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Today Love is Hard Quotes ideas
“Was it hard?” I ask. Letting go?” Not as hard as holding on to something that wasn’t real.”

“You really love her don’t you,” she said. With all my heart.” She looked as sad as I’d ever seen her. What’s your heart telling you to do?” I don’t know.” Maybe”, she said gently,”You’re trying to hard to hear it.”
@Nicholas Sparks

“You asked why I couldn’t forgive you,” Nick said, very quietly, and I jumped a little. “It was because you were the love of my life, Harper. And you didn’t want to be. That’s hard to let go.”
@Kristan Higgins

“Loving you, Kellan is so easy, it’s effortless.” His smile matched mine, then I frowned and sighed “Trusting you…that’s the hard part”
@S.C. Stephens

“You curse a lot.” “Fuck you – I hardly curse at all.”
@Tere Michaels

“Well, it’s simple to love someone,” she said. “But it’s hard to know when you need to say it out loud.”
@Rebecca Stead

“I love you just the way you are but you don’t see you like I do. You shouldn’t try so hard to be perfect. Trust me, perfect should try to be you.”
@Bo Burnham

“His eyes searched mine. “Thank you.” “For What?” I loved the feel of his arms around me and how I fit against him, hard against soft. He trailed his fingers over my arm, and I was amazed by how he could make me shiver. “For everything,” he said.”
@Jennifer L. Armentrout

“Love is seeing an imperfect person perfectly.. and he is far from being perfect. But there’s something about him that captivates my heart.What’s so good about him anyway? Is it his radiant smile? His charisma? Maybe it’s his attractive face? I don’t know. But..I’m falling.. hard.”
@Bianca Bernardino

“The world’s a hard place, Danny. It don’t care. It don’t hate you and me, but it don’t love us, either. Terrible things happen in the world, and they’re things no one can explain. Good people die in bad, painful ways and leave the folks that love them all alone. Sometimes it seems like it’s only the bad people who stay healthy and prosper. The world don’t love you, but your momma does and so do I.”
@Stephen King

“Faith is why I’m here today and faith is why I made it through.”
@Jonathan Anthony Burkett

“You are perfect the way you are.” Blay’s voice was strong. “There is nothing wrong with who and what you have always been. I’m proud of you. And I love you. Now … and always.” Qhuinn’s vision got wavy. Hard-core. “I’m proud of you. And I love you,” Blay repeated. “Always. Forget about your old family … you have me now. I am your family.”
@J.R. Ward

“Promise me, Amelie, that you’ll crucify me with silver before you allow me to fall in love.” “I hardly think there’s any chance of that,” Amelie said. “I doubt you have the capacity.”
@Rachel Caine

“I think it’s hard for you to fall in love because you like control, and you can’t control what another person does or feels, so you keep all your cards.”
@Tarryn Fisher

“Little Bird, our love has been hard-earned from the very beginning. It is more precious to me than anything on earth. I can’t just let go of it. And I won’t stop fighting for it.” ~ Ian”
@Willow Aster

“You’re wrong. The mind is not like raindrops. It does not fall from the skies, it does not lose itself among other things. If you believe in me at all, then believe this: I promise you I will find it. Everything depends on this.” “I believe you,” she whispers after a moment. “Please find my mind.”
@Haruki Murakami

“I missed you so much,” she breathed. I tilted my head back and put my hands on her shoulders. I could hardly believe this was happening. I was finally getting to touch her. To kiss her. It was all happening. “I missed you, too.”
@Kieran Scott

“You don’t blast a heart open,” she said. “You coax and nurture it open, like the sun does to a rose.”
@Melody Beattie

“I never wanted him to feel the way I had as a child,” said Baghra. “So I taught him that he had no equal, that he was destined to bow to no man. I wanted him to be hard, to be strong. I taught him the lesson my mother and father taught me: to rely on no one. That love – fragile and fickle and raw – was nothing compared to power. He was a brilliant boy. He learned too well.”
@Leigh Bardugo

“…for you know that soft is stronger than hard, water stronger than rock, love stronger than force.” Vesadeva to Siddartha”
@Hermann Hesse

Love is Hard Quote
“If you throw yourself into danger for no reason again, you will have become nothing more than a Dauntless adrenaline junkie looking for a hit, and I’m not going to help you do it.” He spits the words out bitterly. “I love Tris the Divergent, who makes decisions apart from faction loyalty, who isn’t some faction archetype. But the Tris who’s trying as hard as she can to destroy herself… I can’t love her.”
@Veronica Roth

“Never,” said Gregor. “I’ll never get rid of you, no matter how hard I try.” It was no longer an effort to say the words. “I love you.” “I love you, too,” said Luxa. After that there was nothing left to say.”
@Suzanne Collins

