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Today Tyler the Creator Quotes ideas
“I think, if I had a dad, I would have gone the normal college route. I’m so stoked my life panned out how it was.”

“I try to tell all the – not even the kids, even people older than me – to just be themselves. Don’t wear what I wear ’cause I wear it; wear what you like.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“Youth is something I never wanna take for granted. I just want to smile and live life.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I don’t really listen to rap; I just like to rap.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“Wherever my curiosity takes me, I follow. If I fckng hate it, I’m on to the next thing. A lot of people don’t move like that and it just boggles my mind. It’s like a math problem I can’t comprehend.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I don’t like people around me sad. I like making people happy.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I’m an optimistic guy. I’m one of those big dreamers. I’m one of those kids with that annoying imagination.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I can grab the fireworks, the soda, all the cookies we can eat. Make you nauseous but be cautious, this is not Dawson’s Creek.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“They say success is the best revenge so I beat DeShay up with the stack of magazines I’m in.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“You make my earth quake.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I like my raps, but I’m never too happy with some of ’em because I feel like they could be better.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“In school I was the one thinking outside of boxes, so everybody in them would say I got problems.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“It’s actually beautiful that we’re aware of this superpower that we have where we’re just us, no matter what. We don’t get nervous in front of people. We look in the mirror and we’re okay with it.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I was just such an erratic, wild personality….When you finally find someone to listen to you after years of not being taken seriously, you hold that sh*t to your heart.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I’m going harder than coming out of the closet to conservative Christian fathers.”
@Tyler, the Creator

”I want to design jewelry for girls and guys… I’ma spread it out, but I’ma design, probably when I’m just designing furniture and buildings, I’ll probably being the jewelry thing, too.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“Humans have voids, and you need things to fill voids. I didn’t have a dad to fill that male model void, so when I heard Eminem or freaking seen Dave Chappelle, that’s what I gravitated to.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I don’t really listen to rap; I just like to rap.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“Rap is really just too conventional. Everybody does the same thing. No one ever pushes the box.”
@Tyler, the Creator

”I think, if I had a dad, I would have went the normal college route. I’m so stoked my life panned out how it was.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“Hawthorne sucks. It’s a crazy place, and I’m happy that I was the weird one that got out.”
@Tyler, the Creator

”I just live life. I grew up in a Christian family, but, you know, the way Mom brought me up is to, you know, do you, to always be yourself.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I never want to grow up.”
@Tyler, the Creator

”I try to tell all the – not even the kids, even people older than me – to just be themselves. Don’t wear what I wear ’cause I wear it; wear what you like”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I’m a fckng walking paradox—no I’m not.”
@Tyler, the Creator

”I want to make as much money as I possibly can so that when my day comes, my mother and sister is fine. My close friends are fine. They don’t have to worry about anything ever again”
@Tyler, the Creator

“Don’t be scared of color.”
@Tyler, the Creator

”I don’t like people around me sad. I like making people happy.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I’m a big ‘Goosebumps’ fan, ‘Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes.’ My favorites are the pick-your-own-death ones.”
@Tyler, the Creator

”If the world was ending, I think I would grab some Cinnamon Toast Crunch, a bunch of water, and I’d probably just… I’d probably go crazy.”
@Tyler, the Creator

Short Tyler the Creator Fun Quotes
“I’m a pretty nice dude. I have fun, and people take it the wrong way.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I slipped myself some pink Xannies/And danced around the house in all-over print panties.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“And this is where the story and confusion begin, ‘cause I was in Nirvana but I had to pretend that I wasn’t.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I like my raps but I’m never too happy with some of ’em because I feel like they could be better. But every time I hear my flow on that song I wow myself.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“Next line will have ‘em like, ‘Whoa.’ I’ve been kissing white boys since 2004.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I want the cheesy dates at the movies, the stupid walks at the beach, and sharing straws in a cup”
@Tyler, the Creator

“To me, Sid Vicious is cool. Super chill.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I’m a really, really, smart, multi-talented almost-genius, who’s very annoying.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“Do you know how weird it is knowing that I make a bunch of cheese while my friends can’t afford little pizzas from Little Caesar’s?”
@Tyler, the Creator

