa no tink so. When in trouble, Gungans go to sacred places. Mesa show you. Come on. Mesa show you.”

“Mesa busten wit happiness seein yousa again, Ani.”

“Oh. Th-Thank you. Go.”

“Well, mesa more of a deep thinker.”

Top Jar Jar Quotes
“Representative Binks of Naboo.”
“What ‘yet’? Monsters out dare. Leak’n in here. All sink’n and no power? Whena yousa tinkin wesa in trouble?”
“Wesa need some kind of ride.”
“You should be thanking Masteren Mace.”
“Mesa just sharing my Gungan art with yousa and mesa.”
“Mesa caused mabbe one, two-y lettle bitty axadentes, huh? Yud-say boom da gassar, den crashin der boss’s heyblibber, den banished.”
“Deysa gone. Dey speeded away bombad fast.”
“Mesa never let anything happen to you, Queenie.”
“Something’s wrongo here.”
“Masteren Mace, theysa went this way!”
“Look mesa found a bang booma gun.”
“Oh, but it ‘tis. ‘Tis demanded by the gods, it ‘tis.”
“Mesa need to be brave.”
“Mesa needen some help back here!”
“No—ah ‘gain, Jar Jar. You—sa goin’ to da bosses. Yousa in big doo-doo dis time!”
“Mesa bet they’re bringing the Queenie this way.”
“Oh boy, Masteren Mace! Masteren Mace!”
“Howsa yousa creatin’ life?”
“Julia! Masteren mace, come quick!”
“And wesa good guys will triumph.”
”Yousa needs to do that—that thing—that big detachment thing.”
“Mesa already got one of those.”
“Well, wesa not let them have Queenie’s Force.”
“Ooh, mooey mooey, I love you!”
“Mesa getting a creepin’ feeling here.”
“Whysa you thinking they want Queenie so badly?”
“How wuude!”
“I’m just worried about the Queenie.”
“Whosa you supos’n this belongs to?”
“Oh, mesa sorry, Masteren Mace.”
Nice Jar Jar Binks Funny
“Whaten dey speaking?”
“Oh, maxi big the force! Well, that smells stinkerwhiff.”
“No again! No again! The beings hereabouts are kwazy! We shall be robbed and crunched!”
“But mesa doin’ nothing!”
“Gram flour is going to get messy! I do not see anyone!”
“If those droids attackin’ us, padme’s probably in trouble.”
“Millions will be starvin’ and dyin’ without your help.”
“Mesa called Jar Jar Binks, mesa your humble servant!”
“Gungans no dyin’ without a fight. Wesa warriors. Wesa got a grand army. That’s why you no likin’ us, mesa thinks.”
“Oh, boy. I’mma ganna be trained.”
“Ex-squeeze me, but the mostest safest place would be Gunga city. ‘Tis where I grew up. ‘Tis a hidden city.’”
“Monsters out there, leaking in here. Weesa all sinking and no power.”
“Yousa should follow me now, okeeday? My warning yous—Gungans no like outsiders. Don’t ‘spect a warm welcome.”
“Better dead here than deader in the core. Ye gods whatta meesa saying?”
“Shesa happy. Happier den mesa seein her in a longo time.”
“Hmmm—yousa point is well seen.”
“Oh yousa no creating life. Yousa taking life. Yousa poisoned the gungan water.”
“Dissen ganna be bery messy! Me no watchin!”
“Uh, on second thought, no. Not really, no.”
“Tis embarrassing, but, uh my afraid my’ve been banished. My forgotten, da bosses would do terrible tings to me. Terrible tings to me if me goen back dare.”
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