“I’m cool right? There’s no lipstick left on me?” he asked, his smirk turning into a full-wated smile. “I love getting kissed by women who claim they don’t love me – makes my dick hard as a motherfucker.”
@Gail McHugh

“I love those dimples.” He hated the damn things, but if they made her happy, he’d be sure to smile like a dipshit more often.”
@Olivia Cunning

“Being in the habit of saying “Thank you,” of making sure that people receive attention so they know you value them, of not presuming that people will always be there–this is a good habit, regardless…make sure to give virtual and actual high-fives to those who rock and rock hard.”
@Sarah Wendell

“It’s hard to safeguard a genuine life course, when love tips over from endearing care into tedium, through laziness of imagination or loss of interest, and the storyline becomes barren and desolate, insipidly dull, turning into a threadbare act with the same trite modus operandi. “The same procedure as every year, James!” (“Things needing to be changed”)”
@Erik Pevernagie

“Love is simple. You fall and that’s it. You’ll work the other stuff out. You just gotta let yourself fall and have faith that someone will be there to catch you.” I didn’t want to do any falling. Falling usually led to meeting a hard surface in an unpleasant way.”
@Chelsea M. Cameron

“The more I learned the less I felt I knew you and I got lost counting stars, I fell dreaming. Sometimes I’d wander away. Maybe I wasn’t ready or maybe it was just a hard time to love. You always reminded me of home and I could never fathom the reasoning behind your smile. Perhaps one day, if we believe enough, we’ll find our way.”
@robert m drake

“Umm. Wow. Did it grow? Because it looks bigger.” “Kissin’ your red-hot love flower made this stem grow big and hard just for you, baby doll.” AJ managed to meet his eyes. “Love flower?” “Thought maybe you wanted some kinda sweet-talkin’ love words first.”
@Lorelei James

“It is so simple and easy to hate and so grueling and hard to love, when the emotional “love forever”- revelation has become a crumbling “love never, ever again”- crack-up. There is no route back to a paradise lost, when the bonds of trust have, irrevocably, been blasted. (“Another empty room”)”
@Erik Pevernagie

“The world is hard because you may wake up today but not tomorrow. And yet no one will accept “fear of death and a futile existence” as a reasonable excuse to miss work. The world is hard because you will have to fight for the things you love or worse, fight the things you love.”
@Iain Thomas

“When people are missing out in their choices and cannot make a distinction between cheery, witty, funny, filthy or scurrilous walks of life, they will have a hard time to inhabit a pleasing and enriching life; and to integrate into a world of understanding and recognition.”
@Erik Pevernagie

“I’m sorry. It’s Hard for me. I do love you,” she said quietly. “Sometimes it scares me because you’re the first. And the only” He held her there until he was sure he could speak, then eased her back, looked into her eyes “You’ve chaged my life. Become my life.” He touched his lips to hers, let the kiss deepen slowly, silkily. “I need you”
@J.D. Robb

“You’re in love with her, aren’t you?” I pause. Am I? I sign and clasp my hands behind my head, not sure what to say. “I’m trying so hard not to be,” I say quietly, admitting it to myself for the first time.”
@Colleen Hoover

“Pretentious.” “So? I love pretentious people!” “Why?” “They try so hard to be interesting, you don’t have to do any work.”
@J.C. Lillis

True Love is Hard to Find Quotes
“It was Mina this whole time, wasn’t it?” I give him the only thing I can: the cold, hard truth. The one that’ll rewrite every memory he has – of him and me, her and me, the two of them, all three of us: “It’ll always be Mina.”
@Tess Sharpe

“It’s so hard for anyone to show us how we look, and so hard for us to show anyone how we feel”
@John Green Paper Towns

“Ethan extended his hand. “Mr. Merit. Thank you for your help.” My grandfather shook his hand, but he also shook his head. “Thank your Sentinel. She’s a fine representative of your House.” Ethan looked at me, pride-and love?-in his eyes. “We’re in agreement there.”
@Chloe Neill

“Why does she want me?” Coraline asked the cat. “Why does she want me to stay here with her?” “She wants something to love, I think,” said the cat. “Something that isn’t her. She might want something to eat as well. It’s hard to tell with creatures like that.”
@Neil Gaiman

“I’d never dreamed anybody could love me the way he did. And even when he proved it to me time and again – I still could hardly believe it was true.”
@Ranata Suzuki

“They say the truth hurts. And these words hurt more than any I have ever written. But they are the truth – The cold, hard, undeniable truth. Not letting go doesn’t keep him with you. It’s still over. He’s still gone. … And nothing will ever change that.”
@Ranata Suzuki

“Find something you love and go for it with all your heart. No excuses, no plan B. Never settle for anything less than you know you can do. It will be hard, but I promise it will be worth it.”
@Charlotte Eriksson