“The devil doesn’t wear Prada; I’m clearly in a — white tee.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I’m harder than DJ Khaled playing the quiet game.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I’m not a follower. I’m a leader. And anyone who speaks their mind is always criticised.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“Wayne’s cool. I ran into him at my hangout back home, and he’s just cool. I actually have this beat that I want him on, but I was too scared to get it to Clancy to get to them, but Wayne’s cool.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I’m going harder than coming out the closet to conservative Christian fathers.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I’m the loneliest man alive, but I keep on dancing to throw ’em off.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“Tell these black kids they can be who they are / dye your hair blue / shit, I’ll do it too.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“Ngg be like why didn’t my fav rapper blow up prolly cause he has the personality of a chair nggs be flat haha.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I’m a fucking walking paradox / no I’m not.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“There are people I really admire. But they influence me pretty heavy right now because my own style is still blossoming. So I’m not going to tell you who they are because then you’ll know where I’m stealing from.”
@Tyler, the Creator

“I want to take Justin Bieber for a month and just lock him up in a cage where we sit and make music. He’s one of the most successful people in the world, but his music could be so much tighter.”
@Tyler, the Creator

Best Tyler the Creator Quote
“Tell these black kids they can be who they are. Dye your hair blue. Sh*t, I’ll do it too.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I’m a smart, multi-talented, almost-genius, who’s very annoying.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“You’re good at being perfect, we’re good at being troubled.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Honestly, I’m a weak bitch. My punches are not good. I can run fast, but if I had to hold somebody from falling off a cliff, they’re going to die.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I just live life. I grew up in a Christian family, but you know, the way Mom brought me up is to, you know, do you—to always be yourself.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Do what the f**k makes you happy. Because in the end, who’s there? You.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“You gotta keep things fun. Laughing is really important to your health, believe it or not, so I guess I just always try to have fun and keep the energy alive.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“It’s beautiful that we’re aware of this superpower that we have where we’re just us, no matter what. We don’t get nervous in front of people. We look in the mirror and we’re okay with it.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I don’t smoke at all. I think that cigarettes are actually retarded. I don’t understand why people do that to themselves.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Evident that I’m the shit. I’m the pooh, Tigger’sigger dick. I got these cracker doctors saying, ‘Yeah Bob this nigger’s sick.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“People are more obsessed with the idea of failing than the idea of succeeding.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I bet you’ve never seen a pig fly. Well, you aren’t been looking through my eyes.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I was just such an erratic, wild personality. When you finally find someone to listen to you after years of not being taken seriously, you hold that sh*t to your heart.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“You have highlighted yourself lived about my highlights. Go to college, get a job, marry, have a kid, watch them grow, and then you die? No, ngay, fk the system!”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Do something productive, stay the f*ck off of Snapchat.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Losers can never win me. You can never offend me. My goal in life is a Grammy; hopefully, momy Emma will attend the ceremony with all my homies.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I try to tell all the—not even the kids, even people older than me—to just be themselves. Don’t wear what I wear ’cause I wear it—wear what you like.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I live I n my head and it makes sense to me.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Since day one, I’ve always wanted to make the prettiest sht that’s borderline boring or the hardest fckng sht. I’ve been trying to mix those together since my first album.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Being one is cool as hell, like having feelings, and sh*t, it’s tight.”
@Tyler, the Creator
Famous Tyler the Creator Funny Quotes
“I love talking about music. I’ll show you a song and break it down for 50 minutes. I’m a geek about it.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I just want everyone to be awesome. That’s all it is. I want everyone to be cool on their own.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I want to do films and have my name mentioned next to Wes Anderson and Quentin Tarantino. I don’t want my name mentioned next to other rappers at all.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Rap is rest too conventioneer body does the same thing. No one ever pushes the box.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“The thing is, I make music I like. So it’s just weird if someone says they don’t like it.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Usually, when I’m rapping, I’m creating a big story or a concept song that sounds like a movie to me.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Usually, when I’m rappin’, I’m creating a big story or a concept song that sounds like a movie to me.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I have not even killed myself yet, and I already want my life back.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I’m a really, really, smart, multi-talented, almost-genius, who’s very annoying.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“And this is where the story and confusion begin because I was in Nirvana but I had to pretend that I wasn’t.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I’m hungry for VMAs and Grammys. That’s my main goal.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Youth is something I never want to take for granted? I just want to smile and live life.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I don’t like being put in a box. I just make music, you know?”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I was 15 when I first drew that donut. Five years later, for our label. Yeah, we own it.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I don’t really listen to rap, I just like to rap.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Our relationship was like my music, chopped up, and screwed up.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I don’t have a therapist, so I use me as my own therapist when I’m making the music.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“My feelings about the lost and found.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“In school, I was the one thinking outside of boxes, so everybody in them would say I got problems.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I want to be your number one.”
@Tyler, the Creator
New Tyler the Creator Funny Pictures Quotes
“I tweet early in the morning when I wake up or late at night just to let you know that I have a show or what’s on my mind, and that’s it. I hate Snapchat and all of that. It’s making kids so stupid.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Running’ out of time to make you love me.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“What if my music is too weird for the masses and I’m only known for tweets more than beats?”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Can I have my heart back?”
@Tyler, the Creator
“My favorite songs are my favorite songs because they just feel like a certain moment, or a certain photo, just a snapshot for whatever three or four minutes the song is.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I finally got the courage to ask you on a date. So just say yes, let the future fall into place.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Named the album Cherry Bomb ’cause Greatest Hits sounded boring.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I think I’m falling in love, this time I think it’s for real.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“My lyrics aren’t offensive. Some people find everything offensive.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Being in love is cool as hell, like having feelings, and she*t, it’s tight.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I go on tour and it hurts, I miss the days when this was fun but now it turned into work.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“As is conventional. Everybody does the same thing. No one ever pushes the box.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I’m watching Freaks and Geeks, with the trampoline on the floor. I’m trying to cop the new McLaren with the vertical doors.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I don’t have a therapist, so misuse as my therapist when I’m making the music.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I never had a drink in my life. I don’t smoke or anything.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Usually, when I’m rapping, I’m creating a big story or a concept song that sounds like a movie to me.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“The devil doesn’t wear Prada—I’m clearly in a white tee.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Riding’ around town they goon feel this one.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Honestly, I’m a weak b*tch. My punches are not good. I can run fast, but if I had to hold somebody from falling off a cliff, they’re going to die.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I’m the loneliest man alive, but I keep on dancing to throw ’elm off.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Miscommunication is the number one cause of all problems. Communication is your bridge to other people. Without it, there’s nothing. So when it’s damaged, you have to solve all these problems it creates.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I can grab the fireworks, the soda sound all the cookies we can eat. Make you nauseous but be cautious, this is not Dawson’s Creek.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Mom is getting jealous, I see my manager more than I see her before.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Thanks to them crackers, my pockets are fatter than excess shit that’s weighing on Jasper.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I was sitting like, there’s nothing I want to buy. I was fully okay with life. It was nothing I was stressed about. I wasn’t sore nowhere. I’m financially good. Everyone around me is healthy. No grudges. The weather was great.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Sometimes you got to close a door to open a window.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I wasn’t shy, but I was really hyper. Nobody got my sense of humor. I was a black skater kid.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“When it comes to your perception of my shit I’m Hellen Heckler”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I slipped myself some pink Xannies and danced around the house in all-over print panties.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Spit sick shit like my saliva got rabies in it.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“If the world was ending, I think I would grab some Cinnamon Toast Crunch, a bunch of water, and I’d probably just—I’d probably go crazy.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Cause we really with the beef like closeted gay fathers.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I sold my soul to the Devil. Lucifer will have my soul.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“You’re always in my mind.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I just want everyone to be awesome. That’s all it is. I want everyone to be cool in their own way.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Cussing out Siri like a waitress with no patience.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Golf Media is basically my brain in one place. It does just about everything except cure asthma. If you find an app that cures asthma, definitely let me know.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“When it comes to the perfection of my shit I know you smell the RECTUM.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I think I’m cool. That’s all that matters.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I live life with no fear, except for the idea that one day you won’t be here.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Listening to Mac DeMarco, hanging out the roof window, switch to third gear, turbo.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I can make music that makes sense but does not means being stable.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I want to make as much money as I possibly can so that when my day comes, my mother and sister are fine.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“You live in my dream state. Relocate my fantasy I stay in reality.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“My close friends are fine. They don’t have to worry about anything ever again.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I want to sing, but my tone of voice is too deep to do what I want.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Do what the f*ck makes you happy. Because in the end, who’s there? You.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I just want everyone to be awesome. That’s all it is. I want everyone to be cool in their way.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I live in my own head and it all makes sense to me.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I live in my head and it all makes sense to me.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I do not want to make people around me unhappy. I like to make people happy.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I think people get caught up in having an identity.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I really want to sing, but my tone of voice is really too deep to do what I want.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Being in love is cool as hell, like having feelings and sh*t—it’s tight.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I’m not into fashion, but I like design. I wear the same shoes every day.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“You make my earthquake.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I want the cheesy dates at the movies, the stupid walks at the beach and sharing straws in a cup.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Somebody called me a homophobe. I’m not homophobic.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I’m not a follower. I’m a leader. And anyone who speaks their mind is always criticized.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“I’m not hip hop. I’m Tyler.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“Listen deeper than the music before you put it in the box.”
@Tyler, the Creator
“For the record, I don’t worship the Devil. I just hate religion.”
@Tyler, the Creator
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