“Water can be as hard as ice and as soft as fog, which is why my love is so drinkable, because it is fluid and forgiving. It’s easy to love until there’s nothing left. Eventually, the water runs out, the ice melts, and the fog fades into an abyss. -Jarod Kintz and Karen Quan”
@Jarod Kintz

“I’m not scared because I can’t give you my love in return, I’m scared because I love you so much sometimes it’s hard to breathe.” […] “Everything I have to give, it’s yours. It’s always been yours.”
@T.E. Sivec

“She gave me a hard look. “No one likes a wiseass, Harry.” “Are you kidding? As long as the wiseass is talking to someone else, people love ’em.”
@Jim Butcher

“He hugged her hard. “I love you. My life is so much better with you in it than out of it.”
@Cindy Gerard

“I miss your face. That big bright smile. You always had it, in any weather. It’s hard for me to find one these days. These cold November days. Except when I think of you.”
@Kellie Elmore

“It’s hard loving those who don’t much like themselves: “If you’re so great, why would you think I’m so great.”
@Alain de Botton

“I’m going to go,” he said. “All right.” He didn’t move. Then: “I don’t want to.” “Do it anyway.” He chuckled. “You’re a hard woman, Faith Devlin.” “Hardy.” “I didn’t know him. He isn’t real to me. Did you love him?” “Yes.” But not the way I love you. Never like that.”
@Linda Howard

“At the door, Audrey called, “Are you coming?” “No, just breathing hard, love.” He glanced at her and was rewarded by an outraged glare, followed by, “Oh, my God!”
@Ilona Andrews

Love is Hard Quotes and Sayings
“Will you tell me how long you have loved him?” “It has been coming on so gradually, that I hardly know when it began.”
@Jane Austen
“This love is hard core. Let’s make it soft porn.”
@Arzum Uzun
“I love him. So much. To the point where you won’t understand. You don’t get it because I don’t get it. It’s there. It exists. It flows. It moves like rapids through my veins. Comes with bursts and occasionally fades with the day, but it’s always there. And when you find love like that, you don’t want to give it up. But sometimes you have to and sometimes you have to give it to someone else. That’s the hard part.”
@Dominic Riccitello
“With you in my life I felt like I could conquer anything. It was as if I was on top of the world and even the stars themselves were just within my grasp. But without you …. even getting through the day is hard.”
@Ranata Suzuki
“Life is hard, unfair, painful. But life is also guaranteed – one hundred percent, no doubt, no question – to offer unexpected and sudden moments of beauty, joy, love, acceptance, euphoria.” The good stuff. It is our ability to recognize and then hold on to the moments of good stuff that allows us to survive, even thrive. And when we can share the beauty, hope is restored.”
@Nina Sankovitch
“Dear Torina, I can’t face the idea of sacrificing you to this danger. You must stay alive.” He caressed her cheek. “Hear me,” he went on. “Even if you feel only friendship, Torina, I’ve loved you since the day you helped me to my feet. I tried so hard to stop. Then I thought you were dead, and my life hurt every day.”
@Victoria Hanley
“I’ll always be with you, inside and out,” she reads. “Through hard times and helpless ones, through love, through doubt.”
@Jessica Sorensen
“I love you,” he said, his lips grazing against hers. “And I will love you, no matter what the future brings. No matter how hard I need to fight. I will always love you.” The words undid her, broke her apart completely, then forged her into something new. Something stronger. Something better.”
@Danielle L. Jensen
Love is Hard But Worth it Quotes
“I have been hurt so bad and I still love so hard, I admire my heart for that.”
@Alexandra Elle
“But I hardly hear anyone, because Trevor is kissing me and whispering, over and over, “I love you, Chas. I love you, I love you, I love you.”
@Kristan Higgins
“Nobody think about that broken heart… life goes on, broken heart never join together but it tries very hard to get joined again. That;swhy may be it said “Heart is like a mirror, if its broken can never be joined.”
@Shahid Islam
“Pain and love cannot be in the same space. You can never love anyone in pain. You cannot truly love yourself in pain. The more pain you carry in your heart, the harder it becomes to love anyone including yourself.”
@Kemi Sogunle
“Not all were joyful tales; we needed to acknowledge that love was not just kisses, smiles, and fulfillment, but also sacrifice, compromise, and hard work.”
@Juliet Marillier
“How can you say you’re not in love with Hell?” “Because I’m not in love with Hell.” See? Not hard to say at all. It’s true, isn’t it? “Delusional much?”
@Jet Mykles
“His hands on the sides of her face, on her neck, holding her there. “Chessie…shit, Chessie, I love you so bad.” His teeth on her throat, biting hard, his lips soothing the spot. “So fucking much, so…so bad.”
@Stacia Kane
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